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- remembers her mom :)
- her dad (hades) and her mom were always like "you gotta take care of your little brother" and she did/tried her best to.
- she joined the huntresses of artemis - or a elite private academy for girls - on a whim when they offered her a extended scholarship to her. she still sees nico on holidays and stuff, but...
- used to be a lot more shy/withdrawn but came out of her shell.
- very big sisterly, although she also wants to live her life for herself.
- knows she can be kinda selfish, but yk, you gotta be at times!
- very sweet and nice- although not to the point where it's too bad, and is kinda incredibly chill and laid back. she's willing to break a few rules as long as they aren't too bad.
- not easy to piss off and prob just shrugs things off easily, as long as they aren't too offensive.
- acts well put together.
- hates her dad! literally so fucking much. hes the only person in the world she hates.
- puts others ahead of herself, very brave.

``LEO HCS`` (cw for his backstory spoilers)

- still the class clown!
- still went through the foster system!
- ||his mom still died in a fire when he was still in the building... she managed to safe his life, but at the cost of her own.||
- his extended family is still fucking horrible too!
- always feels like the third wheel in everything, but tends to cover up his hurt feelings with jokes.
- very smart but doesn't give himself enough credit- plus people don't either since he's the definition of adhd and just, moves faster then he thinks.
- doesn't like campfires, strangely.
- was sent to the camp by the foster system in hopes he'll learn how to behave.
- probably hasn't really had real friends up to this point, since he's treated as a joke and as an extension of the group... like, hes there just because hes funny and he knows this and sorta assumes this for every friend circle he is.
- doesn't know how to put his trust into people since people are dickheads.
- never met his dad.
- damn thats a lot of coping mechanisms son!
- probably a closet bi, but tends to project his affections onto girls moreso then boys since mmm bad thoughts.
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