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unit 3-4 review part 2 (1450-1750)

states typically either traditional land based empires like abbasid, song, Aztec, helhi sultanate or small trading states such as swahili city states, Oman, and malacca.
states maintained power by controlling trade and fostering innovation and exchange.
Europe wants more trade with Asia but Italy and the ottoman empire is in the way who charge them taxes and money. this causes them to want to find another route which caused them to find america.
monarch solidified power over feudal lords and rival power structures by using taxes. Ivan IV oprichnina, Louis XIV nobles at Versailles, Henry VIII formation of the Anglican church. Increased trade with Asia created wealth that monarchs taxed trade and wealth to get rich. this created positions such as English justices of the peace and french intendants.
states sponsored innovation and exploration to find new ways to reach Asia. Portugal had Prince Henry's navigation school and caramel. Spain sponsored columbus's voyage, England had royal charters such as the Virginia company.
Change and continuity.
fall of the Aztec empire in 1521, cortes and indigenous allies. tenochtitlan became Mexico city. war was in Inca empire and mita system made for silver mining.
horses from Columbian exchange helped the natives in America make Cherokee more powerful as they became skilled horsemen and used the horses against the European colonists.
know the Columbian exchange
cash crop plantation rises in Americas and chattel slavery is introduced. Plantations of sugar are in Caribbean and brazil while cotton plantations are in American south
discovery of silver in Americas fuels global silver boom
Spanish transports silver, Portuguese transports spices
colonial hierarchies creates new elites in Americas as states impose strict social hierarchies often based on race. enslaved African and indigenous labor as African slave trade- chatel slavery and Indian mita system to work in silver mines.
mita system- exists under Inca empire and instead of taxing they used this which was labor tax. person would spend three months serving government and then 3 months serving god building temples, then 3 months serving community. Spanish use this for silver mining
hacienda system same like encomienda but natives could leave if needed to.
Encomienda system- state sponsored feudalism, native person would be serfs as long as colonist provided protection for natives.
and casts system in Spanish america
Colonial hierarchies created new elites such as in Europe where men found new opportunities for great wealth, joint stock companies in England and Netherlands were established. ​joint stock is a bunch of people coming together to invenst in the new world and decreases risk of investment because there are multiple shareholders.
mercantilism: economic theory trade generates wealth done by accumulation of profitable balances and government should protect economy of money makers.
1450-1600 renaissance, science revolution occurring.
economics, exchange, and trade is most common theme in DBQ's. know them and their effects.
powerful land based empires continue to dominate Asia cause trade and innovation
ottoman vs safavid war and Ottomans win cause cannons. After defeat, Safavid then adopts gunpowder.
Qing china with Emperor Kangxi creates dictionary
small states continue to benefit from trade, rise of African kingdoms. Kongo and asante kingdoms in africa
states used religion to unite their land.
Akhbar in Mughal empire was very tolerant towards other religions.
states used cultural practices to justify rule. Dominant religion/culture as power used in Qing Dynasty (Machu culture to Han Chinese) and Christianity in new world with requerimiento
exception is Akbar's divine faith (as a unifying force) in the Mughal empire tried to combine faith but it didn't work.
deism is also an example
states used cultural practices like art to justify rule as imperial portraits from Qing and England, art of Elizabeth England like in Shakespeare.
states also used monumental architecture in taj Mahal tomb of mughal emperor's wife and coricancha (inca temple of the sun). they flex their power and the fact that they have much money.
states employed bureaucrats to adminster provinces. Zamindars used in Mughal empire, Viceroys used in New Spain, salaried samurai used in Tokugawa japan.
*one document will be a visual which will be non text
states used minority groups as tools for notification. targeted minority groups to unite the majority as jews were expelled from England, France, Austria, Spain, Portugal, Italy, etc.
other states actively involved minority groups to make them loyal to the state. Ottomans invited jews to Constantinople, devshirme created Janissaries.
Indian ocean exchange continued to be main prize for trading states. comeptition between small trading states (Europeans vs Muslims) for control. Portugese-ottoman wars (1538-1559), Mombasa woman capture Portuguese fort Jesus. basically there were wars for Indian ocean trade.
cultural diffusion continued to shape states impacted by global trade as in voodoo/vodun in west Africa along with Sikhism (Islam and Hinduism)
some states isolated themselves to protect their culture such as Ming dynasty in china with zheng he voyages which were then dismantled after too much money been spent, and destruction of Ming treasure fleet after yongle emperor. Tokugawa shogunate in Japan also isolated themselves by banning Christian missionaries, only allowing the dutch to enter their territory tradewise. dutch trading port at Nagasaki. meiji restoration overthrows Tokugawa shogunate.

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