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I have been here for a couple of days on this account. I was here on another account previously, quite a while ago but I can't remember when exactly or for how long. I lost that account which is why I have this one now. I wanted to become a staff member because I saw a link in the chat that applications were open and I have always enjoyed leadership/authority roles and historically, I think I'm alright at them. Some people say I have a funny sense of humour which I suppose would help cement my position in the community to some degree!

People are sometimes toxic towards me in Rainbow Six: Siege if I'm doing badly, so I usually try to get them to calm down, if applicable, and ask them to stop being toxic. I will then make sure to spectate them when I am dead and say "unlucky" when they die or "nice" when they get a kill or do something valuable. The intention behind this is that they will be grateful for the support and hopefully remember that being nice to people makes them happy, and then if a similar situation happens they might give more constructive criticism. If their toxicity gets out of hand, I will just mute them as I know there is no point getting into a massive argument. If someone is being very toxic to someone else, I will advise them to mute the toxic player while also muting them myself.

I hope that this all makes sense although I do appreciate that it is a different game so things don't work exactly the same, and it might be hard to relate. If this is the case, please let me know and I'll be happy to try and remember a more Minecraft-based situation!

I lost a few items a couple of days ago when I fell off somebody else's island. They said it was their fault (as I was jumping around on ice while they were trying to break it under me, and I must have typed /is wrong or something because it didn't work) and gave me better gear than I had before. I felt a bit guilty about accepting it since it was a lot better than what I had before but it was still not their top gear and they seemed very willing to give it to me so I suppose it was handled well.

I haven't but if I did see that and was in a position to help them (ie. having generally the same standard or better items than the person who was griefed, or in a staff role) I would give them items and try to match the value of the items they lost if possible, and report/warn/punish the griefer depending on the level of permission I had. Of course, if I was at a high enough level of permission I would simply rollback the local area to make sure the victim receives exactly what they lost.

I usually adapt to changes quite well, I enjoy trying out new things, such as gamemodes or minigames, and if something that I enjoy is removed, I will probably be upset about it but I won't make a big fuss.

I want to be respected by the non-staff community as part of the staff team, and I want to been seen by the rest of the staff as an honest and trustworthy colleague, as that is what I will make every effort to be.

It's hard to say, I enjoy both for different reasons and of course efficiency comes much easier with enjoyment. If I am trying to solve a multifaceted problem then having team members can be very useful because we can take different parts of the problem, however for simpler problems I find that help from the same level of ability/permission/etc. as I am can sometimes get in the way.

I would ask them why they feel that way and apologise if they feel like I have harmed them through the alleged abuse. If they think I have harmed someone else then I would ask that other person what they think and continue in a similar fashion. If they don't listen to reason then I would have to call a mod (maybe junior, I guess you can tell me the details if I get accepted).

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