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Originally there was a a group of 6 young Elves (all around 50's) that started this endeavour nearly 400 years ago.

Luvon Glynran, was the one who convinced us all originally of the project, charming and erudite she was also our diplomat.
Othorion Hermaer, our crafter and business man, if he couldn't buy it for you he would learn how to make it for you.
Connak Fenthyra, was skilled in the ways of the wild, able to use his knowledge of nature to help rather than hinder, he was also a fairly decent tracker so long as they didn't go near cities.
Aywin Norkrana, was our warrior, skilled in martial defence (weapon/monk you choose), her desire to take the fight to the enemy made her formidable but also difficult work with.
Tarron Sylroris, our healer and adviser, especially when it came to dealing with local authorities and forces.

And then I Jora Naïlo I was to record our findings and seek out new knowledge which could help us, then teach the local populous what we had learned.

Our goal was help people get a better standard of live, a better live would lead to better work and better work for greater benefits for our empire but nothing more.
Our elders thought the plan not only a waste of time but also potentially dangerous, was if we were to hand them the notion of power which could lead to open revolt?
We assured them that would not happen and we would only teach them that which would make them better subjects.
Not completely won over, did not stop us but decreed that we would get no help from the empire.
Regardless we made our plans and set out the next week.

We wondered the region for many years, helping where we could we'd save a village from starving here, repelling an attack of bandits there.

I was never one for getting great attention, I would be there and record that of note and share with those in the group that sought the knowledge I kept. Most of my time was either in a pile of scrolls or books or looking over a set of ruins when the locals ever pointed them out. The others would work their craft among the people; Tarron saving a great many from an early grave, Othorion showing people either how to buy what they needed or sell what they make, Aywin leading those that fought off bandits, Luvon always talking to the elders of each village or city or the local empire Jarls trying to gain support.

Connak was much like myself, not bothered by people but those that did recognise the value of what he knew did show up on occasion, but he always found peace within the wild.

All the while Luvon was spreading the message of our cause, "we can help you live less painful lives", while most either ignored us or were mildly curious, some took offence to the idea that those from the empire could help them live better.

But over a few decades, there were a few who took what we came to offer, but the we never got more than a few dozen.

100 years in and frustrated with the lack of progress, it was decided that fact we kept wandering around meant we might not be easy to find, save those dedicated few.

We came across an unsettled area near a large lake and made our base there. As news of our new base spread more people came to seek our aid, but again a few more decades past Luvon grew frustrated again; convinced that she could make more of a difference among the people she convinced us that Aywin, Tarron, and herself would set out and come back regularly and report what had happened, Othorion, Connak, and myself we're to stay and help anyone that sought us out.

And that is how it went for a few years, but then the space between visits grew larger and until one day, Luvon and Aywin returned with disappointment hanging over them; asking where Tarron was we were told by Luvon that he had decided to set out on his own, tried of healing the sick and helping where he could rather than where and when Luvon decided.

This had caused further discussion in the group of whether what we were doing was what we had set out to do, sure things were still not best for people, but less people died from lack of food when the winter was harsh, the sick knew who or what could help them, even some cities had formed. but largely the people still were not living "better" in Luvon original plan, and fine plan it is, but progress had been very slow by even elven standards; but we were at a loss of what we could do different.

A few years later Luvon and Aywin left together again as normal trying to further our cause but never returned in person again, after nearly a decade they had sent a message that were doing what they could and would send word when we were needed, that word was never sent, and while I've heard tellings of them from time to time from traders and like, I've never seen them since then.

It was few years after that Othorion had decided that he would leave our camp, heading back to the empire to grow his trade and hone his craft better than what he could do here, we still talk via letter every few years, he's done well for himself from what I can tell and even started a family, he keeps trying to convince me to return to the empire and even though I state my reasons each time it does not dissuade him.

Connak and I remained, I was convinced of our cause and even if this land is a little rough, I find it very peaceful for my work.
Connak never stayed too long at base, always preferring the wilds and took what few people wish to learn his ways with him into the forest.

People still came to seek our groups aid and being the only one there most regularly I had to start deal with people, not my best skill, I did what we could basic healing with herbs and potions, but people wanted those that were well known; we had told those that came that we would hear from them one day and that they were welcome to stay and rest here until then, that was about 200 years ago.

Some people took the invitation stay wholeheartedly and even asked if that could setup more permanent structures to stay in after a few years, I gave no objection and only asked I be left in peace to continue my work.

The camp eventually became a village that you see now, with it own set of problems but nothing that could not be handled. I asked that they build new buildings away from the base so that now it's at the village edge, still more or less peaceful by the lake. The village runs itself really, I'm only there to advise the elder council and help when needed.

About 100 years ago Connak came back and collected the last of his belongings and declared he was going to the forest to stay, the village had grown too much for him and that he and a small group of his followers were going to setup a hollow deep within the woods. I bode him well and told him he could come see me if he ever needed anything from me. he has visited briefly a few times and seems in good health, we exchange knowledge as we used to or he brings me news of ruins deep in the forest, but it a visit from a friend is always welcome.

Over years I've gathered a large sum of knowledge, most of which is in my protected library below the base, but I want to be sure it's all ready for when we teach the people.

I've been here around 400 years now and never have I been called directly to any major action, until I got this letter asking for my attendance. I do not know the name who the letter is from but this might the word from Luvon long waited for; otherwise I'm not even sure how they came to know of me, I'm fairly sure I'm not known well outside the village. Only one way to find out for sure.

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