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Course Announcement → GAME 322.02 (Concept Art for Games)
Workspace hours/Stream Schedule and Information Open Dismiss
Hi everyone!

Here's the schedule for the promised streaming/workspace hours.

THIS SCHEDULE WILL BEGIN on 14 May (Thursday this week).

Since I have more Turkish students than foreign students, I'll have 1 stream where the main language will be English. BUT!! That doesn't mean I won't talk in English in other times :D Other streams, the main language will be Turkish, but everyone is always welcome to tune in and ask questions and ask for feedback.

These work hours are open to public, they are NOT a part of your class and they are NOT mandatory.

These stream hours are meant to provide a focused work environment for everyone and anyone. If you are having a hard time focusing on your work or projects alone at home (or from not being alone!), if you have a hard time scheduling or motivating yourself to get started on your projects, you may find it helpful to follow a set schedule to create a working space for yourselves.

Tuesday streams are different, it is my regular personal streaming time. Its main language is in Turkish, though English speakers are always welcome. And it's a stream where I focus on my weekly art challenges that I run on my Discord server.You are still welcome to tune in, but I will not be giving feedback on class work, though I may be able to answer simple questions.

You are welcome to work on any of your projects during these streams. As I mentioned above, these are not related to school work.

The streams will be 4hrs long and will run at

(No Twitch account is required to watch/listen to the stream. It's only required if you want to participate in the chat. If you want feedback on your work though, you'll have to point that out in the chat so I can check my emails to view your work.)

Anyone who needs a focused work environment is welcome, so if you know anyone outside of class who could find this helpful, let them know as well.

Best luck on your finals!

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Regards; Team

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