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All businesses have the same type of office, they all carry out certain activities. the only way the business operates effectively is by these activities. some of these activities that are common are: Answering the telephone , fling important papers , and preparing documents etc.

the role of an office is it's purpose and why it exist. the function of an office are the task and activities carry out there.

functions of an office
1 productivity (production) - the objective of any business is to combine resources to make or create goods or services that will satisfy the consumer, so that the business would make a profit.
what is a good ?
A good can be defined as any material objects that can be seen , touched or owned. For example : television sets , cellphones and car services.
what is a service?
A service is an intangible items. For example : insurance and transportation facilities. they can be bought and provide something useful for buyers ; but cannot be touch or brought home.
business owners invest in capital in order to inquire land , buildings , raw materials and equipment for purpose of carrying out there business preservative.
2 distribution of good and service - the office is at the center of how the business function depending on the signs of the business. some of these office provides specializes in certain tasks. Such as:
. Record Management office - responsible for advertising , testing , interviewing , background checking , deciding and hiring all staff that works in the business.
. The Accounts Office - responsible for the processing of all the money that comes into the business, also keeps account of money owned to the business debter and money owned by the business to its creditors.
. The Purchasing and Stop Control Department - responsible for buying raw materials that are inputs into the production process in keeping track of the process at hand.
.The Sales and Marketing Department - it communicates directly with customers in order to promote and sell the goods or services produced by the business.
.The Operation Dispatch and Transport Department - to ensure that the factory is working effectively. this dispatch and transport office will organize the distribution to the customers.

data is unprocessed information. (raw facts , events etc)

how offices are structure and organized
small offices may only have one person doing accounts and the other doing the calls and customer quires.
large offices may have several employees who would be doing accounts work but in separate departments. other departments may include administration , hr ,it, customer services , sales , etc.

Key Terms
* staff - deployment - This relates to a way that people are allocated various duties and responsibilities.
* A Subordinated - is someone below you in the organizational chart and for whom you are reasonable.
*The line manager - the director directly above you in the organizational chart and connect to you in a vertical line.
*span of control - means the number of subordinates a manager has to control.

this is where all equipment is stored in one area called the area surface office department. the following services can be centralize:
1 computing
2 filing
3 printing
4 copying
5 mailing
6 reception
7 telephone switchboard
1 staff becomes more specialized
2 more efficiently and exatable distribution of the work
3 equipment is not duplicated.
1 centralization system is slower
2 work can be boring for staff
3 its more difficult to keep files confidential

this is where the department has its own equipment. it involves disturbing office activities throughout the organization.
1 it is faster and reduces delays
2 it is more convenient to have equipment within the department

1 staff are less expert
2 there is duplication of equipment
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