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1)What did James see examining the machine?
James saw examining the machine : It had a boiler in which the steam was produced.At the bottom of the cylinder there were two valves. One valve let the steam into the cylider, another let a jet of cold water.The cold water colled the cylinder when the piston was at he top of the cylinder.
2)When did the first steam engines begin to appear and become more complex?
The first steam engines began to appear is the 17th century and in the middle of the 18th century they became more complex.
3) What take place as a result of the expansion of the mixture?
As a result of the expansion of the mixture of air and of fuel inside the cylinder pushes on the piston take place.
4)How is the power of heat engines produced?
The power of heat engines is produced as a result of burning or combustion of fuel inside the engine cylinders.
5)What kind of machines help man in his life and work?
Electrical , electronic and devices machines help man in his life and work.
6)What kind of new sources of power must man use?
Man must use new sources of power,such as atom and solar energy.
7)What types of engines are called internal-combustion engines?
A diesel engines are called internal-combustion engines.
8)What engine is called external-combustion engine?
The steam engine is called external-combustion engine.
9)Who is a designer of a diesel engine?
Rudolf Diesel is a designer of a diesel engine.
10)What is one of the main moving parts of an engine?
The piston is one of the basic moving parts of the engine.
11)What is the function of the crank mechanism?
The crank mechanism of function is: for controlling the motion of the piston the piston is connected to a crank mechanism.
12)What happens to the air inside the cylinder as result of its compression?
The air is compressed before the burning of fuel air produces much more power and fuel ignites by itself from the contach üith this very hot and compressed air
13)Where are combustion engines widely used?
Combustion engines are widely used in different branches of industry.
14)What are the advantages of modern diesel engine?
modern diesel engine the advantages are produces more power than other types of engines.
It is very compact,has a small size. It is light in weight and has a quick starting
15)What are the advantage of a two-stroke engine?
Two-stroke engine main advantage is low cost.
16)What are the two main types of engineering materials?
metals and non-metals the two main types of engineering materials.
17)What metals do you know?
İ know iron,copper,aluminium,tin,lead ,steel metals.
18)What is an alloy?
An alloy is a mixture of two or more metals melted together.
19)When did man begin to use metals in large quantities?
Only with the coming of the Industrial Revolution man began to use metals in large quantities.
20) What are the two types of plastic materials?
Thermoplastics and thermosets are the two types of plastic materials.
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