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Then she reached down, picked the boy up by his shirt front, and shook him until his teeth rattled. (1)
Then she said, “Now ain’t you ashamed of yourself?”
It is clear Mrs. Jones doesn’t have any empathy or kindness toward Roger because....
From Hannah Downs to Everyone:
How do we turn in the skill focus, though? Doing on paper and sending a picture of it to you?
From John Vanzie to Everyone:
where do i pit my answers
From Tracey Bly to Everyone:
FOCUS 2: Reread paragraphs 21–25. What emotional changes take place between Mrs. Jones and Roger over the course of these five paragraphs? Highlight the textual evidence. Use the annotation tool to explain the significance of these changes for Mrs. Jones and Roger.
One emotional change that takes place is that Mrs. Jones goes from anger toward the boy to calling him by name and ……
FOCUS 3= In paragraph 41, what does Mrs. Jones avoid asking Roger? Why do you think she does this? What does this tell you about her relationship with him at this point in the story? Highlight textual evidence and use the annotation tool to explain your ideas.
ANSWER:The woman did not ask the boy anything about where he lived, or his folks, or anything else that would embarrass him.
Her relationship is moving from foe to a friend. She’s being KIND.
From Ryley to Everyone:
4. At this point, she is generous to Roger, and gives him a second chance.
From Tracey Bly to Everyone:
FOCUS #4= Highlight the lines in paragraph 43 that may provide evidence of the story’s theme. Then use the annotation tool to explain how the evidence may suggest the possible message, or theme.
Life lesson: you should come by things the right way.
Theme: She was probably at a similar situation at one point in her life, so she passes on important life lessons because she has been kind. She forgave him and showed him kindness
FOCUS 5= How do Mrs. Jones and Roger interact with each other at the beginning of the story? How does their interaction change as the story progresses? How do these changes enable the characters to overcome the challenges of their first interaction? Highlight textual evidence and use the annotation tool to support your response.
At first, Roger is afraid of her. “If I turn you loose, will you run?” asked the woman. “Yes’m,” said the boy
Middle: He earns her trust : “And he did not want to be mistrusted now.” (37).
End….Roger learns….
From Ione Eaton to Everyone:
can we highlight three seperate things to explain the begigning, middle, ane end for question 5
From Ella Gardner to Everyone:
that’s what I’m doing
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