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(Comment String/'Chapter' one)
It had been literally only a day since Cloudystar became leader, /and most of the clan was already dead/. Next, Cloudystar chose /Thundermist/ of all cats as her deputy! Thunderhaze was terrible at everything! Stormypaw heard he almost died once! The clan was down to five cats! Stormypaw walked up to her leader, looking for answers. The medicine app realized how absolutely stupid Cloudystar must be to make a clan go to war with all the rouges, with sick cats. Cloudystar answered with a `It seemed like a good idea at the time! We had more cats than them!`
`Your supposed to be smart! Your our /leader/, Not a kit!` Stormypaw grumbled and walked off. Stormypaw hated how mouse-brained everyone in this clan was. Cloudystar was about as intelligent as a newborn kit, Thunderhaze was as clumsy as a mouse, Lightningmoor (According to Cloudystar) had a stupid little crush on Stormracer, and Stormracer always had the worst jokes.
(Comment String 2/'Chapter' 2)
Stormypaw Really, /Really/ hated Cloudystar. All thanks to his mentor, Lightningmoor. So the medicine cat liked someone. Well, and had a mate. And it was /Cloudystar/. Not Stormracer. It was a cover-up, wasn't it? Clodystar didn't think the medicine apprentice would find out, either. A huge mistake. Was he surrounded by mouse-brains? It sure felt like it. Well- Maybe he might, just /might/ forgive him if they let him name one of the kits. At least, he wouldn't tell the whole clan.
(Comment Chain/Chapter 3)
So it was time. Cloudystar finally had kits. Stormytalon became a full medicine cat in that time. The group of them, Cloudystar, Lightningmoor, and Stormytalon hid in the forest, as The medicine cat and leader revealed their three kits. Two were red, like Cloudystar's mother, Redfern. Redfern was long dead. The second was blue, like her father. Two toms and a she-kit. `So- Which one are you going to name?` Lightningmoor asked. Stormtalon thought for a bit. `The biggest one.` He said, finally choosing one of the red toms. `Is going to be. . . Olympuskit.` Cloudystar looked at him in confusion. `It's some kind of flower.` The medicine cat said. `Well- Maybe the middle one should be. . . Kryptonkit- A gemstone of some kind.` Lightningmoor mewed, naming the one that looked like him. `Then the youngest should be Rubykit.` Cloudystar flicked her tail.
(Comment String 4/Chapter 4)
Soon, The three kits were ready to become apprentices. Rubykit and his siblings lined up, waiting for their mother to say their new names. The leaf-bare was cold, but the kit was warmed by joy for the occasion. The clan gathered around, hearing the leader's call. `Today, three kits are old enough to become apprentices.` Cloudystar continued. Rubykit's hearing faded for a bit, then came back. `Olympuskit's mentor will be Thunderhaze. . .` `Rubykit has chosen the path of the medicine cat.` Cloudystar's tail flicked. He hoped his father was proud. He glanced over at Thunderhaze. `Rubykit, are you ready to enter the mysteries of StarClan as a medicine cat's apprentice?` The kit snapped her attention back to the leader. `I am!` He mewed excitedly. `Then your mentor will be Stormytalon.` Oh no, Not Stormytalon! He hoped it was Lightningmoor, he was much nicer than the younger medicine cat. `Lastly, Kryptonkit. Are you ready to start your apprentice training?` Rubykit stopped listening. Whatever, He was an apprentice now anyway. Trouble with mentors was nothing compared to the joy the new med app felt.
(Chapter 5/Comment String 5)
Rubypaw learned quickly, it was Stormytalon that was the problem. If his mentor was Lightningmoor, He would be a full medicine cat already! To the younger medicine cat, nothing he did was enough. He felt like he hated him. Thinking about it- Why shouldn't he hate the medicine apprentice? He was getting ahead of himself. Rubypaw tore the last stalk of catmint out of the ground and headed back to his den. He had to talk to his mother about it. She did this to him, and he would find out why. `Why did you give me Stormytalon? He hates me!` Rubypaw shot at the leader. `You were the one who wanted to be a medicine cat!` Cloudystar shot back. `You could of gave me Lightningmoor!` Cloudystar looked a little hurt. Maybe she would understand his pain. `You're to young to learn.` She muttered. `What do you mean 'Im to young!' I have a right to know!` The leader walked off without saying a word.
(Chapter/Comment String 6)
`Meet me in the forest at sundown- There's something I found out.` Kryptonpaw said urgently. What could be sooo important that she needed him? Well, he would find out at sundown anyway. When the time came, Rubypaw learned that Olympuspaw was also there. `So we're all here? Good.` Kryptonpaw scanned her siblings. `So- I overheard -` `Spied.` Olympuspaw interrupted. The she-cat then continued. `Fine. I 'spied' on Cloudystar and Stormracer talking. I heard something like- 'When should they learn the truth about their parents'. and I know they are talking about us.` `So what?` Rubypaw said, annoyed. `So, I don't think Thunderhaze is actually our dad.` Kryptonpaw answered. `What makes you think so?` Rubypaw asked. `Well- Think about it. Do any of us look remotely like Thunderhaze?` He asked. They both shook their heads. `Mhm. You two look like Redfern, our grandmother.` `So who do you think is our real father?` Olympuspaw asked. `Well- Who do I look like? Think of the blue cats in this clan.` Rubypaw and Olympuspaw looked at each other for a moment. `Lightningmoor` they said at the same time. Rubypaw realized what this meant- Look at the signs! Nobody gives an apprentice to their parents. They should of found this out earlier.
Stormytalon got the news the last sunrise. Couldn't of the kits of waited for their warrior ceremonies to learn? They were to smart for their own good, especially that little spy of a cat, Kryptonpaw.
They came out of nowhere. Stormytalon looked over the camp with Rubypaw at his side, watching the clan battle rouges. `I want to help them.` The apprentice said firmly. `Then go! I can take care of the injuries on my own.` The medicine cat said. `What about Lightningmoor?` `She's sleeping. You think it's a good idea to wake her up?` `Whatever. Im going anyway.` Why didn't the apprentice understand? Ever since he found out the truth, Rubypaw seemed to hate Stormytalon even more. Soon enough, the rouges were driven away. They were weak, for rouges anyway. Only three cats got hurt to the point where they needed the medicine cat. Rubypaw, with a scratch over his ear, Olympuspaw, with two scars over his nose, and Cloudystar, who was brutally injured. Maybe she would loose a life. Serves her right.
Rubypaw hadn't noticed it until it was right in front of his eyes- Stormracer had a mate, and it took her having kits to notice. There were a couple of them, each very cute. Did he look like that when he was join? So little? But the question existed, the question of who was Stormracer's mate. It was probably Thunderhaze. I mean, who else could it be? /Stormytalon?/ He doubted it. Well, no matter who's kits they were, They were pretty cute.
It was nearly Leaf-bare again when Olympuspaw /finally/ finished his training. Rubypaw was ready for so many moons, he lost count. At least he was becoming a medicine cat in his favorite season, Leaf-fall. `Rubypaw.` Cloudstar said. `You have waited long, and finally, it is time for you to become a medicine cat. Your new name will be Rubyear. Let StarClan remember you in a good way.` She said. Rubyear felt pride bloom in his heart. `Olympuspaw and Kryptonpaw. . .` The leader continued. The new medicine cat zoned out, thinking. Who was the father of Emeraldkit and Hurricanekit, Anyway? Their mother never told anyone. Rubyear tuned back in just in time to hear his littermate's new names. `Olympusshine and Kryptonflare.`
`There goes Kryptonflame, always looking for answers.` Olympusshine said to Rubyear when their sister went off with Stormchaser. `I bet the father's Thunderhaze.` The medicine cat challenged. `No way! It's got to be forbidden, or else Kryptonflame wouldn't feel like she needed to know!` `So who do /you/ think it is?` `I don't know! Maybe a rouge or something!` `I guess we'll find out when she comes back- If she's lucky.` Kryptonflame and Stormchaser came back sooner than expected. Well- The young warriors weren't expecting Emeraldkit and Hurricanekit's apprentice ceremonies. Rubyear zoned out for the ceremony, like he usually did. Its not like he was goiong to mentor one- There were already three medicine cats! And he was young anyways.
Stormytalon realized that Thunderhaze and Rubyear were getting a bit to. . . Close. He knew that they had a Father-Son kind of relationship, but even when the medicine cat was young, they weren't /this/ close anyway. The young tom just looked for appreciation from the deputy. Were they in some kind of relationship. . ? At least when he was with Stormchaser, he tried to make it subtle. Was every medicine cat breaking the code?
Rubyear looked at his brother, laying down. `Greencough.` He told his sister, Kryptonflame. `Will He live?` She said. `He should.` Olympusshine coughed. `He's a strong warrior. He's always been stronger than me, at least.` He fed the coughing warrior some more catmint. `I hope he lives` Emeraldpaw sniffled. `Im sure he will.` They sat by the resting warrior, Cloudystar, Lightningmoor, Rubyear, Kryptonflame and Emeraldpaw.
Soon, Cloudystar had gotten greencough. Olympusshine was healed by then, let it was to late. `She's on her last life.` Rubyear said for the clan to hear. The medicine den was full with the whole of the clan. The leader's breath narrowed, until it was gone. `I cant feel her breath anymore.` Lightningmoor sighed. `She's gone.` Everyone looked had, except for one cat. `Serves her right. She was a terrible leader, anyway.` Stormytalon hissed.
Rubyear paced around, waiting for Thunderstar's arrival. His ears perked as he heard the new leader's footsteps. He greeted the tom happily, and watched as his clanmate climb on the rock. He'd zone out, but still keep an ear out, so he knew what was going on. The deputy was to be Olympusshine, and Lightningmoor became an elder.
The next leaf-bare came, and with it, came another elder. And that new elder was Stormracer. Stormytalon wondered when he might go over there. Maybe soon. Maybe not.
Thunderstar hopped onto the clanrock for a meeting. `Clan meeting!` He yowled. Rubyear sat down, his ear flicking. `Today, Two apprentices are ready to become warriors!` Wow, how time went. The medicine cat zoned out, as usual. This time, he wasn't thinking about anything, really. Well, nothing that he didn't think about normally. Right in time, he came back. `Emeraldfall and Hurricanehawk.`
Things in SkyClan were very normal. Like- Nothing happened. Stormtalon sighed. Cats usually shouldn't ask for bad things but- Anything would be better. Maybe the chaos ended with Cloudystar's leadership. The medicine cat hung around the medicine den, bored. Maybe when Thunderstar's patrol came back, something would happen? Stormtalon's ear flicked. He heard footsteps coming into camp. The patrol was back. And- Why did he hear extra footsteps? He glanced over to the patrol- There were unknown cats! They had bands around their necks, and looked like kin. `Kittypets?` He thought out loud. Thunderstar nodded. `They wish to join.` `Ah.` The leader hopped on his rock to start a meeting. `Clan meeting!` He yowled, as cats gathered. `These four kittypets wish to join out clan. I have seen that they are worthy. Thor.` He said, glancing at the tom, `Do you swear to be loyal to SkyClan, and become a clan cat?` 'Thor' nodded. `Then from now on, You will be known as. . . Thorsun.`
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