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Good morning/afternoon ms flood and fellow student.
“Gender equality is not a woman’s issue, it is a human issue, it affects us all’ in theory this may be a very simple and basic quote however it may the most important and inspirational one you will ever hear.
(convey?) In my presentation i will discuss the importance of women empowerment and how it can lead to gender equality, i will talk about some of the most brave and inspirational women in history who made sacrifices in efforts to achieve gender equality.
By empowering women gender equality can be achieved
But what is women empowerment?
There is actually no common definition for women empowerment, however women empowerment is a phrase that is used to inspire, encouage, celebrate and motivate women. Women empowerment focuses on GIVING WOMEN THE POWER! It refers to increasing womens access and providing them with opportunities and resources they need to have power and control over their own lives so that they can become and do anything they want. Women empowerment increases their self worth, self dependance, their ability to affect change, and combat their oppression.

What is the importance of women empowerment?
Women empowerment is so important as it does not only affect women it has a major effect on everyone it improves the economy and society. It gives women political strength and confidence. Women empowerment is important for many reasons some: of which are
(its not just grea its ---)---- is so important for the following reasons

Underemployment and unemployment: women make up around 50% of the population a vast number of them are unemployed. Women are equally as talented and smart as men The economy suffers a lot because of the unequal opportunities for women in occupations,

economy loses out not treating women equally in workplaces - how? Wage gap

Economic and national development by providing women with the access to opportunities and resources they can use their skill to receive an income and support themselves and or their family. It will encourage them to become more independent and self reliant. It teaches women and girls how to become more financially independent.
When womens participate in all fields of life science politics and sports the country as a whole benefits because women contributing to the economy by paying taxes earning money and being a consumer as a result the gross national profit increases developing the economy

the next one is regarded as one of the main advantage of women empowerment this the overall development of society . This means that money earned by women helps the family in addition to the development of society.

Reduce Poverty: simply by providing and ensuring women and girls receive a good education can reduce poverty, this also contributes significantly to the family welfare and benefits families by giving them the ability to save and invest.

Self esteem and mental health: providing men and women with equal treatment in all aspects of life helps them develop a good mental health.

Personal goals and Inspiration: Women empowerment helps women realize their full potential and encourage them to strive to meet their goals and dreams. It allows women to take control of their lives in decision making and gives them more confidence and power it encourages them to be the best they can be and It inspires others: women empowerment inspires other girls and women to fight for their education, rights and equality. ---Examples of this are
Human rights: Empowering women help to deal with human right issues education and a safe working environment is a basic human right denying them of these rights is illegal in some countries. Everyone deserves to be treated kindly and respectfully. NATIONAL DEVELOPMET GOALS!!!!

Educated society: women empowerment encourages girls to go to school and to educate themselves this leads to increased levels of literacy. Women and girls should not only learn the basic subjects but should also be educated regarding hygiene and cleanliness. By providing them with this information they can understand the benefets of maintaining a clean hygienic environmet and strive toward it. Education hugely impacts and affects their lives aswell as the whole countries perspective in a positive way. Some girls are discouraged or not allowed to go to school and study this leads them to become illiterate and this can make it difficult for to find a job. Women should be allowed to study till the time she feels it is good for her. Will i talk bout negative.womens talents are wasted by denying them higher education however women should be able to choose to do higher studies if they wish .

Gender equality: Empowering women is important in trying to better the world by achieving gender equality. Gender equality can be achieved when women are able to compete in government, politics,learning institutions and leadership positions with their male counterparts.
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