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Notes -

full formative next week
summative 2 weeks after that (end of year grade)

Semantic field:

Bias- left wing and right wing
political bias it has
right wing=more traditional
left wing= interested in the minors of society, more tolerant and open

Detail, connotations, impact
techniques/textual features
what that enables the audience to imagine

more astute in identifying the audience
Tabloid = middle age and down, working class
broadsheet. = middle age up, middle class and up

grotesque, complicated vocabulary = broadsheet
article telling people about the danger in text = traditionalist, middle age, right wing view point

we like to read what we are going to believe
We read op ed which are similar to the what we are thinking about

connotations and imagery in more detail (raping, pillaging, savaging...) Not

join up your thinking more

What the purpose,
Purpose, audience, context

Link back to the golden thread

more secure on the tone/purpose

Even in very serious op-ed, there is a slightest humour

No 'I'. Analyse the way in which the writer is trying to achieve

Not just identify the techniques

link back to the purpose, how it speaks directly to the audience
Purpose-target audience

what emotion is trying to elicit

Never use I. just analyse the writer's opinion

the techniques are the same
in 3 weeks
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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Regards; Team

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