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Another way in which this extract shows Macbeth is deceptive is the language that Macbeth uses to foreshadow that he may kill for the crown. 'Fires' and 'desires' rhyme, which could show how he will try to make things go hand in hand and his future will until a certain point where things don't work out for him. 'Black and deep desires' has many plosives in the language, which could symbolise how he is ready to be violent in order to have his way. Often, the witches speak in plosives and also rhyme which could show how Macbeth is already starting to be affected by the witches' prophecies and already has trust built upon them. Macbeth calling Malcolm 'a step' dehumanises him, which again is saying how Macbeth doesn't see a human, but an object who he must defeat. 'Fires' has connotations of warmth but also evil which could foreshadow when he is described by Banquo as a 'serpent' later in the play. 'Serpent' connotes deceptiveness and danger which also links to when Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth 'look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under't'. These ideas all link to the theme of appearance vs reality which also link to the witches which again, shows how Macbeth has already been tricked in believing them and trusting them which also links to him losing his faith and believing in something new. However, 'desires' could also symbolise his wish for children which is further emphasised later in the play when he is King and wishes that he had children in order for them to be heirs to the throne. This creates a sense of sympathy for Macbeth but later that sympathy is gone when Macbeth only wants to be King. Shakespeare has done this in order to foreshadow what happens later when Macbeth's harmatia grows stronger and his vaulting ambition is evident in every action he does. Shakespeare might've done this to warn people of the consequences of treason and even thinking about plotting against the King and how God will punish you if you do so. All in all, this scene and the play as a whole shows Macbeth is deceptive as he speaks like the witches often and his vaulting ambition and ruthlessness is no longer seen in battle, but with his fellow comrades.
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