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ELÇİN MAHMUD Ümumi 8 TEL: (055) 3959796
Listen to the passage and answer
questions 1 – 6
1. What is the passage mainly about?
A) The ways of preparing desserts
B) An enjoyable dessert around the world
C) The development of refrigerators
D) The earliest kinds of ice cream
E) Useful substances
2. Which information is false according to the passage?
A) Ice cream is eaten at breakfast, lunch and dinner.
B) Nero ordered ice from the mountains in order to add
it into milk.
C) Ice cream is a cold dessert made from milk, sugar and
D) Air makes ice cream as hard as a rock.
E) Eating ice cream is good for blood pressure.
3. Choose the correct answer to the question according
to the passage.
Why isn’t ice cream hard?
A) Because there is air in it.
B) Because there is milk in it.
C) As it is rich in vitamins and calcium.
D) As there are useful substances in it.
E) Because it contains proteins and sugar.
4. Write your answer to the question according to the
What helped people to make ice-cream easily and
5. Complete the sentence according to the passage.
Eating ice cream is useful for … .
6. Complete the sentence with 2 words according to the
Being very expensive, only … could eat ice cream in the
7. Choose the correct variant.
As a result of natural disasters the number of ruined cities
and villages … .
1. have risen 2. has risen
3. are rising 4. is rising
A) 2,3 B) 2,4 C) 1,2 D) 3,4 E) 1,4
8. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
A) How many people holds this plane?
B) How many people does hold this plane?
C) How many people does this plane hold?
D) How many people this plane does hold?
E) How many people this plane holds?
9. Choose the correct variant.
The population of the country was 4 million 50 years
ago. Now it’s 8 million. The number of people has … .
A) fallen B) decreased
C) dropped D) gone down
E) doubled
10. Choose the correct preposition.
You can translate this article … the help of a dictionary.
A) of B) with C) from
D) into E) off
11. Choose the correct variant.
Brian hurt his leg and … take part in the competition.
A) couldn’t B) ought C) won’t be able
D) could E) would able to
12. Which line of words describes a person’s
A) lazy, cruel B) silly, tired
C) capable, greedy D) handsome, stout
E) courageous, brave
13. Choose the correct sentence in the Passive Voice.
The servant has already cleaned all the windows.
A) All the windows have already been cleaned by the
B) All the windows have already cleaned by the servant.
C) The servant already cleaned all the windows.
D) The servant had already cleaned all the windows.
E) All the windows were already cleaned by the servant.
14. Choose the correct variant.
Sandra had to speak to … people about the accident as
she wanted to get … information about it.
A) few, another B) a few, an
C) many, enough D) many, many
E) a lot, less
ELÇİN MAHMUD Ümumi 8 TEL: (055) 3959796
15. Choose the correct tense form.
The documents … by the manager last Monday.
A) will be signed B) have been signed
C) were signed D) are signed
E) are being signed
16. Choose the correct degree of the adverb.
Mr. Brown tried to speak … than ever.
A) most slowly B) slowly
C) very slowly D) much slowly
E) more slowly
17. Choose the correct variant.
I didn’t hear … them the truth.
A) her told B) she telling C) them to tell
D) her to tell E) her tell
18. Choose the correct pronouns.
We liked not only the village … but also … people.
A) itself, its B) itself, it
C) ourselves, it’s D) itself, it’s
E) ourselves, its
19. Choose the correct conjunction.
The problem was difficult enough. … Ben … his friends
could solve it.
A) Both … or B) Neither … or
C) Either … nor D) Either … and
E) Neither … nor
20. Complete the sentence.
I wanted to know … .
A) if was he always listened to
B) when they have to do much work
C) have these good been paid for
D) when wasn’t he invited
E) if they had been congratulated on their success
21.Choose the correct variant.
A) How bright sky is it today!
B) What a bright sky is it today!
C) How bright the sky is today!
D) What the bright sky is today!
E) How bright is the sky today!
22. Choose the correct form of the verb.
Sophie had the curtains … .
A) hanging B) hang C) to hang
D) hung E) to hanging
ELÇİN MAHMUD Ümumi 8 TEL: (055) 3959796
Read the passage and answer questions 23-30.
1. Scientists explain that weeping is a part of
human’s emotional expression. Tears formed while
crying are associated with strong emotions, such as
sorrow, grief and also joy, happiness and laughter. Tears
mainly consist of water, salt and minerals. Researchers
have found that crying normalizes nervous system and
helps people to relax. They may also relieve both
physical and emotional pain.
2. When humans cry in response to stress, their
tears contain a number of stress hormones and other
chemicals. Crying can reduce the levels of these
chemicals in the body and helps people to lift their spirit
and improve their mood. Emotional tears contain more
protein-based hormones which make people feel good.
Good effects of crying, such as calming, good mood,
pain-relieving may help a person fall asleep more easily.
3. Tears not only regulate human’s emotions but
also protect the eyes. Tears have an important role in
maintaining the healthy functioning of eyes. They
prevent the eyes from dryness and keep them clean.
External objects that enter the eye are washed out by
23. The passage is mainly about … .
A) hormones and other chemicals
B) the function of eyes
C) strong emotions
D) benefits of crying
E) human’s emotions
24. Choose the correct variant according to the passage.
Tears protect the eyes from … .
1. dirt
2. calming
3. dryness
4. cleaning
A) 2, 4 B) 1, 3 C) 2, 3 D) 1, 4 E) 1, 2
25. Choose the correct answer to the question according
to the passage.
What do tears consist of?
1. water
2. external objects
3. salt
4. minerals
A) 1, 3, 4 B) 1, 3 C) 1, 2, 3
D) 2, 3, 4 E) 2, 4
26. Which statements are correct according to the
1. Tears decrease human’s physical and emotional
2. Tears increase the stress hormones in the blood.
3. Tears improve the functioning of eyes.
4. Tears make human become more worried.
A) 2, 4 B) 3, 4 C) 1, 3 D) 1, 4 E) 1, 2
27. Complete the sentence with your own words
according to the passage.
… is a part of human’s emotional expression.
28. Write the answer to the question according to the
What are external objects entering the eye washed out
29. Which word in paragraph 1 best fits the following
definition: “to rest and become calm and less worried”.
30. Complete the sentence with your own words
according to the passage.
When you cry the levels of some chemicals in the body
… .
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