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I am the narrator. It is my story running, starting from the protest scene.
- Shoot this year's pride walk
- Shoot diwali
First scene is of the people at the protest, shouting, expressing anger, saying different things. From there diffuse it to me sitting in the room, camera slowly moving closer to me (or tracking in). Then me looking at the table which has the title 'Spandan' written on it.
Diffuse to next scene which is college stuff kept on the table - engineering books, notes etc. By the narration you give an idea that this place is far from your home. Can talk a little about how different you feel at this place when you initially shifted.
Can dwelve into how beautiful the place is, and the different things it made me feel.
There is a mention of how you are getting used to a lot of things, but it is strange being cut off from music and internet and you do not even have a TV.
Then jump to the next shot which is Sameer watching TV. Changing multiple channels. (Before this there can be audio mix of my scene and Sameer's story to create the transition PLUS build an interactive thing between me and his story).
It can be a conversation like - Sameer saying that he never felt okay being dressed up like girls and all that, and felt uncomfortable with a lot of things, and I could be talking like I have always been fit and toned up, pretty much into sports, not the kind of girl girls are expected be, but pretty glad with the body I have. Mix should be like it is a conversation which is goin on.
So when we shift to Sameer's TV watching shot, the same advertisement is flashing on the screen. His story takes off from here.

Then coming back to my story. About how the interactions between men and women are in college. What was my experience. Then talk a little about how things were well, would get stuck and become ego issue at times, but then later something happened which totally changed things. This is a shot where I am sitting on the floor and bringing this feel of "something happened" into the scene.
Diffuse into Anish's shot where he is sitting in a room, there is audio playing in which he is talking about the Dalit incident. How it changed him. Run his story from here.

Then coming back to my story. Sudden change in energy from Ashim's story which is at a lot of noise to my shot which is totally silent. The shot has to be slowly moving yet still and some silence/emptiness for audience to absorb the previous story and return back to mine.

Audio starts, i am telling about how my room mate, a very good friend of mine and 2 years junior, was taken photo of and spread all over the college. Things turned sour, suddenly became a matter of huge conflict. my ego clash which was with a few men in batch to across batches thing. Suddenly rush through how conflict was taking its shape in the college premises, on the internet, telephone. Suddenly come into a scene where they yell at me calling me "Lesbian". How verbal and systematic attacks started occurring just around this identity of mine. Suddenly switch to the scene of delhi pride celebrations. Let people feel the happiness, feel the colors, the balloons, the dhol, the spirit!

Diffuse into diwali scene, crackers bursting in the sky. Use the mood of celebration in sky for this transformation. Firoz's story comes in, starting from the incident at Diwali night. After telling about this incident, go in a recall of how he had negotiated with spaces and was kind of able to live his life and was happy. A jump to what things are now. Now he is out, things are going on, sudden change in all the things that made him happy, what happened to relationships. Hope now. NALSA judgement.

Come back to my story, back to the point from where the movie had started. Spandan written on the table and me sitting there.
One possible ending - me picking up a tape recorder, onning it and walking out to the streets. The song 'Strike, Dance, Rise" playing. Walking on the street, more and more people joining on.
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