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Stress Passage
In last week’s lesson, we (should have) learned that the term stress actually refers to the body’s reactions to any demand placed upon it. We also learned that a stressor is any factor that causes stress (for instance, body image, money, friends, family, etc.).

However, stress is not always bad. Stress can be good. Stress can motivate us to change habits and move us closer to our dreams and aspirations.If we felt no stress, we would not be compelled (forced) to act in ways that bring about change.

Good stress is called eustress. This is stress that provides a welcome challenge. Eustress is a term for positive stress that can have a beneficial impact on your life. "Eu" is a prefix meaning good or well, also used in words like "euphoria" and "eulogy." Eustress can refer to challenges in work and life that put pressure on us to grow and improve. These positive sources of stress can motivate you to work hard to achieve a goal, complete a task, or reach beyond your comfort zone.

Eustress works in a similar way throughout the body as other types of stress. It heightens the central nervous system, making us more alert and aware. One of the key factors in eustress is that it usually occurs in response to a specific situation or task at hand that is challenging but ultimately achievable. While other kinds of stress may linger, eustress gives us a temporary boost that helps us to achieve things we set our minds to.

Bad stress is called distress. This is stress that is perceived (or thought of) as negative.
Distress is the negative version of stress, what most people refer to when they talk about stress at all. Distress, while sometimes unavoidable, usually isn't a good thing in terms of mental wellness. While a small amount of distress can have a similar effect to that of eustress, prolonged distress can have plenty of unwanted side effects.

Distress is generally characterized by the way in which it surpasses our ability to cope with stressful circumstances. Looming feelings of stress and anxiety about things that we have no control over are a significant contributing factor to distress. While eustress allows us to tackle challenges in a positive way, distress highlights the ways in which we are powerless in the face of huge obstacles.

Perception is a meaning given to an event or occurrence based on a person’s previous experience or understanding. For instance, I may perceive moving to a new school as eustress (good) because I don’t like my current school and have had bad experiences, so going to a new school would be a welcome challenge. On the other hand, you may perceive moving to a new school as distress (bad) because you like your current school.
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