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# Registration
reg_msg: '&3Kayıt olmak için: /register <şifre> <şifre>'
usage_reg: '&cKomudu gir: /register <şifre> <şifre>'
reg_only: '&4Only registered users can join the server! Please visit to register yourself!'
kicked_admin_registered: 'Bir kere kayıt olman yeterli.'
registered: '&2Kayıt olundu!'
reg_disabled: '&cHesap kaldırıldı!'
user_regged: '&cBu kullanıcı adıyla kayıt olundu!'

# Password errors on registration
password_error: '&cŞifreler eşleşmiyor!'
password_error_nick: '&cKendi ismini şifrende kullanmak mantıklı mı?'
password_error_unsafe: '&cŞifren güvenli değil'
password_error_chars: '&4"ç,ı,ü,ö,ğ" Kullanamazsın'
pass_len: '&cYazdığın şifre çok uzun/kısa!'

# Login
usage_log: '&cKomudu gir: /login <şifre>'
wrong_pwd: '&cYanlış şifre!'
login: '&2Başarıyla giriş yaptın!'
login_msg: '&cGiriş yapmak için: /login <şifre>'
timeout: '&4Biraz daha hızlı olamaz mısın?!'

# Errors
unknown_user: '&cBu kullanıcı kayıt olmadı!'
denied_command: '&cBurada bu komudu kullanamazsın!'
denied_chat: '&cSohbette bunu kullanamazsın!'
not_logged_in: '&cGiriş yaptın zaten!'
tempban_max_logins: '&cUzun zamandır neyi bekliyorsun.'
max_reg: '&cIp başına %max_acc hesap açabilirsin (%reg_count/%max_acc %reg_names)!'
no_perm: '&4Bu işlemi gerçekleştirme izniniz yok!'
error: '&4An unexpected error occurred, please contact an administrator!'
kick_forvip: '&3VIP biri oyuna katıldı. Yer açmamız lazımdı!'

# AntiBot
kick_antibot: '&4[AntiBotService] aktif.'
antibot_auto_enabled: '&4[AntiBotService] AntiBot aktif!'
antibot_auto_disabled: '&2[AntiBotService] AntiBot devre dışı %m dakika!'

# Other messages
unregistered: '&cKayıtdan çıkış yaptın!'
accounts_owned_self: 'Senin %count hesabın var:'
accounts_owned_other: 'The player %name has %count accounts:'
two_factor_create: '&2Your secret code is %code. You can scan it from here %url'
recovery_code_sent: 'A recovery code to reset your password has been sent to your email.'
recovery_code_incorrect: 'The recovery code is not correct! You have %count tries remaining.'
recovery_tries_exceeded: 'You have exceeded the maximum number attempts to enter the recovery code. Use "/email recovery [email]" to generate a new one.'
recovery_code_correct: 'Recovery code entered correctly!'
recovery_change_password: 'Please use the command /email setpassword <new password> to change your password immediately.'
vb_nonActiv: '&cYour account isn''t activated yet, please check your emails!'
usage_unreg: '&cKomudu gir: /unregister <password>'
pwd_changed: '&2Şifre değiştirildi!'
logged_in: '&cGiriş yaptın!'
logout: '&2Çıkış yaptın!'
reload: '&2Veriler güncellendi!'
usage_changepassword: '&cKomudu gir: /changepassword <eskiŞifre> <yeniŞifre>'

# Session messages
invalid_session: '&cYour IP has been changed and your session data has expired!'
valid_session: '&2Logged-in due to Session Reconnection.'

# Error messages when joining
name_len: '&4Kullanıcı adın çok uzun/kısa!'
regex: '&4"ç,ı,ü,ö,ğ" Kullanamazsın'
country_banned: '&4Senin ülken serverdan banlandı!'
not_owner_error: 'Bu hesabın sahibi siz değilsiniz. Lütfen başka bir ad seçin!'
kick_fullserver: '&4Server Dolu!'
same_nick: '&4Bu kullanıcı serverda oynuyor!'
invalid_name_case: 'Bununla gir %valid, bununla girme %invalid.'
same_ip_online: 'IP''nde online yeterince kişi var!'

# Email
usage_email_add: '&cUsage: /email add <email> <confirmEmail>'
usage_email_change: '&cUsage: /email change <oldEmail> <newEmail>'
usage_email_recovery: '&cUsage: /email recovery <Email>'
new_email_invalid: '&cInvalid new email, try again!'
old_email_invalid: '&cInvalid old email, try again!'
email_invalid: '&cInvalid email address, try again!'
email_added: '&2Email address successfully added to your account!'
email_confirm: '&cPlease confirm your email address!'
email_changed: '&2Email address changed correctly!'
email_send: '&2Recovery email sent successfully! Please check your email inbox!'
email_show: '&2Your current email address is: &f%email'
incomplete_email_settings: 'Error: not all required settings are set for sending emails. Please contact an admin.'
email_already_used: '&4The email address is already being used'
email_send_failure: 'The email could not be sent. Please contact an administrator.'
show_no_email: '&2You currently don''t have email address associated with this account.'
add_email: '&3Please add your email to your account with the command: /email add <yourEmail> <confirmEmail>'
recovery_email: '&3Forgot your password? Please use the command: /email recovery <yourEmail>'
change_password_expired: 'You cannot change your password using this command anymore.'
email_cooldown_error: '&cAn email was already sent recently. You must wait %time before you can send a new one.'

# Captcha
usage_captcha: '&3To login you have to solve a captcha code, please use the command: /captcha <theCaptcha>'
wrong_captcha: '&cWrong captcha, please type "/captcha THE_CAPTCHA" into the chat!'
valid_captcha: '&2Captcha code solved correctly!'

# Verification code
verification_code_required: '&3This command is sensitive and requires an email verification! Check your inbox and follow the email''s instructions.'
usage_verification_code: '&cUsage: /verification <code>'
incorrect_verification_code: '&cIncorrect code, please type "/verification <code>" into the chat, using the code you received by email'
verification_code_verified: '&2Your identity has been verified! You can now execute all commands within the current session!'
verification_code_already_verified: '&2You can already execute every sensitive command within the current session!'
verification_code_expired: '&3Your code has expired! Execute an other sensitive command to get a new code!'
verification_code_email_needed: '&3To verify your identity you need to link an email address with your account!!'

# Time units
second: 'saniye'
seconds: 'saniye'
minute: 'dakika'
minutes: 'dakika'
hour: 'saat'
hours: 'saat'
day: 'gün'
days: 'gün'
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
  • * You can share the notes in social platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, instagram etc.).
  • * You can quickly share your contents without website, blog and e-mail.
  • * You don't need to create any Account to share a note. As you wish you can use quick, easy and best shortened notes with sms, websites, e-mail, or messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Signal).
  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

Easy: doesn’t require installation. Just write and share note!

Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 12 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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