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Dear education board,

Hi im writing to you to inform you about the problems I have of school. The first thing is I don't understand why uniform is necessary, in the "real" world we are told to express ourselves and be our own person but yet I am forced into wearing the same clothes and acting like people who I am nothing alike. How are you telling me “Uniforms help students to prepare for when they leave school and may have to dress smartly or wear a uniform" no I don`t want to hear it I want to be allowed to express myself individually after all we are all different. Personally in my school if a student is seen wearing an item which is not part of uniform, having fake nails, wearing too much makeup, even dying there hair a "non-natural" colour they are told to spend time away from their education. Another issue I would like to arise is school hours, I spend about 7 hours of my day at school with 2 break one for 20 minutes and another for 50 minutes, overall out of 7 hours I spend a 1 hour 10 minutes to breathe some fresh air, use the toilet, eat, fill up my water, recharge etc. from research I seen this " almost all studies on brain function and concentration agree that most people cease to maintain their level of productivity after 50-90 minutes of continuous work. Stints of longer than an hour will leave you exhausted and frustrated, without the results to show for it." yet in my school I have lessons for 2 hours straight how am I supposed to keep so much information in my head when its just being crammed in there. After all of that I am told to do at least 2 hours of independent revision at home at my age it recommended for 9 hours of sleep a day about 2 hours to eat about a 1 for hygiene another 1 for us just wasting time (we are human after all) add that all together = 22 hours. That only leaves us 2 hours to do things that our heart desires. I mean school is so overriding that the days that we have off we have no idea what to do we just sit there waiting for some work to pop up, its sad that the only thing on my mind is school. Another problem I have is the affect on mental health that school has on us students, I want you guys to go to schools around the country and ask student how school makes them feel. Personally school has had such a large toll on my mental health its one of the things that puts me in a state of depression, I mean we are all labelled like meat we are all either high quality, medium quality or low quality. Not everyone is the same, personally I do some much more better in math than my other subjects but there are other people who do better in art or dance we are all different. Some people are practically being called dumb because of their weaknesses and strengths. Just search on google "School makes me" and look at the recommendations look at that you think that is OK . I could talk forever about how diminishing oppressing and depressing school is but I think for now this is enough to let you think whether you will make a difference this is the most I can do please help.
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Regards; Team

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