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Scream of the Shalka (11.25.19)
let's watch this why not
I know some stuff I know this was made in 2003 for the 40th anniversary.
I know the Master's a robot.
ooh neat theme tune
Paul Cornell wrote Human Nature and the novelisation for Twice Upon a Time and also some VNAs according to wikipedia.
a worm
that is not a worm.
ok so there's a transcript for this on chakoteya and it says
There are six parts to this
I have no clue how this is all divided up
I can only find one to three 15 min things on dailymotion.
The Doctor's got a pretty aro color scheme going on there.
Yeah I saw a gif w alison in it b4
The animation on this is weird and its hard to tell what's going on
Are the Time Lords yeeting the Doctor around again.
"You seem a nice young man" Neither of those things are true.
there are too many shots close to people's faces i feel like I'm suffocating
ok think i found part two
imma be real honest i only thought this thing was 15 minutes long
!!! Found all six parts on dailymotion
okie we good
"It's been a long time since anyone screamed at me and then I only think they were waiting for Elvis to come on."
Ur an idiot
The animations obviously kinda weird bc obviously its a doctor who budget and its 2003 but I really like the voice actor for the doc
Oh there's the gif i saw right there. "You're not human" "decent of you to say" "what are you?" "Mildly annoyed."
Shalka Doctor don't mess around they just figure out where the aliens are and in fifteen minutes they've blown up ur house and saved the town.
thas the master
"dearest companion" u gay
I do mean gay in a queerplatonic way but still G A Y
"I seem to attract the military" well i mean ur best friend is the Brig.
"They're either arresting me, making strong sweet tea, or killing my friends." sounds about right.
Wait a minute
Killing your friends?
Is this a big finish thing I'm too idiot to understand
Oh and Shalka did "The ninth Doctor blows up a building that was very important to a young girl they'd later take on as a companion" first.
Well i mean i assume alison's gonna be a companion or smthn idk.
So both nines like to be in charge then
The whole thing w the orders reminds me of main!nine going "Excuse me, who's in charge here?" To Jack in Boomtown
excuse me wHAT THE
"Take me home big boy! yEEEEEHAAAWWWWWW!!"
Ok that's it Shalka!Nine is my favorite now.
So are they going to explain how the doctor and the master made up after. Yknow. The TV movie.
Though i do guess that's just kinda their relationship
That message on the phone was recorded while the Doctor and the Master were in the middle of a tickle fight fITE me
MASTER: Why did I choose continuing existence? Listening to him being right all the time, when I had the option of a slow, painful death.
because yurio, you idiot.
I just said "you love them" in slangy morpheme salad btw
The non-slangy version would be "Yuryivasyovir" but that's a Lot so just yurio is easier
And then if this was someone from the main timeline talking about this it'd be "Yursivassovir" btw
bsljdn;lfns calling the TARDIS old girl
"I only come to this planet for the wine and the total eclipses. And I do love a nice, old fashioned invasion." why do i love that so much.
It's weird hearing the aliens called shalka bc I've only ever heard of shalka!nine being called shalka b4
"shalka, eh? Never heard of you, so forgive me but you can't be all that." ... remember what i said about automatically thinking that someone talking about shalka means talking about shalka!doctor?
There are so many parallels to main!nine like with the disassociating themselves from humans Main!Nine bc of ptsd and grief and the time war and stuff and then shalka!nine bc they just wanted to i guess.
I was going to say you can't seperate creatures into just "lower" and "higher" and then I realized that the Time Lords do that.
Well w Time Lords its more based on temporal awareness/activity But Still.
it's like 9:36 and i'm halfway through part 3 so I'll finish tomorrow.
im gonna do picrews of shalka!nine and alison when I'm done w this
Well I mean Gallifrey is definitely in the running for dumbest place in the universe but its probably right behind raxacoricofallapatorius or klom.
Okay and then I was just about to be all snarky and say "hey did you know actually higher species don't feel the need to go yelling it to everyone all the time" but um. They kinda do.
Wait what the.
Derek Jacobi plays Shalka!Master?????
I thought their voice sounded Extremely Master-y but I thought that was just. Yknow. Good casting.
Wow this is not a thing i knew.
Anyway see you probably tomorrow.

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