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LAB E – Skeletal Muscles, Part I

!! Muscles Operating upon the Scapula & Shoulder !!

[Action: Depress Scapula & Shoulder]

Pectoralis minor
o; ribs r3-r5
I; coronoid process of scapula
a; depress scapula and shoulder, elevate ribs, abduct scapula and protract shoulder

Serratus anterior
o; ribs
I; medial border of scapula
a; depress scapula and shoulder, abduct scapula and protract shoulder

[Action: Elevate Scapula & Shoulder]

Levator scapulae
o; vertebrae - C1-C4
I; superior angle and medial border of scapula
a; elevate scapula and shoulder

Rhomboid minor
o; vertebrae - C7-T1
I; medial border of scapula
a; elevate scapula and shoulder, adduct scapula and retract shoulder

Rhomboid major
o; vertebrae - T2-T5
I; medial border of scapula
a; elevate scapula and shoulder, adduct scapula and retract shoulder

[Action: Hybrid Action]

o; occipital & vertebrae
I; acromion, spine of scapula, clavicle
a; elevate or depress scapula and shoulder, adduct scapula and retract shoulder

!! Muscles Operating upon the Humerus !!

[Insertion: Intertubercular Sulcus of Humerus]

Pectoralis major
o; ribs, sternum, clavicle
I; intertubercular sulcus of humerus
a; flex humerus, adduct humerus, medially rotate humerus

Latissimus dorsi
o; ribs, ilium, vertebrae
I; intertubercular sulcus of humerus
a; extend humerus, adduct humerus, medially rotate humerus

Teres major
o; lateral border of scapula
I; intertubercular sulcus of humerus
a; extend humerus, medially rotate humerus

[Insetion: Greater tubercle of Humerus]

o; supraspinous fossa of scapula
I; greater tubercle of humerus
a; abduct humerus

o; infraspinous fossa of scapula
I; greater tubercle of humerus
a; laterally rotate humerus

Teres minor
o; lateral border of scapula
I; greater tubercle of humerus
a; laterally rotate humerus

[Insertion: Random]

o; coracoid process of scapula
I; shaft of humerus
a; extend humerus, medially rotate humerus

o; subscapular fossa of scapula
I; lesser tubercle of humerus
a; medially rotate humerus

o; acromion, spine of scapula, clavicle
I; deltoid tuberosity of humerus
a; flex, extend and abduct humerus

!! Muscles of the Arm Operating upon the Elbow !!

[Action: Flex Elbow]

o; distal humerus
I; coronoid process of ulna
a; flex elbow

Biceps brachii, long head
o; glenoid cavity of scapula
I; radial tuberosity of radius
a; flex elbow, supinate elbow

Biceps brachii, short head
o; coracoid process of scapula
I; radial tuberosity of radius
a; flex elbow supinate elbow

[Action: Extend Elbow]

Triceps brachii, long head
o; glenoid cavity of humerus
I; olecranon process of ulna
a; extend elbow

Triceps brachii, lateral head
o; proximal humerus
I; olecranon process of ulna
a; extend elbow

Triceps brachii, medial head
o; shaft of humerus
I; olecranon process of ulna
a; extend elbow

o; Humerus
I; ulna
a; extend elbow

[Insertion: Radius]

o; lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus
I; radius
a; flex elbow

Pronator quadratus
o; ulna
I; radius
a; pronate elbow

Pronator teres
o; humerus and ulna
I; radius
a; pronate elbow

o; humerus and ulna
I; radius
a; supinate elbow

!! Muscles of the Forearm Operating upon the Wrist and Hand !!

[Origin: Medial Epicondyle of Humerus]

Flexor carpi radialis
o; medial epicondyle of humerus
I; metacarpals
a; flex wrist

Flexor carpi ulnaris
o; medial epicondyle of humerus
I; carpals and metacarpals
a; flex wrist

Flexor digitorum superficialis
o; medial epicondyle of humerus
I; middle phalanges
a; flex wrist and fingers

Palmaris longus
o; medial epicondyle of humerus
I; flexor retinaculum and palmar aponeurosis
a; anchors palmar region

[Origin: Lateral Epicondyle of Humerus]

Extensor carpi radialis brevis
o; lateral epicondyle of humerus
I; metacarpal III
a; extend wrist

Extensor carpi radialis longus
o; lateral epicondyle of humerus
I; metacarpal II
a; extend wrist

Extensor digitorum
o; lateral epicondyle of humerus
I; phalanges II-V
a; extend wrist and fingers

Extensor digiti minimi
o; lateral epicondyle of humerus
I; proximal phalanx V
a; extend wrist and little finger

Extensor carpi ulnaris
o; lateral epicondyle of humerus
I; metacarpal V
a; extend wrist

[Origin: Ulna]

Flexor digitorum profundus
o; ulna
I; distal phalanges
a; flex wrist and fingers

Extensor pollicis longus
o; ulna
I; distal phalanx I
a; extend, adduct thumb

Extensor indicis
o; ulna
I; middle and distal phalanges II
a; extend wrist and index finger

[Origin: Radius]

Flexor pollicis longus
o; radius
I; distal phalanx I
a; flex thumb

extensor pollicis brevis
o; radius
I; proximal phalanx I
a; extend thumb

[Origin: Hybrid]

Abductor pollicis longus
o; radius and ulna
I; metacarpal I
a; extend, abduct thumb

!! Muscles Operating upon Respiration !!

o; xiphoid process, ribs, costal cartilages
I; central tendon of diaphragm
a; expand lungs

External intercostals
o; inferior margins of ribs
I; superior margins of ribs
a; elevate ribs, expand lungs

Internal intercostals
o; superior margins of ribs
I; inferior margins of ribs
a; depress ribs, compress lungs

!! Muscles of the Anterior Abdomen !!

External abdominal oblique
o; ribs
I; iliac crest and pubis
a; compress/support abdomen, expiration, rotation of waist

Internal abdominal oblique
o; iliac crest and thoracolumbar fascia
I; ribs
a; compress/support abdomen, expiration, rotation of waist

Transverse abdominal
o; lateral abdomen
I; medial abdomen
a; compress/support abdomen

Rectus abdominis
o; upper abdomen
I; lower abdomen
a; flexion of lumbar vertebrae

!! Muscles of the Back !!

Erector spinae, spinalis
a; extend vertebral column

Erector spinae, longissimus
a; extend vertebral column

Erector spinae, iliocostalis
a; extend vertebral column

Quadratus lumborum
o; iliac crest
I; rib 12 and vertebrae
a; extend, laterally flex lumbar vertebrae

LAB F – Skeletal Muscles, Part II

[Origin: Pelvis]

o; pelvis
I; lesser trochanter of femur
a; flex hip

Gluteus maximus
o; pelvis
I; gluteal tuberosity of femur
a; extend, abduct hip

Gemellus superior
o; pelvis
I; greater trochanter of femur
a; laterally rotate hip

Gemellus inferior
o; pelvis
I; greater trochanter of femur
a; laterally rotate hip

Obturator internus
o; pelvis
I; greater trochanter of femur
a; laterally rotate, abduct hip

o; pelvis
I; greater trochanter of femur
a; laterally rotate, abduct hip

Quadratus femoris
o; pelvis
I; intertrochanteric crest of femur
a; laterally rotate hip

[Origin: Pubis]

Adductor Brevis
o; pubis
I; linea aspera of femur
a; adduct hip

Adductor longus
o; pubis
I; linea aspera of femur
a; medially rotate, adduct hip

o; pubis
I; femur
a; flex, adduct hip

[Origin: random]

Psoas major
o; vertebrae - T12-L5
I; lesser trochanter of femur
a; flex, laterally rotate hip

Tensor fasciae latae
o; ilium
I; lateral condyle of tibia via iliotibial tract
a; extend, medially rotate, abduct hip

Gluteus medius
o; lateral surface of ilium
I; greater trochanter of femur
a; medially rotate, abduct hip

Gluteus minimus
o; lateral surface of ilium
I; greater trochanter of femur
a; medially rotate, abduct hip

Adductor Magnus
o; Pubis and ischium
I; linea aspera and gluteal tuberosity of femur
a; medially rotate, adduct hip

o; pubis and ischium
I; tibia
a; flex knee
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