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The Last Moon: The New Boy

Here I am walking home with my friends. I couldn't stop laughing, while looking at the picture of Emily. I realized that I was in front of my house already. I opened the door and smiled at dad while he was on his phone. My name is Katherine. I don't have any siblings. There is one thing I do everyday. Its school......Ugh BORING. My dad Everett made me a snack while i was doing homework. I rushed upstairs and jumped on my bed. I went to the bathroom and showered. After I got out I heard my mom Amber pull up in the drive way. I rushed downstairs and gave her a hug. She asked me "How was your first day of school?" I said "It was good and me and my friends walked home." I turned on the TV and grabbed a blanket over me to keep me warm. I grabbed my phone off the counter and texted Emily that I was home. The next day I was walking to school. I felt like someone was following me. I looked behind and beside me and nobody was there. So I finally arrived at school and I turned around and it was Emily and her boyfriend Ethan. We went inside and went to our first period. I was waiting for the teacher to come in so that i could start on my homework. As soon as i looked down.......I looked up and there was a new boy walking in. He was cute. I imagine him sitting right behind me. Mrs.Hill my math teacher walks in right behind him and says "Your seat will be behind Katherine. My heart starts to beat harder. He walked in the 4th row and gave me a glanced stare. I looked at him and looked away. He touch me on the shoulder and asked me if he could borrow a pencil. I turned around and said "Yes of course." While doing my math assignment I heard a noise from behind me. It was the pencil I let him borrow for today. I went to go pick it up and I felt him touch my hand. I looked up and he was smiling at me. His teeth were somewhat weird to me. I smiled back at him and said "Sorry about at." He said " No its fine" I turned back around and was thinking what happened to his teeth? I turned to him and said " What's......your name?" He said " My name is Elliot Eugene Brown." I looked at him one more time. He looked familiar. Like I have seen him the dance party. After my first period it was my 2nd period. He sat behind me again. Something is strange about this boy and him sitting right behind me. I looked in front of me Mr.Reed was staring right at me and He said " will you start off telling your name and what grade you're in?" I got up and turned around and said " Hi my name is Katherine Lynn Scott and I am a freshman." Elliot looked at me and smiled and said " Hi." I didn't say anything I just sat done and was working on my assignment. After class i had to go to my 3rd period. As soon as I walked in he was right there behind were i sat. why? I was walking to my seat and looking down as soon as I looked up he was staring and smiling at me again. I looked at him and said " Nice smile." Elliot said " Thank you. You have one too. Can i get your snap or phone number?" I was like " Sure." He gave me his phone during class and I went to his snap and gave him my username and phone number. When i gave it back to him he said "Thank you." I didn't say anything. 3rd period was over it was time for lunch. He was not sitting with me or behind me this time he was with Ethan and other friends. I look up and Emily sat right across from me. I said " Something is strange with that boy he seems weird around me every time he sits right behind." Emily said " I did heard that he is a new student at Middle West High School and that he is popular." Emily looked at me and said he is cute and smart." "Katherine" "Katherine" Emily said. "sorry what was that" "oh nothing do you like him?" I looked at Emily and said " I mean he is cute but his teeth are weird almost like wolf teeth or vampire teeth." I looked at him and he was staring at me. He winked at me. I gave him a weird look. After lunch was Social studies. I walked in and saw Mrs.Smith. She looked at me and said "Good afternoon how are you?" Elliot said "Good afternoon. Good how about you?" I turned around and feel back wards. He dropped his stuff and cached me. Finally I woke up in a bed and I looked aside it was Elliot. He got up and helped me up. I said "Don't touch me." He said " I'm sorry. Are you okay?" I looked at him and ran out of the room went straight to the bathroom and cried. I heard someone come in and say "Are you okay?" I came out and it was him again. I ran passed him again and said "Just don't worry about me and leave me alone." I looked behind me again and he wasn't their. I looked forward and i felt something. It was just the wall. As soon as I got home i saw mom laying down on the couch. I wonder why she wasn't at work? I tried to wake her up and her eyes were opening mom said "Honey i'm sick if you can get me some water and medicine from the kitchen for me please." I came back to the living room and she was not there. I yelled "MOM." I heard something I went to the bathroom and I saw her over the toilet puking. I said "Mom whats wrong? Are you okay?" Mom said "I'm just sick i'll be okay." I helped her up and put her back on the couch. I rushed upstairs to get my phone to call dad. I dialed his number and the phone started to ring. I started to cry while talking to dad "Dad you need to come home mom is sick and puking up in the toilet. Dad said "I'm on my way home right now. Just stay in the living room with mom until i get there okay." "Okay" I said. And I hanged up the phone. While waiting the door bell ringed. I got up opened the door it was Elliot. I looked at him and said "What are you doing here?" He said "Well I just wanted to see if your okay and you haven't answer me." I reached for him and gave him a hug. "My mom is just really ill right now but right now is not a good time." He looked at me and said "Can i come in and help you." I looked down and said "No my dad is on his way home i got it but thanks anyway." He started to walk and I watched and shut the door. As soon as I went to go sit down the door bell ringed again. I opened it. It was dad. I looked at him and started to cry again. He looked at me and said "Who is that boy." I said "Oh Elliot. Hes just a friend at our new school. Dad rushed in the house and dropped his stuff. He went to mom and said "she needs to go to the hospital." My dad called the Ambulance. We arrived at the hospital. They did test on my mom. The doctor came back and said "shes just gotten sick from the cold air so we need to give her some medicine, so that she can get feeling better." The next morning I woke up and mom was up and eating breakfast. I went to her and said "How are you feeling today?" she looked at me and said "I'm actually feeling a little bit better today from that medicine. I grabbed my book bag and ran out the door. I was walking to school and Elliot was right behind me and scared the crap out of me. I turned around and said "That's not funny at all." He said "You should of seen your face when i did that." We walked and talked together while walking to school. We arrived at school and he said " After school do you want to hang out with me." I looked at him and said " I don't know yet my mom still sick, but i'll have to see about that. After school I went home and My mom was watching TV. I said "Hi mom you okay?" She looked up at me and said "I'm fine how about school today did you have fun with Elliot." I said "How do you know?" She said "Dad told me." I went by her side and watched TV with her until dad got home. I hear my phone ring on the counter. I grabbed it and it was Elliot texting me. I text him back and said "Yes i made it home safely. I do't know until my dad gets home. I'll text you back later. Dad arrived home. We all three set on the couch. I asked dad if i was aloud to go hang out with Elliot. He goes "Yes of course but no kissing going on." I said "Dad no." He said " I'm just playing around." I text Elliot and went to his house. We played games and watched a movie. While watching the movie i felt him holding my hand. I looked at him and he looked at me and smiled and i grabbed my hand back. I looked at him and said "What are you doing." He said "The reason is because I like you." :)
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