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A lot has been said, written and researched on
the well-being of women during menopause. Whereas modern science and
medicine is still trying to help women deal with the symptoms of this
mid-life crisis, Ayurveda’s timeless knowledge helps women to manage
menopause in a natural way. Ayurveda experts recommend that one of the
best ways to achieve a smooth transition through menopause is to know
yourself — your *dosha* type, your physical, nutritional, emotional and
spiritual imbalances. Ayurveda offers ways for managing menopause with a
healthy diet, exercise and some positive changes in your attitude towards
life. What Ayurveda says According to Ayurveda, menopause is not a
disease or a disorder, but a natural transition in women that occurs at the
age of 45-55 years. When women reach this stage, menstrual cycle stops and
sex hormone levels decrease, including that of estrogen, resulting in the
condition called menopause. Menopause is a natural effect of aging and does not reflect any disease. In contemporary Ayurvedic medicine, a
treatment course is most often personalized on the basis of individual
*dosha* imbalances rather than treatment of specific symptoms. Thus, if you
have a predominance of a particular *dosha* during menopause, the resulting
imbalance produces types of menopausal symptoms that are characteristic of
the prevalent *dosha*. Recognizing which *dosha* dominates your system in
menopause will help identify which treatments best match your constitution
and are most likely to ease your symptoms. In the below section we will discuss the symptoms related to each *dosha* type and suggest diet and
herbs for people with different types of constitution, namely, *vata*,
*pitta* and *kapha*. Find your *dosha* type
 *Vata* Type In ancient India menopause was viewed as a movement into
maturity, or the *vata* stage of life. This is a time of inner examination,
vision and growth, and menopause symptoms are indicators of high *vata*
dominance. During a *vata*-dominated menopause, you will likely be
experiencing a variety of symptoms such as nervousness, anxiety, insomnia,
hot flushes, depression, dull skin, constipation and vaginal dryness. 
There are numerous Ayurvedic herbs for treating *vata*-imbalance. Some
anti-*vata* herbs, such as cumin, cardamom and fennel can be used freely in
cooking and teas. Certain Ayurvedic herbs for *vata* dominance include aloe
vera, ashwagandha (withania somnifera), bark of the Arjun tree (terminalia
arjuna), shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), cardamom, garlic, mulethi
(licorice) and saffron. Ayurvedic practitioners often suggest
massaging the body with oils like sesame, almond and olive oil to reduce
*vata*. During *vata*-dominated menopause it is recommended to take
frequent but small meals that is warm and spiced mildly. Warm drinks and
foods are advised while cooling foods like salads needs to be avoided. You
should eat regular meals and avoid eating when you’re nervous or worried.
Share your meals with people who relax you. Also going to bed early is
advised to help balance excess *vata*. *Pitta* Type Women whose
menopause is dominated by *pitta* may experience or reveal symptoms such as
short temper, hot flashes, angry outbursts, irritability, skin rashes and
urinary tract infections. Massaging with coconut, sandalwood and
sesame oils is a good way to calm your fiery *pitta*-dominant menopause.
Also, body massage with ghee is beneficial in this type of menopause. The
anti-pitta diet is designed to cool and consists of lots of cooling, heavy
foods, eaten raw or relatively plain by avoiding excessive oil or spices.
Women should drink a lot of cool water to stay refreshed and hydrated
during this period. Fruits that are recommended in *pitta*-dominated
menopause are juicy and sweet fruits such as mango, melons, apples, grapes,
pears and plums. Eating cucumber is also a good option. You should avoid
hot beverages and food with pungent, sour, spicy, salty and hot tastes. 
 *Kapha* Type Women with *kapha*-dominated menopause can experience
feeling of tiredness a lot, have difficulty concentrating or just can’t
seem to shake that heavy feeling. They also experience symptoms such as
fluid retention, weight gain, sleepiness, slow digestion and sluggishness. 
 According to Ayurveda, women with *kapha*-dominated menopause should
eat light, dry and warm food, and avoid sweet, oily and cold foods. They
are recommended to eat mild fruits and avoid sweet and sour ones. They
should take mung beans, red lentils, and green vegetables with bitter and
pungent tastes. During this stage they are advised to take spices such as
black pepper, turmeric and ginger. Along with the above
*tridosha*-balancing diet suggested in Ayurveda, it has been seen that many
women benefit from practices like meditation and Yoga, as well as other
relaxation techniques and gentle exercises.
<#> Jiva Ayurveda, Jiva Marg, Sector-21B, Faridabad-121001,
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