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so, community spotlight (if it happens past gdq) idea.

because I’ve no clue how much time we’ll have, the very first thing to try out is to work with everyone’s timezones to get a decent schedule goin'.
ideally, we can get literally ALL DMC runners (1,2,3,4,reboot,5) in a highlight, talking/not talking, idk, depends if we’ll get more info ‘bout that, esp. the time allowed, since 1-5+DmC will take around 8-10h to finish, reboot being the longest one.

given I doubt they’ll allow us to stream for 10h straight while talking about the game and other shit, I expect around 3-4h. estimate max, which hurts a lot, since you have to pick the games you have to show, and here's the dilemma that we have to play around.

if we pick the games by the amount of runners, 1,3,5 will have their place.
if we pick the games by the quality (how run is optimized/looks like), all DMC’s will be fine, besides reboot.
if we pick the games by popularity aspect, 1,3,reboot, 5.
if we pick the games by using timeslots and other shit, we can pull off all DMC’s with little-to-no problems (maxy’s 1, Loner/you 2, Simo/Waifu 3, Loner/me 4, you/tek 5, me/bulkich reboot, given I’ll start with 4/reboot, get a nap(if we start late) and finish with the latter, again, depends on a timeslot and duration, at the same time, it's not like Simo likes to run 3 anywhere that's not his stream, and he doesn't care that much at all afaik, so Waifu remains the one to run 3 most likely. on top of that, if he wants to build a gigantic stream, that's another shot he needs.

community showcase, not run showcase, thats my concern. there's a lot of talented players in both style and speed, literally picking the most popular dmc runners might not be the case of "community", but rather "oh look people that play well in dmc kewl". im not sure if we can pull a case of getting a good runner of the game to talk about the game and the community, without explaining or going too deep for other games (esa reference smh). this way, we can literally double the amount of people that'll get exposure, and make it easier for runners to do their work. at the same time, if Waifu agrees to run, we won't have a partner for him. do we want people to run on their own and talk at the same time? maybe, but that leaves the idea of getting more exposure behind the regular "marathon"-like format.

region wise, if we assume that people watch gdq hotfixes and other streams that they do besides the event, 1 3 5 are were well accepted in us, Russians love reboot, and European kiddos enjoy literally anything that’s not 2. if so, 3 1 reboot 5 4 might be the correct order to go. we can play around that.

there’s no easy choice there, and it all comes down to the lack of information.

pulling a race is a pretty bad idea, we barely have people that are actively running the games, and we can’t put a wr dude against some guy that’s 8m. off wr. maybe it’s not the case for 5 (tek vs. ceci or you vs. aiframe) or 4 (loner vs me). didn’t watched lb’s of 1 for long enough ,so idk if anything’s changed there (and im writing this wall of text at work with no real way to access pastebin or anything that'll allow me to do the shit, and mobile internet is expensive as fuck).

ideally, I’d like to ask Chaser/DK/Vash/Millz/Whitelion w/e to pull off some combos, to showcase style vs. speed tech, and I’m not entirely sure if they’ll agree. and again – lack of info to play with. at the same time, Vash once said that it doesn't really matter if you get style on a speed showcase, yet if there will be a chance to include some of style inside - tahts the chance we have to take.

idea of using a pre-recorded videos doesn’t really fit to the entire showcase idea, unless well, internet troubles, it’s not like we need anything rn tho. an “intro” video might be a good start tbh, and I can ask Dany to make one for us, like, a 2 minutes long hype-trailer (with a bunch of pog run strats in all DMC’s) before the shit goes loud, maybe gdq will use that in promo. anything works if we think that way, and anything could be useful if we prepare, instead of going “well whatever lets just talk about the games”.

on top of that, remember that 1 was the most showcased dmc game @ 7 years, followed by 2 runs of 3, 1 run of 4. neither 2, 5 or reboot were there, and your run at gdq will be the very first run of 5 that’ll happen, and that makes me think that maybe we have to give 2 a better timeslot idk.

talk to maxy’n waifu @ gdq, mb they can give any other decent ideas to add, though I doubt I didn’t missed anything that might be useful.

upd: actually highlights have like 6-8h. of uptime.
maybe 1-5+r is a way to go.

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