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SANCHO: Mrs. Morningstar!
BOLSA: What are you doing here?
SANCHO: Is William with you?
BOLSA: Did you already know that William is coming here?
SANCHO: How did you know that William is coming here?
BOLSA: Do you know that William is coming here?
MRS. MORNINGSTAR: How do you know William is coming here?
BOLSA: He called the zoo and said he'd be picking up his parrot at 5:00 today.
MRS. MORNINGSTAR: Some detective. I called the zoo today. I am here to pick up Abraham. Hello, sweetie. Come to mommy. Mommy misses you. You're a good little birdy aren't you?
ABRAHAM: This is William Morningstar speaking. As of today, I am resigning. Do not bother to look for me and tell Henrietta to make her own liver and onions.
MRS. MORNINGSTAR: William used to threaten to quit the school every other day. It's the only thing that Abraham likes to say.
ABRAHAM: Get lost!
MRS. MORNINGSTAR: Now sweetie, that's not nice.
ABRAHAM: They'll never find me. Squak. They'll never find me.
MRS. MORNINGSTAR: Anyway, what are you two geniuses doing here?
BOLSA: We are looking for William. Is this your parrot?
MRS. MORNINGSTAR: No, it's not my parrot. It's William's parrot. He loves his parrot. I think of it as our parrot. Anyway, you are wasting my time. I'm taking the parrot home. Get lost!
ABRAHAM: Get lost!
MRS. MORNINGSTAR: If you two geniuses want to make yourselves useful, why don't you go to the gym where William worked out. Maybe you'll find something useful there instead of taking the day off to play at the zoo!
ABRAHAM: Someone's coming. Hide in the shed! Hide in the shed!
MRS. MORNINGSTAR: Oh, shh, mommy's going to take you home right now. Listen to me, you two. I don't know what that Billy Jo Jim Bob told you, but William is a good boy. You make sure you look hard out there for him and report in. And don't come around the house anymore. I don't like visitors.
SANCHO: We're sorry, Mrs. Morningstar. We know how to do our job. We won't make an excuse, we'll just do it.
MRS. MORNINGSTAR: I do the housework, I do the ironing, I do the dishes, I do William's job, I do the gardening, I do the cooking, I do the shopping. What do you two do besides turn up where you're not wanted?
SANCHO: We do plenty. We make decisions, we make plans, we make money, we make an effort, we make people happy, we...
MRS. MORNINGSTAR: You make a mess. You make me angry. You make excuses. All this makes me sick with worry. Make me happy, get lost! Come on, Abraham. We're leaving!
BOLSA: Ok. No problem.
SANCHO: Good bye Mrs. Morningstar. And don't worry, we'll find William.
BOLSA: Thank goodness she's gone. She makes me so mad.
SANCHO: But she made one mistake.
BOLSA: What are you talking about?
SANCHO: She told us where to find William.
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