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Music Reflection Criterion D


Q: Factual- What are the main keys/clefs to help us read the notes?
A: Treble and Bass clefs. With Treble Clef starting on E (F,G,A,B,C,D,E) and Bass Clef starting on G (A,B,C,D,E,F,G)

Q: Factual: What are the note durations called?
A: Note durations are how long each note is played.
This is according to 4/4 time signature:
-Semibreve is worth 4 beats
-A dotted semibreve is worth 6 beats
-Minim is worth 2 beats
-A dotted minim is worth 3 beats
-Crochet is worth 1 beats
- A dotted quaver is worth 1 and 1/2 a beat
-Quaver is worth half a beat (1/2)
-Semiquaver is worth one fourth of a beat (1/4)

Q:Conceptual:How does the concept of Time Signature help us read and compose music?
A: The time signature shows the number of beats per measure and the type of note that carries the beat in a piece of music. For example in a 4/4 time signature there are 4 crochet beats per measure and likewise in 6/8 time signature there are 6 quaver beats per measure.

Q:Debatable: Music is a language, true or false? Why?
A: I believe that music is a language as like another language it connects us to other people and allows us to understand what they are saying or feeling. For example if the song was slow and sad you would understand what the person playing was feeling. Music is very different in every culture with different instruments and melodies yet everywhere music is a way for us to express ourselves; our thoughts and emotions. Though the use of music as a language is limited as one can not understand in detail what someone might be trying to say but it is definitely a way for someone to get a basic idea. Music is known as the universal language as everyone can’t learn every language but you do not need to learn music to feel it.

In this unit we learned the fundamentals of music. So we learned notes and clefs that would be required to know when composing and playing music. I found this unit simple as I play an instrument so I already knew what we were learning. I feel that I have been able to demonstrate my knowledge of music when composing as knowing the time signatures and notes helped a lot when creating something of my own

In this unit we learned a
What have you learnt through this unit?
How easy or difficult was this unit?
Have you been able to demonstrate the knowledge of music fundamentals while playing and compositing or not? How so?
What would you have changed in your learning process to gain more from this experience?
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