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Jake: Good thing we got a ride on those camels. We’d still be in the desert instead of inside the Great Pyramid.
Summer: I can’t believe we’re inside the pyramid.
Jake: Actually, we're under the pyramid.
Summer: This monument is incredible!
Jake: I know. But there are so many stairs!
Summer: The latest agency information says that an ancient treasure will be stolen from Egypt in less than 4 hours if we don’t do something to stop it.
Jake: We need to find the secret chambers at the bottom of the stairs.
Summer: How can we find anything? These flashlight batteries are dying and I’m afraid to climb these stairs in the dark.
Jake: Does the darkness make you nervous or do the stairs make you nervous?
Summer: I have no fear of the dark. It makes me nervous to think about twisting my ankle again.
Jake: The only thing that makes me nervous is the idea of someone stealing something and being too late to stop it.
Summer: Jake, look! These must be the secret chambers! Can you see anything?
Jake: No. I can't see anything. There's a problem.
Summer: What’s the problem? That you can’t see anything?
Jake: No, seeing’s not the problem. The real problem is that there’s nothing here to see. It’s just a bunch of empty rooms!
Summer: Do you think the ancient treasures have already been stolen?
Jake: It doesn't look like there was any ancient treasure in this pyramid to begin with.
Summer: We are probably in the right city, but this is definitely the wrong pyramid.
Jake: Definitely. We'd better get back up soon. We don’t have much time to find the next target.
Summer: We also don’t have much time left to use these flashlights. The batteries will be dead in a few minutes.
Jake: A few minutes? Now that really makes me nervous! Hurry up…start climbing!
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