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Alright, so, Hop is the champion, Kana starts her modeling career and gets looped into RYK (HA! YOU THOUGHT I FORGOT ABOUT MY K-POP GIRL GROUP RIPOFF? WITH THE LESBIANS!?!?! NEVER!!!!!!!!!) then, for Christmas time, guess who comes to visit Kana?

YOU GOT IT RIGHT, LOOKER, ANABEL, AND ANDI!!!!!! Instead of getting Kana and Hop looped into the Sordward and Shielbert NONSENSE, Looker and Anabel deal with those buffoons. And Andi.

I also have some lore. So.... i'm pretending that I GOT SWORD! SCREW SHIELD! Better version exclusives but... Kana being guarded by Zamazenta? Makes literally no sense. Hop? Makes sense. So Kana is guarded by Zacian, Hop is guarded by Zamazenta. Kana doesn't know what to do with Eternatus- so she gives it to Andi. Andi is stronger than her and knows how to handle legendary Pokémon better.

Kana and Anabel finally have a battle, even though Kana had Hop fight Leon in her place. Anabel is still proud of her daughter (U, AND I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH, WU). Kana ends up beating her. Anabel is honestly surprised and very proud of Kana (big uwu hours)

I like reusing old ideas, (reduce reuse recycle, bois) and so the (now under Leon's supervision because Rose is a loser) Rose Corp throws that big gala for the NEW CHAMPION HOP! Kana is also considered the co-champion of the region. She's not the champion, but she is supportive and has the same amount of rights and fame.

And somehow, someway, I want Kana and Hop to confess at the gala. It'll be in Circhester. At the hotel. And Kana gets drunk (ARCEUS I LOVE DRUNK KANA, SHE IS MY FAVORITE) And like Drunk Sana... Drunk Kana is flirty af. Like... Really flirty. She kisses Hop, feels bad about it, but he kisses her back. Next day when Kana is ridiculously hungover and sick, he goes to visit her. The topic of the kiss gets brought up, and they confess their feelings soberly.

Another reusing idea thingy.... SO BACK WHEN BEDE HADN'T BEEN ANNOUNCED AND I SHIPPED HIM WITH KANA, AND MADE HIM MY OWN CHARACTER.... DO YOU REMEMBER!,!?!? THE APARTMENT SCENE!?!?!? GOSH I LOVE THE APARTMENT SCENE. OVERPROTECTIVE DAD LOOKER HELL YEAH. The kiss with HOP will probably be different than the kiss with "Bede" and the setting will have to be different but STILL!!!!!! OVERPROTECTIVE DAD LOOKER!!!!!!!!! YESSSSSSS!!!!

More added soon
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