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June 2014

Once per month I will copy and past from the secret note app to this app because the secret note app is simpler and is also an off line app.
Cut and Paste Below to One Note

June 1st 2014
+ Danny laid a Bomb on us. Danny went on a date. They had fun. He only spent $100.00 on the date and $100 for Euri to work for him. He usually spends $165.00 on the website Adam on Adam. They went to see a movie then to a Chinese style buffet, they had a peck on the lips type kiss in the movies.. And a lots
Of hand holdings. The guy is a Mexican, his name is Lorenzo and he''s 46 years old, about 5"4' and have short black hair. Danny already is developing feelings for him.
Danny was very open to talking about it with Robert Mota and I. From the tone of his voice and the description of the date I realize that I was happy for him and I wish him well.

+ I don't know why I told Robert Mota and Danny about Sam Sullimanov and how he me Sylvia his wife.
I hope he Doesn't tell Julio, this could have ramifications.

+ Robert McRea and the tenant Russ went to a bar and Robert McRea got a phone number.
+ ERIN COLLINS father is doing well, he seems motivated to getting better.
+ I didn't see Beth F. Schneider this weekend but then again it seemed to be a quiet weekend.
+ I spent the whole night on getting Credits and Spending Credits on Traffic Exchanges. I used Blue Surf, Tezak and IT aka Internet Traffic, I'm trying an experient, I decided to use Advertise Emimo on those Traffic exchanges and see what kind of results I would get in around three months. I want this to work.
+ I have to get some Goals.

June 10th 2014
I noticed that the Girls and Women in the building is doing something very bazar. I've notice for a long time now and I'm not able to understand it fully.
When they come out of the elevator the would be walking straight out the door, when they get to around my desk they turn and smile, say something like have a nice day or whatever and turn their face and continue with their life. The thing is AS their turning their face, they would get a real serious look on their face. It's Scary. It actually scare me.
My explanation of this phenomenon is their going to work on Auto Response Mode and they have to step out into Reality for a Split Second, while their doing that their GREET THE DOORMAN Program kicks in, then they return to their Auto Response Mode.
It's sad to see that their Normal Mode of existence is so bland, Sad, and Depressing. What happened to living in a state of Bliss, or just simple Joy.
I can't help the world, they are so busy with their drab existence that they don't have the time to learn, to live, not to mention that they are so condition to the social status of who they even talk to that it completely holds them back from living a furfilling life.

Sunday June 1st 2014
Created a Blog Account
Note: They Deleted my Account.
Danny Got a new Boyfriend
Shift Log
Sun - 5:02 AM Mitchell's Paper Delivery - Harry Megnauth
Sun - 7:15 AM New York Times Paper Delivery - Harry Megnauth
Sun - 7:15 AMEnd of Shift.
Sun - 9:41 AM Monica A. Park from Kian RealtyNYC showing apartment - Robert Mota (Re: Apt. 12F

June 2nd 2014
Julio GArcia came back from Vacation
He did not Sign Out
3J, 8L-Laundry Pick Up, 11K, 14D- 2 Envelopes
Dario Came in at 11:40 pm. He said that I had a Package for him. I checked in the package Room and on the Building Link system then I told him that there was no package. He knew that there was no Package for him. He was just playing games again.
2C came in at 12:32
4E Daughter Oliver came to visit her Mother and is stauing over
Shift Log
Yesterday - 5:47 AM Mitchell's Delivering the Newspaper - Harry Megnauth
Yesterday - 8:19 AM 9g hk - Julio Garcia
Yesterday - 8:27 AM 3b hk - Julio Garcia
Yesterday - 10:19 AM Relieving door for break - Ishwar (Danny) Surajballie
9F Doing her Laundry at Midnight
1G - Fedx . 4G - Fedx . 8L - Dcl/Ldry . 16D - USPS . 19A - Dcl/Ldry .
3B - Dcl/Ldry . 4G - UPS . 9C - UPS . 16D - USPS . 19B - Dcl/Ldry .
3L - P/U . 6G - P/U . 10J - Fedx . 16D - USPS . 19C - Env .
4G - Fedx . 8
Geeta Gave me $40.00 to Buy the Logic Ecigs Cartages
Robert ask me to carry his Dry Cleaning to David's Cleaners
12:46 am Finished Checking my Emails
12:54 am Francis Novack Came to talk. I went to the Bathroom at 1:35am and she took the elevator and went home.
4:30am Fran Novack
4:50 am Charly Foglia Going to the Gym.
He wanted to know who is the lady that exercise, Stretches, Use to Smoke with Danny. Sounds like he's spying for Mustafa again
Ely the Kid was here at 4:30 am

<< Tuesday, June 3 >>

Victoria Joseph's birthday

Got home from work at 8:45 am

Julio wants me to order the screen glare for the computer

9:00 am took my medications

Meditate at 192 HZ
Please do it
It is the Source connection

The Hologram. HDM
Think and Do This Davo.
* Program The Hologram in my Brain *
And Reality will change. > when you REALIZE within yourself that there is NO Space between you and the Object or whatever you want visualize it fitting in seamlessly into your

Woke up at 4:36 am

Shift Log Julio Garcia
8:39 AM 15c home a - Julio Garcia
8:39 AM 1c hk - Julio Garcia
8:46 AM 5a hk - Julio Garcia
12:18 PM 2c food del - Julio Garcia

<< Wednesday, June 4 >>

Shift Log Julio Garcia
8:40 AM 3b hk - Julio Garcia
Today - 8:40 AM 1c hk - Julio Garcia
8:40 AM 9g hk - Julio Garcia
9:09 AM 4h hk - Julio Garcia
9:41 AM 1f verison - Julio Garcia

11:14 am Packages At Work Julio Garcia On Duty)
3L - P/U . 7F - Dcl/Ldry . 9L - UPS . 14L - UPS . 16D - USPS . 19B - P/U .
6G - P/U . 8B - P/U . 11B - USPS . 16D - USPS . 16D - USPS . 19C - Env .
7B - USPS . 9C - UPS . 11E -

Surf Today
10K Auto Surf
24/7 AutoHits
Auto Surf Myth
Admagy: 8
Big Beach Hits: Surf 200 Today
Blue Surf: Surf 130 Today
Froggy Hits: Surf 450 Today
Internet Traffic: 200
Tezak: Surf 200 Today

Geeta have an eye Infection
She went to the doctor yesterday
She is staying home today

6:40 am Josh is Showering

6:48 am Drinking my Second cup of Coffee

7:09 am Josh Finish Showering

7:50 Josh Left for School

9:03 am Took Medicines

10:11 am Eating

10:40 Jordy went to Run around the Block a few times

10:41 am Doing my Eimimo Tillack Account

11:44 am Geeta getting her breakfast ready to eat

12:00 pm Josh Came home from School

333 Contacts Blog

12:00 pm Josh, Jordy, Geeta and I are all Home

1:35 pm Going to Shower and to Smoke it.

Rember to lookup how to change the Date and Date on my Voice Recorder and everything have been moved to i:Storage

2:03 Finished Showering, now in bed with my IPad

11:11 is a sign from the Source
I chose 11:11before I came to Earth from my home in the Spirit world to Remember who I really am.
I feel like I realize what the world is all about, yet still know nothing. when we want there to be something, our subconsci

18 11:11
11:11 and 12:12 and any COMBINATION there is.
11 will connect you with the SOURCE and
12 will connect you with your sprit guide.
They want to contact me."..
18 is the RUNE called ISA
18 is the most Physic of ALL Numbers and is a doorway t

18hz causes hallusasion

Matthew 11:11 English Standard Version (ESV) 11 Truly, I say to you, among those born of women there has arisen no one greater than John the Baptist. Yet the one who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.

Who Is the Greatest? 18 At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” 2 And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them 3 and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like chil

"...YE ARE GODS.." [John 10.34]

woke up at 2:40am

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<< Thursday, June 5 >>

Having my first Cup of Instant Coffee

Robert Mota's Shift
Logged in from Home
2J - USPS . 6G - P/U . 10B - P/U . 14A - USPS . 16D - USPS . 16D - USPS .
2J - USPS . 8A - USPS . 10L - UPS . 14L - UPS . 16D - USPS . 19B - Other .
3L - P/U . 8B - P/U . 11E

Blue Surf:Surf 361
Easy Hits for You: Surf 437 Sites today
Easy Hits, I added 200 Credits to Promote Eimimo
Froggie:urf 1164
Tezak Surf 792
TrafficG: Surf 333

4:50 am Josh got out of Bed and is making Coffee

6:40 am Josh is Showering

6:40 am Having my Second cup of coffee

6:40 am Jordy Playnin Music

6:40 am Geeta Still Sleeping

7:15 am Jordy went to Shower

7:45 am Josh went to School

8:00 am took my Medication

11:19 am Having Dinner

10:30 pm At the Desk at work
Relieved Julio Garcia

No Time Cards

11:51 pm DVR Restarted

Packages JULIO Playing Games With
5B, 8F, 9G, 10L, 11E, 12A, 14A, 16D

12:54 am Tyorkins Left

3:35 am Dario Came Home and I gave him his wine Cooler that was in the Package Room

3:40 am Making some Tea

3:45 am Going to wash my Face

3:43 am Sarge's Food Delivert to Apartment 2C

3:45 am Dario Sending his Empty Boxes to the Lobby in an Empty Elevator from the 14th Floor.

Pay Check Amount $612.37

Ely Came at 4:00am and Left at 4:40am

4:30 10L friend went Up

4:47 am 10L another guy went up

4:45 4J charley Foglia went to the Gym

5:56 am 20D Buzzed to find out if she have a Fed ex Package Down Here

6:02 am 11G Nichole Going to Work

6:03 am 18A Dana Going to Work with a Suitcase

Packages at the End of My Shift
1A - P/U . 6G - P/U . 10B - P/U . 12H - Dcl/Ldry . 16D - Other .
2J - USPS . 7F - UPS . 11F - Env . 14A - UPS . 18A - UPS .
2J - USPS . 8A - USPS . 11J - UPS . 14F - UPS . 18A - Other .

7:03 am Beth

<< Friday, June 6 >>

Remember to get Gum

Remember to bring tea bags to work

Ask Geeta for $20.00 To buy Logic Cartages

9:00 am Took Medicines

10:10 PM Beth and her man came in. They were walking infront of me.

Packages that I gave Out: 2H, 6A, 19B Book Pick up
Other: 16D - Envelope with Danny to Give to Ruben to Carry to the Office
Signed Out 11J, 14L,19B,
On the Computer
2H - Fedx . 6A - USPS . 8B - P/U . 10B - P/U . 14F - UPS .

10:55 pm 7B Riding the Elevator

TEZAK: 600
TrafficG: 500

Shift Notes
11:45 PM I called and asked them to keep the Noise down, They said that they will. - Harry Megnauth (Re: Apt. 18C - Zhang)
3:07 AM Robert McRea Called out Sick - Harry Megnauth
6:10 AM Mitchell's Newspaper Delivery - Harr

8:30 am Paid Danny 20:00

Thursday, June 12 2014
Mrs. Letris David fell down in front of Alibaba Restaurant. She landed on her face. She pulled her hands instead of pushing them forward. Someone called the Ambulance. Mrs. Irma Christian came back to the building and told Julio Garcia what happened. Julio Left the building and went to see what happened, he also called the Ambulance.

<< Saturday, June 7 >>

7:30 pm Came in to work because Robert McRea took Off

8:00 pm 9D and her man

10:00 7B Came to Gossip

11:05 pm Camera Reboot

11:06 pm Aria For 16D
These Creepy People said that they left some dresses wyth the Doorman. The they said they didn't, that it was upstairs in their Apartment. Lying Creepy People

11:07 Dario's Boyfriend

11:58 pm Dario Went Out

3:23 am Dario Came Home

9:00 am took medication

Friday 13th 2014
Stacy from apartment 10F came home at 11:00 am all drugged up. Mustafa, Ruben, and the manager saw what happened. She was wearing shorts with panties on and her pussy was showing.
Matt, her husband came down this morning to go to the store and on his way back, he gave Robert Mota a killer look. I'm guessing there's something in the story that He left out.
Miss David's face was totally fucked up. It seems that she tripped over a six inches metal bar that was sticking out of the sidewalk. Alibaba cut the metal bar and put yellow paint over it. People is telling her to sue Alibaba for damages.

June 16 th 2014
She was home last night, I saw the lights on at 11:00 pm. I knew that she went to spend the weekend with her father for Father's Day. But when I saw 7:04am and I didn't see her I knew that she was taking the day off, she might as well, she only have ten more days for work before the summer break starts.

Julio Garcia
Julio owes me $40.00, he gave me $10.00 and said for Danny to give me the rest. He said that Alphonse wanted his money for the liquor and he paid him for it. Danny also said that he paid Alfonse and he ordered another one. I guess I'm paying for everyone's booze. Oh well..

June 28th 2014
Regarding Apartment 15D. This work of art is not saved anywhere else, so I will have to add it to my mojonote backup on website.
Here's the story. Cut and Paste Below.
15D Leon dropped a red bag with some papers down the Garbage Cute. Euri left a note on Jose's time card for him to call 15D when he gets in. 15D called me at around 7:15 am and ask me to have the Man who take care of the garbage to give him a call, I told him that he gets in at 8:00 am, he said in a real sarcastic tone "so I've been told" and hung up.
Jose Almonte was upset at Euri for leaving a note on his card.
Jose called the man on the 15th floor and he explained to jose what he needed to find. I told Jose that Euri had told me that it happened at around 1:00 pm yesterday. This will save him a lot of work. Jose called Danny and Danny told him that he tied up the garbage at 3:45 pm. The End.

%{color:blue}Regarding Beth%, same date as above. Cut and Paste
She is on her simmer break. I keep seeing her. She is always busy, or on her cell phone to talk with me. She is always walking fast except when she is with Brad Rosen. When she is with brad, she is always talking with him. She totally ignore me.
I am the most ignore person in her life and I do the same. If the bitch won't talk, I won't either. I know that she likes me, or maybe even love me. I know that she is shy around me. I know that I don't give her a chance. If she is not sucking my dick, I don't want anything to do with her. I won't waste my breath.

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Regards; Team

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