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1)To create a world where light is evil

2)To create a world without me

3)To communicate and write with symbols (where minor changes denote a change: like the direction of an animals tail represent its mood)

4)A story where everyone knows when they will die but they can't do anything to prevent it nor can they leave a physical sign through which they can tell someone else about it, so the whole world thinks that they are the only special person.

5)A world with different species as 'the most intelligent one' with their own ideals (like a snake whose parents are not responsible for their kids' survival, or a spider who dies after giving birth which results in completely different and quite extreme ideals of life and death
Maybe where the legend that cats have nine lives is just a sham created by those dogs to lessen their guilt when they make humans kill us or just a trick to make them more vicious saying like you only killed a single cat if you killed 9 of em)

6)a sci-fi, rom-com with a different point of views converging with different incidents (two protagonist story)

7)A light-novel kind, adventure story with an amnesia struck boy, a game-like setting where EXP(experience points) determines the age of a person(effects of old age like weakness, fatigue do apply) , people do age naturally and combined with the EXP effect one can considerably shorten one's life , but reaching a certain level renders such things useless (a periodic level system where the negative effects get suspended and make people temporarily not age any further and like most of the games there is a limit on how much EXP points one can gain), now our protagonist has lost his age due to amnesia and with each memory returns his EXP points and age (he cannot gain EXP by any other means) and with EXP points return his skills and things he doesn't want to remember (he pretty much doesn't age).

8)A device to change the world, a device to change yourself, don't get conceited yet because it does the deed in the worst way possible

9)In a world far-off our own, an utopia was created, though at a price, for all the evil vanquished a part of emotions and intelligence were taken, and every ten years the stored emotions would be discharged in our world (reason to be described/decided later[RTBDL]) , making us a little more evil and intelligent , however the person at the centre of this discharge who is used as a target (again RTBDL) to disperse them would be more influenced, making him someone who would be recorded in history whether in golden letters of awe or despise filled tears.

10)A world which is more about perception than our own, with more visions(visions in this world mean a type of sight of the world ) than our own, with each disclosing more information than our own (based on colour, clarity, depth, sharpness and most importantly shape).Eyes aren't the only way to see, nor reality the only thing they see.
our protagonist is an 'irregularity'(RTBDL) with the ability to copy any 'sight'(sight here being anything that helps you 'see'). The 10 masters of 10 different (and famous) family (family: having the same eye ability or vision) are to be assembled (why ? RTBDL) but when they arrive they are shocked to find 21 of them there with a clone of everyone except the 11th special eye i.e our protagonist.

11)'Alls well that ends well' a simple ideology of a simple man. Oh, wait he is not the hero, he is the villain.

12)A vampire doesn't know how it looks.

13)'People are possessed not only by spirits but also by ideas, ideals and instincts. Obsession is truly a frighting thing'

14) A man who does bad things to earn money and more bad things he does the more his heartaches and to quell this pain he tries to drown himself in pleasure he gets both by using money and the fulfilling feeling of acquiring money and thus more his heart aches.

15) A story about an enigma- a mysterious figure with a tattoo on his hand, he comes uninvited and leaves without permission whether in presence of a King or an emperor, each time he either brings a calamity or a miracle with him, killing millions or saving more. He appeared to save the daemon king from heroes and yet he saved the world from the revived evil dragon, his actions perplex even the smartest among the wise but our story begins from the point where a kid of tender age kills this tattooed man.

16) 'At the terminus of this tunnel, I wonder, will I see light ?'.

17) 'Don't you feel that the world is awfully empty, like the stillness of a post-war battlefield'

18) Don't you think its weird how people age, isn't it unnatural? Well each human is attached with an 'organism' if you may call it, which absorbs the life energy we exude. Well its not really a problem in our early days but as we grow 'old' this energy weakens conversely the organism starts to crave more energy driving our body to weaken at a faster rate.

19) The story of a self-decapacitating man and a ghost who comfort and stops him from commiting suicide.

20) The story of 10 war buddies that revive into past, set to conquer their destined demise they change the future (SN- 2 were a bully and his victim, one being a prince, one being the son of a corrupt government official, 1 being the daughter of the righteous man killed by the corrupt man, 5 (TBDL))
The war was harsh enough to compel the 7 seven human nations and 4 other races (elves with faries, dwarves with golems, half beasts with their tames and the goddess clan which handled the negotiations) to join hands
The world divided into 8 continents was diverse with 3 continents under humans, 1 under elves (the largest and the most scarcely populated) and 4 shared by dwarves and half beasts due to previous power struggles
The immediate decent of demons destroyed 5 (2 of humans and 3 of half beasts) of those continents and to the oppressing forces they took shelter in the continent of elves as they each got a part to defend ,under 5 years pushed to the limits the 10 friends died in a desperate suicide mission to kill the demon archlord of a taken continent

21) "Aah the weight, it crushes me, the weight of words, my smallest actions, my smallest thoughts, even the damn way I pee." the story of a boy who got 'lucky' to become a god.

22) To create a language completely opposite of the norm i.e by making the words first then the sounds.

23) I always wondered, whenever I closed my eyes a dreadful thought comes to me; does the world still exists? Will I still find you when I open them, will I?

24) This retribution I wished, do I want to pay or be paid to, do I regret my action more or her's, did I just wanted another chance? Is this retribution just a disguise.
'The storyteller' I am, setting the pieces is my limit and how they move is what I 'recite'.

25) Why do we sleep? Is our body tired or our mind, just for the maintenance or improvement, or maybe its something else (CT-replenishing of soul)

26) Someone had an idea once-'If I make work seem like grinding in a game, people would do it for free.'

27)All things move because they have a 'will' (can be broaden upon the fundamentals of universe whether real or fiction)

28) He kept staring at it, without a word; hours went but his gaze not wavered (for reunion or for goodbye or for longing to return)

29)What does it means to be the strongest, what did i gain from this loneliness, whats the point when all i can do is fade away...

30) The things you feel every second is the product of actions predating to the start of the universe, each unique in its own, so maybe cherish it a little.

31) Showing the story of a 'hero' through the eyes of the side characters. (what they feel upon seeing him whether admiration, jealousy, pity, helplessness, joy etc...)

32) A bullied boy is isekaied, where he defeats the demon lord and returns.
The plot sounds generic and boring you say ?
Well do you know what kind of a person this 'hero' was ? Or how did he return, no the more important thing is why did he return ? You see, the 'gods' have an algorithm for this stuff, they usually dont select people who want to return (well, you gotta be efficient)
So... do i have piqued your interest now ? No? A pity you wont know how he conquered half a city without any powers (from the other world except what he got in his head, dont they say 'brains than brawls')
Oh, before you leave (either for another story or to read ahead) just know that he is not the kindest of the people.

33) When i think that the words i tell you, no matter how hard i shout, will one day fade, lost into the noise of the universe, just like how i will too...
'You think too much ' she smiled. 'The world for humans is finite, you might not exists forever, but you are alive right now, right here in front of me, who will definitely remember these feelings, it might not be longer than you much less forever but i will remember them till my last breath' she smiled yet again

34) "Nothing i will get from piling up breaths, as such, rude it may be, i will be taking my leave first"

35) "Dont die" the voice ringed in my head, so I took a breath again
"Stay alive" whispered someone, so I opened my eyes
"Please, win" pleaded it, so i stood up

36) 'Tears that wont stop' was the curse that she gave to herself.
Tears that became cold as they lost the feelings inside them.
Tears that became so cold that they froze.
Thats the legend of the women with a fairer face than snow.

37) The world in-itself is a generator, quite literally. All the actions in it are made to power the existences outside, and it was created with the motive to 'move'

38) The real test of genius comes with making do with what you have and surpass every expectation.

39) The ugly part of humans, the animal inside us. Maybe it is too among the things that make us human.
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