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Bacteria are microbiological life forms that live on and in our bodies, in our environment and on our food. There are thousands
of different types of bacteria and many are useful bacteria. A few are very harmful and can cause illness and even death.

Cross contamination is when bacteria is carried by hands or utensils to high risk food

Helpful Bacteria allow us to grow crops, produce yoghurt, cheese and fizzy drinks. It also allows us to digest our food and
even create medicines. 57% of the cells in the human body are form bacteria, fungus, viruses and archaea (a micro-organism)

Spoilage Bacteria makes food perish causing rotting or decay, e.g. green mould on bread left out.

Pathogenic Bacteria is bacteria that can transmit illness such as food poisoning and food-borne disease. The nasty stuff!

Bacteria need food, moisture, warmth and time to grow

The bacteria danger zone is between 5 and 63C. This is because bacteria can grow at these temperatures

1000 bacteria can multiply to over 1 million bacteria in less than 2 hours!

Bacteria cannot multiply in dried foods such as dried pasta or rice
Physical contamination occurs when any
foreign body enters the food. This could cause
choking or suffocation. An example could be
string, paperclips, or stones in food.

Allergenic contamination:

Allergens are substances that cause the body’s
immune system to react, sometimes
dramatically, to what it thinks is a threat. If food
is contaminated with an allergen, some people
could have a severe allergic reaction.

Chemical contamination :

COSHH - The Control of Substances
Hazardous to Health. e/g/ bleach or descaler.

Chemical contamination occurs when food or
deliveries are contaminated with chemicals.

A detergent is a chemical used in the kitchen
that helps dissolve grease and break up dirt.

A sanitiser is a chemical used in the kitchen
that kills bacteria.

The essential steps for cleaning and sanitising
and 1. wash with hot water and detergent. 2.
rinse off detergent. 3. spray and wipe with

Food Hygiene And Safety
Salmonella comes from the gut of cows, chickens and
farmyard animals

Raw chicken, raw meat, raw milk and some raw eggs can
contain salmonella.

Salmonella can be avoided by cooking food thoroughly and
avoiding cross contamination.

Campylobacter is the most common cause of food poisoning
in the UK.

Campylobacter comes from the gut of cows, chickens and
farmyard animals

The symptoms of campylobacter are abdominal pain,
vomiting and diahorrea.

The elderly, very young, pregnant people and those who are
already ill are most at risk from food poisoning.

How does campylobacter spread?

Washing raw chicken does not kill bacteria and spreads it
around the kitchen through water droplets.

The only way to remove bacteria from chicken is to cook it
until piping hot and no pink remains.

Keep raw chicken covered and chilled

Wash items that touch raw meats in hot soapy water.

To check if chicken is cooked through, cut though the leg to
check there is no pink meat and the juices run clear.

If you use a meat thermometer, cooked chicken should be 85C. Cooked meat should be 77C
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