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/me It was Todd's idea.

It wasn't like it was a bad idea or anything- as, despite being the designated smart one of the small circle of friends, Todd had his fair share of bad ones... Although, to be fair, Sal was usually the one who dragged him into them. It didn't mean that the two combined couldn't have good ideas- but as dumbass college students who tended to be hopped up on weed, that didn't mean a lot.

But, neither of them were high or under the influence when Todd suggested it to him during one of their "therapy" sessions- aka when the two were home alone together and didn't have any gadgets or plans to work on together, bunked up together in the redhead's room as the two quietly talked in more serious matters then they usually did.

Which, to some, would be a surprise due to Sal's nature- but the nightmares had been getting worse. A mix of screams and sobs filled his dreams, bits of conversation drifting in and out of his consciousness in a jumbled mess- faces blended in together and it didn't matter in the end since it always ended with the same red eyed demon, glowing eyes hidden behind a strange dog mask.

... It wasn't pleasant, obviously. Paranoia crept on him when he was home alone and it got to the point where he refused to not be with someone, despite him trying to push it off as "missing his friends'. There was times when he was worried- about if this was really his reality or if it was all a horrible dream, if everyone was going to die in the same horrible ways they did when he was asleep.

"It's repressed memories, Sal," Todd had his professor voice on when he talked to him, addressing him in the same way he did their college class in a group project. "It's because of stress and stuff. Normally, I'd suggest just taking a break from it but... we're getting close and we just can't do that, as selfish as that sounds."

Which meant going back to the source.

He trusted Todd, of course- he was his friend and wanted him to get better, and he promised not to tell anyone. Plus, he was right- they were getting closer to just ending it all, even if it was in a explosive manner.
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Regards; Team

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