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With the increased global media attention on violent acts of persecution inflicted on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender persons, a crucial question before the world community today is whether gay rights are included under our basic human rights. Foundational U.N. documents appear to provide guidance. " For example, the Charter of the United Nations encourages "respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction‖ in Chapter I, Article 1, #3. The following year, in a Human Rights Day address to the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland on Dec.

She spoke of this "invisible minority," whose human rights were in jeopardy throughout the world, and in this way, she called for greater protection of LGBT persons. A few days later, Mr. Ban offered his own Human Rights Day message at U.N. Headquarters in New York City, focusing on homophobic bullying. Mr. Ban articulated the profound psychological suffering that ensues from bullying, including depression and suicide.

The United Nations Speaks Out, April 2011

By jointly issuing this brochure, OHCHR, UNDP, UNAIDS, and WHO showed that the United Nations partners speak together on this matter. The brochure can be found on the OHCHR website.

UNHCR report, December 2011

On December 15, 2011 OHCHR released its first report on the human rights of LGBT persons. This report details the worldwide manifestations of discrimination based on sexual orientation, noting that violence against LGBT persons has a history of hate-motivated violence, such as discrimination in work, health care, education, detention and torture. The publication of this report followed two historic developments of the Human Rights Council. First, 85 countries signed on to a statement calling for the decriminalization of homosexuality in March 2011.

Subsequently, a resolution initiated by South Africa was passed in June 2011 and became the first U.N. resolution calling for support of gay rights. Concurrent with the OHCHR report, Navi Pillay of South Africa, the U. N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, appealed to U. N. Member States to decriminalize homosexuality and enact comprehensive anti-discrimination laws. The OHCHR report documents that same-sex relationships are illegal in 76 countries, and the death penalty may be invoked as punishment in at least 5 countries. The report carefully links antihomosexuality laws with the legitimacy of violence against nations¡¥ citizens based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

When persons are formally and legally devalued, it follows that designating their status as second rate may lead to "acceptable" persecution. The OHCHR report encourages nations to institute public information campaigns to educate citizens about ensuring the rights of LGBT persons. Additionally, those sworn to protect individual rights, such as police and law enforcement officers and public officials, should receive appropriate training in this subject.

Human Rights Council, March 2012

We see a pattern of violence and discrimination directed at people just because they are gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender. There is widespread bias at jobs, schools and hospitals, and appalling violent attacks, including sexual assault. People have been imprisoned, tortured, even killed. This is a monumental tragedy for those affected ― and a stain on our collective conscience.

You, as members of the Human Rights Council, must respond. Any attack on you is an attack on the universal values of the United Nations I have sworn to defend and uphold. Today, I stand with you, and I call upon all countries and people to stand with you, too.


Today, under the leadership of Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, there is no doubt that the U.N. is making progress toward the global inclusion of LGBT rights in our basic human rights.


Charter of the United Nations.

About the Co-Editors

Both are associated with the United Nations Department of Public Information and are co-editors of this column. In July, the International Network on Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Concerns and Transgender Issues in Psychology will be active at the 30th International Congress of Psychology 2012 in Cape Town, South Africa. Representatives to the International Network from the Psychological Society of South Africa are coordinating a pre-conference workshop on practice guidelines for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender advocating for LGBT inclusive and affirming policies in international psychology and beyond. There has been significant progress in both areas.

Concerning the first, the ICP 2012 will include more than 60 programs related to LGBT people and issues, which represents the most ever at an international psychology conference. In August 2011, the office secured a grant from the Arcus Foundation for $150,000 for a two-year project. Half of the grant is to support the International Network.


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