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This is Rishabh Soni, an advisor in Flipkart Chat process having reg: 100000000486909, I am hereby to make you aware that the environment in which we are working is not tolerable at all.

The way in which "Kshitiz Phutela" the TL on floor behaving with the advisors is too much rude, we are not here to work under such an unprofessional environment, his behavior is so irritating that every person on the floor feels like that he/she has committed a crime and now he is the culprit and Mr. kshitiz will going to punish him.

It was an incident of December 15, 2019 when he was continuously using his phone on the floor and after some time he got involved in a fight with an advisor and this whole scenario make everyone disturb.

Sometime we feels like that to put the resignation is a better option instead of working over here.

It's December 16, 2019. I was just logged in my system and suddenly he made an announcement that we are not supposed to sit on the particular system on which we want to but he is forcing us to move to somewhere else, we are professional but not the students of kinder garden, I think that we are grown enough to make the decision for ourselves like where should be sit or where not.

Also, he is continuously threatening us that he will kick us out from the company whenever he wants, I don't know that we are hired by the H.R of the Teleperformance or by Mr. "Kshitiz".

This is not something related to me only but every single employee in nights shift on the floor has been harassed mentally by him and everybody wants to put a complaint but due to their job security they are unable to drop a complaint against him.

Please look into the matter and I truly believe that you'll surely take an action against all of these conflicts.
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Regards; Team

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