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[3:06] Ermagherd LerL: how's the bronze life treatin ya
[3:07] AceCraftPE: the struggle is real
[3:07] Ermagherd LerL: :<
wanna know what I've been doing
I've been spamming 1 champ
not someone thats OP
or considered OP
but just a champ that I love and find insanely fun to play
try em all and find that one that is super fun for you
then youll have fun even if its a loss
also try duoing/soloing and see whats your thing
[3:08] AceCraftPE: and yours is Darius?
[3:08] Ermagherd LerL: nope
why would it be darius lol
[3:09] AceCraftPE: checking your match history
wait nvm
[3:09] Ermagherd LerL: lool
[3:09] AceCraftPE: i woke 30 mins ago so imma use that as an excuse here
[3:09] Ermagherd LerL: ahha okay
your builds on kogmaw look pretty solid btw
Kogmaws main role late is to sit in the back and spam ult
to poke them down
then they have to back off
and you push their turrets in
oh btw
[3:11] AceCraftPE: yea he's fun to play but i'm not used to his playstyle
[3:11] Ermagherd LerL: youll drop and rise a lot
do you remember DylansMadness
[3:11] AceCraftPE: yea I figured
[3:11] Ermagherd LerL: hes super old gen YTer from MC2
he was placed in bronze 2
dropped down to bronze 4
that was just over a year ago
and now he's in plat 2
[3:11] AceCraftPE: damn
[3:11] Ermagherd LerL: and honestly
he barely knows anything lol
but he spammed 1 champ
he asked me how many blue spots were on a rune page
he thought there was 8
but yea man
find that one champ
that you think is fun
and spam the fuck outta it'
I've probably linked this to you before, but this helps decide what champs you might like
[3:12] AceCraftPE: Well I guess if you play one champ long enough you'll learn the ins and outs of that champ, it's counters, it's weaknesses etc
[3:12] Ermagherd LerL: exactly
also if you google champion names
you get exact stats on them
how much hp they gain per level
knowing cooldowns of all spells
since youre pretty new I'd just start with learning the passives and abilities of every champ
or most of them
[3:13] AceCraftPE: actually that'd be a smart thing to to
to do*
[3:13] Ermagherd LerL: for beginners yep
pro players need to know the CD of every spell of every champ
at 0% cdr and %40
and everything in between
[3:14] AceCraftPE: yep
[3:14] Ermagherd LerL: so they can time when to go in
"oh jax used his dodge thingy, its on cd for 18 seconds"
or if your lane opponent uses flash
5 minute cd
get jungler to gank within the next 5 minutes
But for now yea
just learn passives and abilities
since you main mid/adc I'm assuming, what is Vayne's passive?
and you should be able to know that :P
then youll improve a ton I think
[3:15] AceCraftPE: fuck
oh yea
[3:16] Ermagherd LerL: dont know it? :p
[3:16] AceCraftPE: i remember now
is it increased movement speed after hitting a champion?
[3:16] Ermagherd LerL: nope
[3:16] AceCraftPE: like lucian sort of
k well fuck me
[3:16] Ermagherd LerL: increased move speed when moving TOWARDS any enemy champ
to chase them down
[3:17] AceCraftPE: oh
[3:17] Ermagherd LerL: her ultimate increases the bonus move speed from her passive too
[3:17] AceCraftPE: damn and she has that roll too
[3:17] Ermagherd LerL: so yea
also youll learn just by playing lots
that way you dont face an unplayed champ
"oh wtf is that shit thats killing me"
[3:17] AceCraftPE: Wow dude, thanks for the helpful advice man, really do appreciate it
[3:17] Ermagherd LerL: no worries haha
I just feel bad that you didn't get into silver like you expected to lol
[3:18] AceCraftPE: Going to go indepth researching this stuff over the next few days
[3:18] Ermagherd LerL: I kinda made bronze players seem like ass
and then you got bronze
[3:18] AceCraftPE: I was never expecting silver
[3:18] Ermagherd LerL: but hey at least you arent bronze 5
like drake
and anathema
[3:18] AceCraftPE: yea ikr
[3:18] Ermagherd LerL: LOL
this game seems really simple
[3:18] AceCraftPE: I feel so bad for Drake
[3:18] Ermagherd LerL: but you learn more every day
I learn stuff every day
[3:18] AceCraftPE: dude he got into bronze 5
[3:18] Ermagherd LerL: yea lol
[3:18] AceCraftPE: then after that he won 5 ranked games in a row
[3:18] Ermagherd LerL: D:
[3:19] AceCraftPE: ik, he must've been so pissed
[3:19] Ermagherd LerL: theres a lot more to this game than meets the eye though
super super in depth game
[3:19] AceCraftPE: he would've been silver 4 at least
[3:19] Ermagherd LerL: yea
oh also
idk if you know this
but every new champ that gets released
the oldest 6300 goes down to 4800
[3:19] AceCraftPE: yea a lot of it is calculations, mind games, and strategies
[3:19] Ermagherd LerL: mind games are huge yea
[3:20] AceCraftPE: all of the 6300 ones/
[3:20] Ermagherd LerL: ?
[3:20] AceCraftPE: or just the ones pertaining to the same role
[3:20] Ermagherd LerL: oh no I mean like
uh can you skype
Itll be easier to explain lol
[3:20] AceCraftPE: not atm
[3:20] Ermagherd LerL: ah okay
ill try to explain
[3:20] AceCraftPE: i'll hit you up later though if you're online
[3:20] Ermagherd LerL: so volibear is the oldest champion that still costs 6300
so when a new champ comes out
volibears cost will go down to 4800
[3:21] AceCraftPE: ohhh
[3:21] Ermagherd LerL: yeeea
[3:21] AceCraftPE: ok I get you now
[3:21] Ermagherd LerL: yea so last champ to come out was braum
[3:21] AceCraftPE: Have you seen the new champ?
[3:21] Ermagherd LerL: and I think fizz got reduced in price
yea he looks really strong
[3:24] : I know it seems like youll never get out of bronze now
but in a while youll look back and realize how much better you've gotten
I was in Silver 5 for a long long time
and I finally just went for it and played a ton of ranked
Got all the way up to Silver 1 within a week
and then got gold a week later
[3:28] : oh right
there are simple things to improve on as well
make a custom game and cs without any items
and try to hit 70~ cs by 10 minutes
thats a good amount for your level
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