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(1) more accessible <----------can't make if they have no money, supply can't meet demand
price increase <-------innovation affects new drugs worldwide
companies can raise price<---------competition<------------------ no negotiations
10% year increase <------- lower else ware
1 in 5 generic have increase up to a 1000%<---------Insurance decrease the prices
patent drugs are lower in other nations
1) more affordable <----------------------------------- AARP : Private negotiators<--companies losing money right now
Patients skip buying cause of $$ <------------------Giving it out for free
45 million americans didn't fill prescriptions <---------- there has been an increase in R+D price
125,000 from non-adherence <----------------In general, could be referring to anti-vax<----- not true
20% decrease in prices = 20% increase in people access
2) lower premiums<-------------------surgeries cost a lot, most costly <---------less sick
reduce the price of the healthcare <-------------innovation means you don't need to go to hospital<---- only if they win their case
44 million have no insurance <--------------------no brightline for drug costs
care and checkups decrease <----------- 18-27 billion drop in revenue
reduce insurance by 42% because of cost
7 out of 10 deaths are chronic
3) safety net clinics <----- always fail<-------------- 1) not profit driven, made by rich people
2) can't afford the new drugs.
83% cant secure healthcare without
costs hurt viability of clinics
clinics need the money
most clinics don't get gov revenue
decreased mortality by 2%
1) R+D <----- 1% decrease in prices
1) direct cuts<--------------- less R+D prices have been going down, 1) either non-unique or de-link
cut investment profits
forced to charge less for drugs<------------------still making hella profit
limits net profit
40-45% in prices
2) less desirable<---------- government are the people who pay
investors don't have incentive
more wages
1) lower advertisers<----------not gonna switch over to make shoes
5.2 billion dollars
62% since 2012<-----------doctors
adds are highly valued source
spread info
lack of information
1) decrease R+D
2.7 billion
1-10 are FDA
high risk high reward
700,000 die from antibiotics
very risky
destroy incentive
1/3 fewer drugs
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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Regards; Team

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