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Natsuki Hart (Pepper), F, 28 - Grew up as a cow herder on her father's farm, she never got proper education. Despite that she's still very clever and has impeccable common sense. Kind but jealous, she wanted more for herself and so she joined a colony ship as a settler. In the program she learned many useful things necessary for the starting of a colony. Construction, mining, planting and crafting are all her strong suits. On top of that, she also isn't a bad shot. She's very nervous when she can't do something and hates sitting around.
Reagan Stiller (Boots), M, 57 - A labor camp as an orphan, Reagan went through and saw horrible things. After many years he was sold as a slave to a raider colony, however during the transport he managed to escape the group and fled. A few months later he found a mercenary group that gladly took him in. They did whatever dirty work people required. Mostly just killing, but oftentimes mining and construction. They had a group dog called Sparky, a black lab, Reagan was basically the one who took care of him. He doesn't have the best view of life but he always treats his friends with compassion. Has a great memory.
Gabby Boyle, F, 26 - A brilliant child quickly becoming a doctor and starship surgeon. Absolutely, completely socially inept. She's quite interested in plants and to keep her body healthy she sometimes dabbles in construction. Smart and neurotic, can be quite judgemental. Has a superiority complex. And is very passionate about her work.

The diary of Gabby Boyle
Aprimay 2 5500, Crashlanded on a removed rimworld along with two other people. A 57 year old man and a 28 year old woman. The man's name is Boots, the woman's name is Pepper. I frankly think it stupid that grown up people would rather use nicknames than their actual names but it's up to them I suppose. I'm terribly achy. I spent the entire day hauling things from the shipwreck to a nearby mountain wall that Pepper and Boots started digging into. There's large cats wandering all around and it's only a manner of time before one of us gets mauled. I'm sure of it. We're all horribly nauseous from cryptosleep. I'm sure a mountain bunker is our best and safest bet. I scoped out the area and made some mental notes about the placement of perimeter walls and the inside of the bunker, granted we won't dig into any caverns. Boots and Pepper seem to like each other quite a bit, from what i've heard when they talked. Kept raving on an on about how safe the bunker will be and then they got into isolationism and all sorts of other things that i feel they're way too stupid to talk about. Now I'm getting ready to sleep on the hard rock ground with the smell of vomit all around me. Pleasant. Boots thought that as a scientist and a surgeon I would be too prissy to work with my own two hands. I told him i can clean and haul things as welll as any old farm oaf, but i'd like to see him try and operate on someone.
Aprimay 3 5500 I asked Boots to kill the big cats since he's the one with the shotgun. Managed to shoot the male lion and the cheetah that were wandering dangerously close to the colony. Feel much better about walking outside now. Butchered the animals since Boots thought that's somehow comparable to surgery. I guess it is, in a way. Still insulted me a bit. A group of traders came by relatively late, from a nearby town. Apparently we landed right in the middle of their country, the Southeastern Medos Dominion. They seem friendly enough. Gave us a map for free. Boots went and tried to buy something from them but the thing is, they had basically nothing, apart from some ammo that Boots bought and two literal woolly mammoths. In this weather. They were selling a girl too. We couldn't afford to buy her freedom. I really wish we would. Sariha Hoshida was her name. The rimworlds are a sad, sad place.
Aprimay 4 5500, The traders left early morning. Pepper asked me to cut some stone bricks from the limestone they're mining out. Easy enough. The mining is going slowly. I talked with both of them about the perimeter walls and they'll build the first one tomorrow.
Aprimay 5 5500, Spent the day cutting stone, Pepper and Boots built the first perimeter wall. It's not much but it'll keep the animals out. When they were mining out an area, a piece of the stone crumbled and revealed a smooth stone wall behind it. After breaking through that, they found a long room, with ancient artefacts(one soothe pulser and one shock lance), luciferium, art and two cryptosleep caskets. The very old ones. Boots said it's best not to open those as we don't know who or what might be inside. There was even a bunch of glitterworld medicine there.They'll just keep digging and once we have better guns we'll open the caskets. Boots finally built me a research bench. We'll have batteries in no time.
Aprimay 6 5500, Boots built an air turbine and a cooler for the freezer, with my help. We'll have batteries soon. A few droppods with devilstrand landed nearby
Aprimay 10 5500, Spending my days researching now. Much more fun than hauling. We built batteries and now have a functional freezer. A nutrition paste dispenser is being built too.
Aprimay 12 5500 Hauled some dead animals that were recently killed by predators and foraged for berries and agave in the vincinity. The first rice harvest is coming in nicely. Some people stopped by and asked if they could visit but we're not in the position to accept guest right now. Trader caravan from Menbinan Unification stopped by. They're a neighbouring country to the medos dominion, their country lies in and across the Bluecave desert and the Lercha mountains, although they have a few settlements near the Maus shrubland
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