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Ben Davidson (Boxing)
Training Tyson Fury (2017-)
Trained Tom Little (2016-2017)
Trained Michael Maguire (2017)
Training Billy Joe Saunders (2012), (2019-)
Trained Ashley Sexton (2017)
Training Isaac Lowe (2018-)

Friend – This is known as a person that is attached to another person through feelings, affection or any other personal regard.
Ben Davidson performs this role by showing a gratitude and friendliness to his fighters. He does this by believing and motivating his fighters into the mindset that they can beat everyone also joking around with his fighters. This enables his fighters to feel closer and more attached developing a better relationship. This can benefit his fighter as they will feel comfortable expressing their emotions and problems leading up to a fight as they feel comfortable around Ben Davidson. This will help them to cope with there emotions improving overall performance.

Ben Davidson also helps fighters with non-sport related problems. This may be situations that can get in the way of the fighter’s everyday life. Therefore, Fighters being able to trust Ben Davidson by helping them with these problems can help to build and improve interaction between the coach and performer increasing overall performance

Coaching knowledge – This is the foundation and core knowledge required to teach a sport.

Ben Davidson will carry out this role by knowing the science behind the sport. This is important as ben Davidson trains his fighters to develop technique and become an overall better fighter. Therefore, he needs to know the fundamentals of the body in order to adapt training working on weaknesses in the fighter’s game. An example of this can be increasing muscle for more power. This is beneficial as the fighter will be train on specific aspects of the body in order to improve the athlete’s skill also improving overall performance.
Ben Davidson will also take responsibility for group interaction and social cohesion within the camp. This is important as negative moods within a camp can hinder the mentality of a fighter. Therefore, ben Davidson must carry out the role of ensuring everyone in the camp is on board and causing any problems which could create a negative atmosphere. This will be beneficial to the fighter as they will be able to concentrate specifically on there training and not be focused on problems within the camp. This will also ensure that the fighter will be able to train with the coaches effectively with no problems getting in the way of the fighter’s attitude and mental state improving overall performance.

Ben Davidson will also know how to talk to his participants. Due to the developed relationship between the fighter and the coach, they will learn each other’s boundaries and understand how to talk to each other. If the coach was to speak to his fighter in a way where his fighter feels threatened or hurt by what is being said, this can affect the relationship and performance of the athlete. Therefore, it is beneficial that ben Davidson understand show to talk to this fighter in order to develop a great relationship together enabling his fighter to have the full trust and correct mental state going into a fight which will improve the athlete’s performance.

Problem solving – This is the process of finding solutions to complex or difficult issues.

In training camp before a fight, Freddie roach will carry out the role of problem solving. This will be done by watching clips and video of the upcoming opponent finding weakness and finding out what their strengths are. This is done in order to gain an advantage over the opponent. By seeing what the opponent is strengths, Ben Davidson will carry out the role of figuring out how to counter the strength. This is beneficial to the fighter as they will have the fundamental understanding of how to counter the opponent’s strengths giving them the extra edge in the fight. Ben Davidson will also be able to maximise the strengths of their performer. This will allow them to develop a game plan of how they will beat the opponent. This is a huge benefit to the fighter as they will be giving a clear plan of how to counter the opponent’s strengths and attack the weakness improving the overall performance enabling them to win the fight.
Ben Davidson will also be able to discover other weaknesses in his own fighter based on previous fights. Therefore, he will include training drills which will help to counter this weakness. This is important as the other fighter might be understand and know the weakness of his opponent. Therefore, working on the weakness will be beneficial as the athlete and improve their boxing techniques giving them the extra edge in the fight with the full understanding of his opponent and what trademark punches are.

Fitness assessment – Series of exercises that assist in evaluating the athlete’s physical status and health.
It is vital that Ben which components of fitness his athlete needs to develop that is vital for the sport. An example of this can be cardiovascular endurance. If ben Davidson trains a fighter that tens to get tired in the later rounds of a boxing fight. He may want to develop this component of fitness in order to improve his performance. However, he will need to carry out a fitness test to see where the fighter is currently at to improve. This test can be the V02 test where maximum oxygen uptake is measured. The higher the oxygen uptake, the more oxygen is being used, enabling the cardiovascular system to function efficiently. This is beneficial as Ben Davidson will be able to use this as a starting block seeing where the Cardiovascular fitness is to develop the fighter’s ability in the later rounds of a fight.
These fitness tests will be monitored throughout the training camp with the training sessions being developed by ben Davidson in order to improve Cardio. This is beneficial as there will be a clear indication of the progression made by the athlete on his Cardiovascular levels leading up to a fight. This will provide an insight on whether the training was enough. This will be beneficial for the athlete as their body will be more conditioned for fight allowing them to perform at an optimal level in the later rounds avoiding fatigue.
An advantage of a fitness assessment is that Ben is able to establish the strengths and weakness his athletes. This can show a clear indication of where an athlete currently is and where he needs to improve on. Monitoring progress is also an advantage as ben Davidson can see the physiological changes occurring in the body benefiting his athlete.
A disadvantage of fitness testing is that this does not replicate movements or take into consideration the effects of the sport. An example of this is getting hit in the torso in boxing. This can reduce the V02 in the body as air is being lost due to the impact of the punch.
A recommendation that can be made is making the tests more sports specific. An example of this can be sparring for a long duration in order to develop skill also improving cardiovascular endurance in a boxing environment.

• Description of technique 3 (observation analysis, performance profiling, fitness assessment, goal setting, simulation, modelling, effective demonstration, technical instruction, developing performer coaching diaries, adapting practices to meet individual needs, designing effective practice sessions)
• Explain how coach 3 performs this skill
• An advantage and a disadvantage for technique 3
• A recommendation to ensure that technique 3 can be used effectively
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