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tensions between the regions of a country(tensions btw the north and south)
Causes: westward expansion, economy differences North and South. Industrial economy-North agriculture-South that is supported by slaves. Missouri Compromies us govenment intervention to resolve the tensions. Compromieses only delay the war

2. Slavery Debate-
supporters-good because slaves would be worse off if they were factory workers,important to the economy and is a positive good and they are doing good things for the slaves. Both sides use religion to justify their case because of the second great awakening.
AntiSlavery-morally wrong, Uncle Tom's cabin written by HB stowe. revealed the reality of slavery to the north and europe. Pro-slavery argument is that slaves are happy and that they have food and shelter. Slaves are resisting. Covert resistance is getting sick and not working as hard

3.Fredrick Douglas-
former slave that was born into slavery. Owners secreted educate him and escapes his way to freedom and becomes aboliton leader; writer and speech giver;primary source to slavery;very religious aboltion using religion to argue against slavery

4.Manifest Destiny-
Americans were destined by God to move Westward coast to coast. Causes sectionalism with the more people are moving west and decision of slave and free state. Natives are displaced and white superiority is emphasized. Free-African Americans move west as well. Aquire Land, gold. Once reached the Pacific, transcontinetal railroad built, trade with Asia.

5.James Polk-
Annexation of Texas; Mexican American War; people argued that since focus was directed towards the south and away from Oregon. Polk induced the war on purpose. Criticiezed from the Whig party. Polk was not pleased with Treaty of GH. Felt that if changed whig would block his new treaty. Pressured to acept the treaty

6.Annexation of Texas-
Revolution in Texas and Mexico does not recogzie their independece. People were opposed as it was a large slave territory. Congress signed and annexed Texas either way

7.Oregon Territory-
Claimed by Russia, U.S.,Spain, and Britain at the beginning. 1818 compromise w/ Britaina dn had mutual settlement. Encouraged those who moved west to move into Oregon. 1840s we are now trying to settle the Oregon territory and avoid war. Arbitration used to claim Oregon. Don't want to go to war w/ Britain bc of the Mex-American War.

8.Mexican AMerican War-
Rejection of the Slidell mission starts the tensions. Wanted to buy California. Polk sends troops across the Neuces River and hoping that Mexico would attack. U.S. gained the Mexican Cession and debates over slavery arises. Wilmot Promiso wanted to barr slavery in this territory.

9.Treaty of GH
gave U.S rights to California, paid 15 million,recognizes Texas is the Rio Grande border and is independent. U.S. had to give up some land in some territory but will aqure that land again throught the Gadsden purchase

10.California Gold Rush
-Young men(single) moved west to look for Gold.Population booms rapidly and has enoguht people to apply for statehood. Applied for statehood as a freestate.

11. Compromise of 1850-
California is a free state, Fugitive slave act is strengthened. Slave trade was abolished in Washington D.C. but slavery was still allowed at the Capital. Popular soverignty will be used to determine status of the rest of the remaining territories of Mex.

12. Kansas Nebraska Act-
Written by Steph Douglas, he runs against lincoln for senate. Territory is split in two and each state gets to decide based on pop. soverignty and people will vote. Pro-slavery go into kansas and vote for free. JB moves into Kansas and murdered 6 people.

13. Dred Scott case-
Decision is that slaves are property and that they still belong to the owner and do not have the protection for the Constitution. and property is property regardless of location.

14. Free-soil party
don't want slavery to spread. But not all abolition. political party think that slavery hurts the economy and is taking away white jobs.

15. Brooks-Sumner conflict-
Sumner is northerner and gives speech against slavery and calls out southerners in Congress. Brooks take stick and beats Sumner and almost kills him.

16.Election of 1860
Lincoln wins. Lincoln just wants to stop the spread of slavery not abolish it. His goal changed over time. Union has to be kept together. Slaves are not capable to becoming citizens. He is only fighting for basic rights. S.C. secedes. Lincoln wins with no votes in the South so south has lost power.

states right is the ultimate reason of secession.

18.Emancipation Proclamation
Only frees slaves in Confederate states. Has no legal power but gives direction to their cause to free the slaves. Goes from preserving the union to freeing the slaves. Northern morale is boosted. Black enlistment is increased. Solidify the fact that Britain is not going to support the Confederacy.

19. William Tecumseh Sherman- sweeps across Geogia and burning their land. Primary focus was to break up the confederact and destroy cities. Tactic to wage on the economy of the south. total devastation.

20. Britain during Civil War
Neutral but traded with the north especially after the emancipation proclamation.

21. Advantages
North- transportation, population, industry, Lincoln good commander,Grant
Southern-defensive war, more united, Lee, Stonewall Jackson

22. Union strat.
Anaconda plan- attack troops as opposed to gain land. Take over capital @ Richmond

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