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-nervous system
-different shaped and sizes
-inter neurons are also called association neuron and is found only in CNS
-efferent don't all have motor function
-axons can split up
-niscle bodies within cell body; creates membrane protein and is critical to
Axon body and axon hillock- axons are long and have 2 components fast and slow(2)
fast-200mm per day
slow-1mm per day down to 0.2 mm(cytoskeletal elements and proteins)
-slow componenets tend to stop more often
-direction of cell movement within neuron
-anteragrade transport-away from cell body;kinesin protein
-retrograde trasnport uses dyenin and moves towards cell body

and psuedounipolar

nerve is bundle of axon and can contain both effernrt and afferent
-tract is nerve in CNS
-majority of NS is composed of glia within bodies

2 types of glia PNS
-schwann cells(neurolemmal cytes)
-Sattelite cells(ganglionic)

oligodendricyte- can wrap around multiple neurons while only schwann cells can only wrap around one
microglia-phagocyte cells
astrocyte-neutrients to nueron and BBB
-epidymal cells

microglia are modified monocytes

axons are cut: schwann cells form regeneration tube; axon will grow by---- and re-attached
- no regeneration within CNS
-oligodendrye can facilitate regeneration tube
-produces growth inhibitory

neutrophins-stimulate the proper growth of neuron

astrocyte- reuptake modulate the neuro signal
take up K+
pick glucoes from blood
-metabolize to ATP
-appear to give ATP to neurons
-necessassry of new synpapses
-BBB thru action by taking up certain compounds
-modulate the effects of neurons
-can change calcium levels w/I that seems to stimulte

-no endothelial cells that allow cells out of the capillary
-requre the feet of astrocyte to pick up compounds
-certain can pass such as gases and alcohols. ions somethimes have channels as well. Carriers can move glucose as well w/o astrocyte
-enzymes that degrade toxins
-astrocyte seem to regulate what is coming thorugh
-drug delivery have to have this barrier in mind
-L-Dopa used for parkinson and once enter s the brain turns into Dopamine

-irritability-reaction to a particular signal
-sodium channels have second closing mech. called ball and chain; closes the channels faster so now overshoot at the top
-local anesthetic decrease excit. or block Na channels
-cocaine was first used as an anesthetic
-absolute is the entire peak of the action potential

-neurons have properties of cables signal doesn't decay; wave of depolarization of those around it so if you prevent from continuing the peak is the farthest a schwann cell can be away

-nueron-neuron and neuron-nonnueron
-electrical synapses are not found in humans but limitations it hat the synapse cannot be modulated(all or nothing)
-humans only have chemical synaspse
-voltage gated calcium channels open and enters to bind to sensor protein called synapton aganin found close to synpatic vessicles that bind to snare proteins that causes the fusion of the post-Syn membrance causing endocytosis
-binds and open voltage or ligand gated channels
-grated potenital in humans

Bot-destroys snare and causes flacid paralysis
Tet- blocks inhibitory receptors that would normally porduce ISPS

-2 types of reeptor
-nicotinic are found in skeletal fibers and ganglia and they are always associated with cation channels
-muscuranic receptors are found in smooth muscle cells and allows ACH to reg heart beat
-muscurin is a posion that is derived from mushroom red
-look over poisons

-acetylcholine esterase
-break down ACh to stop further binding of Ach
-nerve gas casues spastic paralysis; treatemnt is atrophine which binds to ach receptors to force out Ach
-Ach is also found is CNS and tend to be excitatory; assciated with Alzimers
-Several monoamines(catacholamines)
-seratonin created from trp.
-released by similar process
-MAO degrades all of them; inhibited to cure depression

Seratonin(5 hydroxy hist)
-cell bodies on brain stem-reg mood and sleep; LSD mimics the shpe of seratonin

-receprtor can be detected by PET
-systensized by sustanis niagra
-involved with depression and parkinson

-tagets by ampheimine drugs and antidepressants

glutanmic and aspartic acid
-CNS and used for general
-NMDA and AMPA repceptor
-Glycine and GABA(ass w/ huntintons)open chloride channels that cuases ipsp

polypeptide(CCK promotes the release of digestive enzymes of the pancreas)
sustance p is pain:neuromodulators

neuropeptide y- inhibit glutamate release in hippocampus; also beccoems leptin from working

endocannabinoids- thruout brain and are lipids;retrograde NT; diffuse backward thorught axon; prevent inhibtion; increase appetite

NO and CO
-NO will bind BV to vasodialate; using it can relazes muscle; viagra increases the action of NO
-CO maybe NT and is in the cirrubellum

-ATP and Adenosine can also be NT; neuron and glial cells and cuase dialation of cerbirla blood vessels

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