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Mia: what ideas juxtaposes in work?
Mia: thought church should be vs how they are (hypocritical)
Josie: "weak" "arch defender of status quo, how does it contrast
Dylan: powerful but corrupt, call out
Tyler: respectfully disagree, protect status quo, against core values
Nakai: call church hypocritical, pick choose fights go into. stick to law but want change. not possible but with
Smith: wdym with biases
Nakai: don't agree w/ Kin'gs strategy. pick fight agree law, not about doing something about it
Tyler: "power of structure" juxtaposition. upholds status quo in actions and vocal
Mia: agree. but also by not taking a stance, seem mutual, actually no progress being made. not option to be
Ana: agree Mia. connect King's argument. bystanding=support segregation. only act is was to be moral
Vinay: ties in with what ppl talk about, white moderate not taking action/cause of injustice, need to actively enforce
Sasaki: commends ppl who separate from church "p43 conformity...freedom" 2nd ? ppl away from church and fight status, think these give hope for them in future
Arthur: what im hearing juxtaposition is giving church what to do. ppl doing nothing are bad
Josie: he says that. additionally, juxtaposition "continues to thrive and develop" black come +argument?
Smith: whatever trouble he's going to face he is going to correct them. still enslaved
Vinay: tie in 3 agree Sophia. "goal of america freedom" "44 allusions" wont stop until justice
Tyler: trouble answering purpose of historical allusions, after religious??
Arthur: seem to show they have overcome adversary in the past another challenge to push thru "thorough of injustice" still thrive, saying not fail
Vinay: sum that up. challenge authority of church status quo societal norms does not bother him. use historical al trying to connect that church have no choice to set gov norms, its the give
Josie: suggesting not matter what he does, black continues and thrives
Vinay: implying fight for justice
William: agree. he proves they are persistent. game of chicken. prove never stop, u move
Arthur: sry can you explain chicken and whole argument
William: lafsklfs
Josie: stay on track?
William: keep going. crash other. they stop of something
Dylan: call out church to same as vinay stand up for what we believe in, abrupt switch to compare church to mlk society
Nakai: addition "more than two centuries labor w/o wages" highlights silliness. historical effort of black. slaves built society, point out we did all this work you do not deserve
Sasaki: "" black ppl been here, part of country, treat like belong
Ella: battle is hard, you don't need to support us but you should
Smith: agree but referencing protesting Birmingham. we will...after historical..we will 44 prove right of him to protest
Josie: nonviolent is important for what community deserves
Ana: 2nd? light/dark metaphor
Vinay: "43 last sentence" group of ppl who are fighting. dissociate himself from church. he fighter church oppressor
Smith: disagree meaning "amusement park" clouds is understanding of segregation, sky should be clear and bright
Arthur: relate to biblical hell 10 heights. heaven he address to clegrymen
Dylan: use to address his power?
Mia: not up to level but i am the level real christian not hypocrit
Arthur: how does it contribute to his message
Ella: enhance ideas by guilt for darkness, they can create light too
Tyler:"dark dungeons" light is justice, right way to do things. give in be on dark side of history
Josie: summarize using light/dark to add to guilt-trip to audience; reflect present future
Vinay: is king targeting church as root cause of injustices?
William: yes but not cuz blaming, but use religion as common ground
Josie: how does it reflect on King as a religious man to be criticizing the church
Nakai: even as strong member, everyone has ideas on religion even if all one group, not reflect on him as going against religion, but rather highlighting clergy's need to reevaluate
Dylan: express true values. core, not religious
Smith: goal to target newspaper or church?
Dylan: spark change
Arthur: disagree. times where normal ppl do nothing
Josie: agree separate church to religion;community as a whole
Tyler: "must turn my faith to inner" Ecclesiastes
Sasaki: develop claim on race/nonviolent
Dylan: light dark help argument here before not back down
Arthur: main message bread rhetorical strategies condiments
Josie: good metaphor. simple thing simple issue ppl dont see problem w them not helping
Sasaki: how use metaphor but not yet
Ana: whiteboard?
[in lfbj, king uses rhetorical strategies]
what comes next?
Arthur: to
Dylan: resolutions and continue
[ in lfbj, king uses rhetorical strategies to]
Mia: somethign bout complacency
Ana: pieces from each question
Josie: 1. important issue needs to be resolves 2. who needs to solve it 3. aside from church entire community needs to support
William: emphasizes urgency ppl need to speak up
[in lfbj, king uses rhetorical strategies to communicate that racism needs
complacency urgency nonviolent protests]
Vinay: oh look, we have 15 minutes left
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