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Polnareff: What is that helicopter?

Josef: It's a Speed Wagon Corp. chopper, looking for a place to land.

Jotarou: Speed Wagon Corp? Those old pals of yours who are taking care of mom
in Japan now?

Polnareff: So are we going to get a ride with them this time?

Josef: No... I wouldn't mind a ride, but they aren't Stand Users... They'll
become involved if we get attacked.

Kakyouin: Then why are they coming here?

Josef: They're bringing a helper.

Jotarou, Kakyouin, Polnareff: A helper?

Josef: Well, he's got a bad personality, it took a while to get him over

Abdul: Joestar-san, it is impossible to travel with him! He can't possibly be
of any help.

Kakyouin: You know him, Abdul?

Abdul: Yeah, all too well.

Jotarou: Hold it... if you say he's a helper, surely you mean he's a Stand

Josef: His Stand is associated with "The Fool" in the Tarot.

Polnareff: "The Fool"? A moron? Sounds like a pretty stupid card to me.

Abdul: Think yourself fortunate he is not your enemy, you won't be able to
beat him.

Polnareff: What did you say? Don't think you're too great, asshole, you
better watch your mouth.

Abdul: I'm just telling the truth. Hey, what's that for? It hurts.

Kakyouin: Can't you two stop arguing, the helicopter is landing.

Pilot: Mr. Joestar, best wishes for your sefety.

Josef: Thanks for everything, I really appreciate it.

Jotarou: Which one of you guys is the Stand User?

Jotarou: I heard that it is one of you two, is it you?

Pilot: No, not us. He's in the back seat.

Jotarou: But, like... there's nobody there.

Pilot: No, he's there.

Polnareff: Hey, where are you? Are you a dwarf or something? Get out!

Pilot: That's dangerous!

Pilot: Please be careful! He's in a bad mood because of the bumpy ride!

Polnareff: What is this stuff?

Josef: Didn't I say he has a bad personality? Don't get close! Polnareff!

Kakyouin: A dog?

Jotarou: You mean this dog is...

Josef: Yes, this dog is the Stand User of the card "The Fool". His name is
Iggy, and he really likes to pull out people's hair. I don't know
where he was born, but the dog catchers in New York could never
catch him. Abdul eventually got him under control. Oh yeah, when
he's pulling out hair, he'll fart in your face... What a gross
little creature.

Polnareff: This damn dog!!! I will get you for this! Chariot! Th... this is???

Abdul: To put it simply, it is a Stand of sand.

Jotarou: Simple but strong... Is he someone I can beat?

Polnareff: Help!!! Someone get this dog off me!!!

Abdul: Did you bring his treat?

Pilot: Can't get him here unless we bring it. Hide the box!

Josef: He really likes coffee-flavored chewing gum but he will never get
friendly with anyone.

Jotarou: Well well...

Abdul: He starts eating from the paper.

Polnareff: There is no damn way he's gonna help us!

N'dul: A dog Stand User...?

Pilot: Here is the water and rations necessary for the trip. A medkit and
a change of clothes is also included.

Joesf: Thank you. Before you guys leave, I have to know something, it's
about my daughter... How is Holly's condition? Please be

Pilot: Well.. it's hard to say. Can't say it is all that well... Her
life is in danger becuse of severe physical exhaustion.
According to the examinations of our doctors, she can only hold
on for two more weeks...

Josef: Oh...

Kakyouin: We don't have time.

Polnareff: Dammit!

Jotarou: Two weeks left... Well well.

Polnareff: How come this damn dog is sitting in the seat and we have to sit in
the trunk? This place is so cramped it's screwing up my back.

Josef: We'll wait until the taste of the coffee gum goes away... After the
taste of the gum goes away we can use the new gum to lure him into
the trunk, can't do much more than that.

Polnareff: Dammit!

Jotarou: Hey old man, what is that?

Abdul: It's in the direction that the helicopter flew.

Josef: This is...?

Abdul: There is no trace of being attacked by weapons.

Kakyouin: I have a feeling that it dropped straight down from mid-flight.

Polnareff: So...

Josef: Be careful! The possibility of an enemy Stand attack is high.

Jotarou: Look, the pilot is dead.

Josef: Proceed with caution! Something is probably hiding.

Jotarou: There are marks where fingers have scratched. It's water! This
much water from the pilot's mouth? No, this much water from the

Josef: A small fish!

Jotarou: He was drowned!!! In the middle of a desert? How can that be...?

Polnareff: Hey, the other one is over here.

Kakyouin: Are you okay? Hang in there!

Josef: What happened?

Pilot: Wa... Water....

Abdul: Give this to him.

Josef: Here's the water, drink it slowly.


Jotarou: An enemy Stand!!!

Polnareff: The enemy Stand is in the canteen!

Josef: Dammit! It is attacking those people from SW Corp even though they
have nothing to do with this! Abdul, did you see what kind of Stand
it is?

Abdul: The only thing I saw was the hand, but it is still in the canteen. I
haven't seen it come out yet.

Josef: Jotarou, search for the enemy's true location.

Jotarou: I'm looking for it now. Nothing's in sight. Seems to be a small type
of Stand, being controlled from far away.

Kakyouin: Polnareff, attack the canteen.

Polnareff: Me? The pilot's whole head was just sucked into that canteen... So
making a hole in that thing will... No Way! You are closer to that
thing, why don't you hit it with your Emerald Splash?

Kakyouin: I don't wanna do it.

Polnareff: Don't tell people to do stuff if you don't wanna do it youself! What
kind of attitude is that!

Kakyouin: What is this?

Polnareff: Kakyouin! It got Kakyouin! It got Kakyouin's eyes...

Josef: Polnareff, don't panic, get Chariot out and protect yourself!

Abdul: Dammit! It will get him.

Josef: What's going on? It's attacking the corpse of the pilot!

Jotarou: No, not the corpse. The watch, it is attacking the alarm of the

Abdul: Sound? It attacks by detecting sound?

Josef: Run over to the truck, Polnareff!

Abdul: He can't make it! Polnareff, faster!

Josef: Pull them up!

Jotarou: This is bad.

Abdul: Yeah, can't get off from the truck...

Polnareff: Bastard! Godammit!

Josef: I'm starting the truck.

Polnareff: What??? We aren't running away, are we?

Josef: We have to get away from that Stand first!

N'dul: Fleeing in the truck, eh? Looks like they noticed that I attack by
detecting sound... but just realizing that won't do any good...

Josef: Because the enemy moves by detecting sound and it can move invisibly
underground, it can attack us from underneath, or behind our back before
we even realize it. On top of that, the location of the Stand User
could be far away.

Polnareff: How is Kakyouin?

Jotarou: Not good, he'll be blind if we don't get him to a doctor.

Abdul: Polnareff!

Josef: What the???

Abdul: There is water in the glove?

N'dul: That dog! It jumped off the truck before I attacked. How troublesome,
I'll take care of it later.

Jotarou: Slow down the truck!

Abdul: Polnareff!

Polnareff: Chariot!!! Goddamn it! I'ill cut you to shreds!!!

Jotarou: Wait! Polnareff!

Polnareff: What do ya think? What? What's happening now?

Abdul: It assimilated with the water in the can, damn, he is gonna suffocate!

Abdul: Get back, I'll take care of him. Magician Red! Red Bind!

Josef: Polnareff, throw out the water.

Abdul: Are you okay?

Polnareff: Now what?

Josef: We can't do much until we find the true location of the enemy.

Jotarou: Old man, the water in the truck's radiator!

Josef: Oh my god!

Josef: [ Everyone, don't move. ]

Abdul: [ Don't make a sound. ]

N'dul: I know the objects' falling position... I will finish you all, one by
one... Without a doubt...

Jotarou: yare yare daze YOU FUCKAICCNG

Polnareff: Hey! What are we goin' to do? We aren't going to stay like this
until tomorrow morning, are we? Abdul, what do you have in mind?

Josef: Hmm... What a fool.

N'dul: Even if you keep quiet now, it's too late. I know where the objects

Polnareff: You've got to be kidding! Can't talk, can't move, we aren't
going to keep quiet until we die, right???

Jotarou: Well well...

Abdul: Can't you cut it out? You moron!

Polnareff: What??? Damn you!

N'dul: Hmm... some miscellaneous stuff...

Jotarou: [ He knows where everything landed! ]

Polnareff: [ Oh no!!! ]

Josef: [ It absorbed water again, we'll be finished if things go on like
this! ]

Abdul: < Polnareff! Jump!!! >

Polnareff: < M... me??? >

Abdul: < Just jump!!! Jump!!! >

Polnareff: < Even you tell me to... >

N'dul: Here you are... Don't know who it is, but you're right here. Hmm?
Footsteps... 4 steps... 5 steps... Walking at a slow, light pace...
I hear you... I hear you...

Abdul: [ You're hearing what you think is someone walking, aren't you...
you water Stand. Come and attack "the place I moved to", and I'll
vaporize you! Here it comes! ]

N'dul: Wait... He... Why did he walk 5 steps ONLY? Why did he just stay

Abdul: What??? Who is he...???

N'dul: Wasn't that a clever trick... I've got to listen more carefully
from now on... This burn... That was Abdul... I've got him!

Abdul: He is good...!!!

Josef: Abdul!!! This is?? Water??? The sound I made!!!

N'dul: Thanks to the water absorbed from them earlier, my Stand has been
power-uped quite a bit... pulling him in along with the truck.

Josef: My foot?

Polnareff: Joestar-san!

Jotarou: Polnareff.

Polnareff: Jotarou.

Jotarou: I am leaving them to you.

Polnareff: Hey, wait Jotarou!

N'dul: This time I am sure someone is running. Judging from the distance
between steps, his height is around 190cm... 195cm... Josef Joestar
is 190cm... Wait, he runs like a young person... His pace isn't
that of a person who is fleeing by himself, I feel strong
confidence in each step! He is Jotarou!!!

Josef: The water is pulling itself away! Jotarou!!!

N'dul: Courage and confidence? I see.. I heard that Jotarou's Stand, "Star
Platinum", is our toughest opponent... If I can beat him, Lord Dio
will be delighted. Jotarou, I will strike with all the strength
I can muster!

Josef: What are you doing? Don't just stand there, run!

N'dul: Hmm... Jotarou picked up something from the sand before he stopped!
What is it... What was in that position...? No, it is not a thing!
The dog! Jotarou picked up the dog! So he realized that the dog...

Jotarou: Well well, you little bastard... You escaped from the truck
before the attack... So you knew where the enemy was by his
smell, hmm? So help me out, Iggy. Tell me where the enemy is
coming from! I won't give you any gum, you'll be dead too!

Polnareff: What the???

Jotarou: Trying to run!?

N'dul: That's impossible! The footsteps disppeared after the jump! Why isn't
he landing? Where? Where is he???

Jotarou: [ Too heavy for you, hmm? You must be wanting to run off by yourself.
If you try to drop me, I will break your neck. ]

Polnareff: Is Abdul okay?

Josef: Yeah... The wound is slight, not anything fatal, he'll be okay.

Abdul: Jotarou...

Josef: He is doing well. Jotarou is trying to find the enemy from the sky by
using Iggy's Stand. If he can find whoever is controlling that horrific
Stand, the probability of beating him will be much higher!

Polnareff: N.. no! Joestar-san, I am quite worried about them! Their altitude
is gradually falling... Looks like "The Fool" can't do long
distance flight...

Josef: So it can only fly like a paper plane...

Jotarou: [ Don't have any other way... This has brought me considerably
closer... but it becomes fairly disadvantageous. ]

N'dul: I see... So the Stand of that dog can fly, and they are heading my
direction! If I don't beat Jotarou before he gets close...

Polnareff: The water is starting to chase after Jotarou! It noticed that
kick of his!

Josef: Now all we can do is leave it to Jotarou.

Jotarou: [ It's chasing after me... So it caused the helicopter to crash...?
"The Fool" doesn't make any noise, so he won't be able to know
our exact position.]

Jotarou: [ Found him! Distance to the Stand User is approximately 1.2km.
Looks like the enemy is blind. ]

Jotarou: [ It's sand! Sand is raining down! ]

Jotarou: [ That sonofabitch... he's churning up the sand into air and use
the reflecting sound on the ground to... ]

N'dul: Like a submarine's sonar... I hear you, Jotarou! I know your
altitude and position! Shoot him!

Jotarou: Star Platinum!!!

N'dul: No matter how fast Star Platinum is, I am faster if you don't
know where I'm attacking from!

N'dul: Another one!

Jotarou: [ Th... This damn dog!!! ]

N'dul: So, the dog tries to leave Jotarou and save his own ass.

Jotarou: Bastard!!!

N'dul: What a cheap dog teammate you have there. I will thank you and
finish you off...

N'dul: What's that? He threw something this way!?!?

Jotarou: That's Iggy. Hey hey, you guys will crush each other if you
don't use your Stand to protect yourselves.

N'dul: How dare he! Jotarou! I could have finished him with one more blow! Ho?
Damn... I lost Jotarou's position because I was concerned with the
dog! Where? Where? Where is he? He is not moving, he is staying
still somewhere. Is this his strategy? Where are you, Jotarou?

N'dul: So, you are THAT close. If I didn't use my Stand to guard around me you
could have beaten me from the back already... Seems like I don't need
this staff to detect sound any more, BUT I will need it when I return...

Jotarou: You knocked my cap off to nowhere to be found in the desert... but
don't worry, the hit wasn't fatal...

Jotarou: You! What did you do that for???

N'dul: Jotarou, did you think you could get information from me and the
other Stand Users you will meet? I will never, ever say anything
that could endanger HIM...

Jotarou: DIO!? You people, why are you going to these lengths??

N'dul: Jotarou, I am not afraid of death at all... Nngh... because of my Stand
ability, I have not feared death since I was a child. I don't
regret that I was born blind. I could defeat anyone, even
murder was nothing... But for the first time, I felt from the bottom
of my heart that I didn't want to kill this one person. He was
too strong, profound, generous, and beautiful... and he was the
first person in the world who recongized my existence. I had been
waiting to meet this person all my life... I do not fear death,
but I don't want to die forsaken by him... The bad guys
need a bad savior...

N'dul: I will only tell you this: my name is N'dul, and my Stand is
associated with the god Geb, god of earth, one of the "The Nine
Egyptian Gods of Prosperity" -- the origin of the Tarot..

Jotarou: "The Nine Egyptian Gods of Prosperity"??? What are they?

N'dul: I will only tell you about my Stand, that is what you defeated...
Jotarou... A salute to you... You are the first person I ever wanted
to set eyes on... hahaha.... Take this as a gift...

Jotarou: You were a person with great pride, N'dul, if we had met you before
DIO, you could have became our companion... Rest with your staff,
N'dul... On top of of that... These people are manipulated like
religious fanatics, what kind of person is DIO?

Jotarou: Hey hey, don't get all nervous... I didn't mind what you did to me.
If I was you, I'd be pissed off at getting involved in some boring
human fight all of a sudden, too. Hey, want some gum?

Jotarou: This dog isn't cute at all, do whatever you want. Hm... Don't you have
something nice, I take that back. Thanks! Gum! This damn dog!

Josef: Hey Jotarou!! Are you alright?

Polnareff: Jotarou is okay!

Joseph, Polnareff, Abdul, Kakyouin: Hey Jotarou!!

Jotarou: Well well...

cum in my knob on my pants on my life.
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