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~ species ; Trico
~ name ; To Si
~ nickname ; Trico
~ age ; 1700
~ gender ; female
~ height ; (ft) 19 feet 7 inches
~ weight ; (lbs) 15-20 Tons
~ tattoos, markings or birthmarks? ; spear wounds over body

~ family ; boy (dead) tricos child (dying)
~ enemies ; master of the valley.
~ sexuality ; straight

~ personality ; nice, caring, sweet, protective, cute (at times) and warming
~ character traits ; scary when first seen.
~ important life events ;

(attach image if you have one as-well)
- eye color; usually grey
- fangs? ; yes

- backstory ;

<img src=";path-prefix=teamico" alt="The Last Guardian™ 20180210160241" class="thumbimage " data-image-key="The_Last_Guardian%E2%84%A2_20180210160241.jpg" data-image-name="The Last Guardian™ 20180210160241.jpg" width="350" height="197" >
Screenshot taken by HappyIphisAria
Trico first appears in the cave with the boy, unconscious and wounded. After the Boy cares for the creature, the two start to bond and Trico follows the Boy around.
As the two make their way through the Nest, Trico defends the boy from enemies large and small and helps him access areas and cover ground very quickly. Trico's bond becomes so strong that the beast would protect the Boy from seemingly anything.
It is discovered that Trico is one of many other beasts like itself and was once enslaved to an entity called the Master of the Valley, who controls the beasts and uses them to kidnap human children to sustain its own immortality. However, the Master's control over this creature was broken when Trico was hit by lightning after stealing the Boy. Fearing the power of the now independent beast, the Knights chained Trico up in the cave, hoping it would die from the wounds it sustained from the lightning and the long fall. However, Trico regurgitated the boy, who helped the beast recover and escape.
The two gain entrance to the Master's citadel tower. While Trico holds off a large pack of Armored Tricos, the boy destroys the Master. Badly wounded, Trico decides nonetheless that it is now time that the Boy returned to his village. Upon returning the Boy home, Trico leaves for its own safety, leaving the Boy to tell the story of their extraordinary adventure.
- extra ;
Chimeran physiology: Trico can best be described as a chimera, a creature composed of several different animals. This gives the beast the abilities of all the species it embodies: the strength of a dog, the agility of a cat, and the flight of a bird.
* Enhanced strength: Because of its massive size, Trico is incredibly strong, capable of destroying stone structures and smashing groups of enemies with relative ease.
* Enhanced agility: Trico can climb and leap great distances that would be impossible for any other animal. This is embodied by its cat-like traits.
* Flight: Initially, Trico cannot fly because of the wounds that it has sustained, the wings having been badly hurt by lightning and fall damage. However, when its wings are fully healed, Trico can fly great distances and is able to achieve altitude to soar above the clouds. Even when the beast's wings are still healing, it can glide with them for a short period of time.
* Enhanced durability and healing: Trico can take massive amounts of damage. Swords do not affect the beast, spears only slow it down, and even serious wounds sustained by Armored Tricos, long falls, or being struck by lightning can be shrugged off in a short amount of time. Trico also seems to heal very fast, as it does not bleed very much from spear wounds and can quickly get up from even life-threatening wounds.
* Prehensile tail: Trico's tail acts as an extra limb. The creature mainly uses this ability to assist the Boy while its four feet are in use. While unable to grab the Boy using its tail, the beast can quickly position it to act like a rope to climb up/down.
* Enhanced senses: Thanks to its dog-like attributes, Trico has incredible senses of smell and hearing.

<img src=";path-prefix=teamico" alt="Trico eyes gif" class="thumbimage " data-image-key="Trico_eyes_gif.gif" data-image-name="Trico eyes gif.gif" width="350" height="195" >
An example of Trico's eyes altering colors.
* Eyeshine: The color of Trico's eyes change depending on its mood. The huge eyes shine pink when aggressive or angry, glow white when excited or interested, are yellow when it sees a barrel, and when its eyes are dark green, Trico is calm and friendly. Its pupils will contract greatly when the creature is satisfied when being fed a barrel, closely resembling a more human eye.
* Electricity generation: Early in They’re adventure, the boy finds a mysterious mirror. Upon seeing the symbol produced by the mirror, Trico can fire a continuous bolt of electricity from its tail at the mirror's target, useful for destroying obstacles and enemies. However, when the mirror is lost, so is this ability. When the ability is regained later in the game, Trico now fires a built-up pulse of explosive lightning. Trico's tail can fire electricity even when severed from his body. This ability is not directly controlled by Trico.( now it is)
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