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--- CT SIDE ---
- need to be either switching guns or positions some rounds. Aezy should never be passive CT arch with mp9 when rifle is close truck lane.
- deka is alone apps with 1 awping boiler from lane??? then rifle was arch. why such a weird solo play.
- mars solo b 3k hold, runs out of ammo runs thru CT smoke with usp to try and get 4k. gives his life away, we lose 1v2 and he costs us the round even tho he gets 3k.
- B hold gets caught off guard with a faster Banana take. loses the round 4-2 now. (see if mars didn't throw round previous they wouldnt had bought and yall wouldn't be broke now).
- 4:2 they do halls pop we get very early info from aezy taking banana and deka 1for1 apps. @Barret u were arch player, u need to get to site and help defend not solo bracket play. mars rotated in time but wasn't enough man power to hold even if it was half buy, we can win those rounds.
- 4:3 another save, gets it down to a 3v3 but mars repeeks and gives his life again. was small chance to win round before but now 0% chance in 3v2.
- 4:4, Omen GREAT info peek lane kills bracket, deka holds his fallback with 30sec left they need to go A. great round.
- @Aezy is a little too static imo. Starting off the round from Arch gives no opportunity for early info or kill. Aezy when u have teammate lane, i suggest little trick, smoke mid and peek into boiler behind smoke. Free info/kill as long as top mid is smoked. Just more potential impact then just going Arch from beginning of round.
- 6:4, you guys decide to double arch and directly counter them. not sure how u read that but good shit.
- 7:4. Yes aezy decided to go lane and peek down mid love that. Another great mid round. aezy decides to info peek mid/omen covers CT wrap. Perfect play.
- @ ANYONE WHO USES PUSH TO TALK, keep button pressed a second longer. lotta of ur callouts get cut off half second early. "Im smoking ..." shit like that
- My biggest advice for aezy to understand u are the awper and the most important player. Make sure you take advantage of csgo mechanics and especially online. REPEEK REPEEK REPEEK. If you are 100hp you will ALWAYS have advantage in a gunfight. You are letting the T's set the pace way too much. Go for more confident peeks and switch it up. Your team depends on ur opening picks. Right side peek u will always have adv in fight.

--- T SIDE ---
- t pistol not bad they just hit ur shots and aezy is blind mofo. I question why are u lurk smoking apps tho? mars/deka are flying out before it even pops kinda just a waste of util imo.
- 1st gun round u halls pop with FULL util. oh nooooo. Seems like a huge waste imo. Last round u guys killed 4 people, they have bad guns or rifles with no util. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THAT and default/pick people off. Please never go straight into a halls pop from spawn. Just chill/default and THEN halls pop late round if u want. Make sure they have no util.
- U molly halls every round besides "B exec from spawn", where u just spawn halls. SUPER READABLE to main players. Not sure why u need 4 mollies when execing B. Make sure ur keeping ur nades consistent so there is no tendencies. Not to mention, u only spam halls when ur going B.
- ok scratch what i said^, some rounds u guys literally just forget to molly halls or ur alt players are very late. figure that shit out. cant be just not watching something for the first 15sec of round.
- 8:14. 4v3 mars says "hold, im faking B we ending A, get bomb". Omen stays alone lane other 2 get bomb, omen dies. 3v3. omen gotta reposition in safer place in that situation. Ur basically just holding to keep info, U CANNOT DIE A there, just like mars CANNOT DIE B there.
- okay, again with this halls molly shit. u guys had no clue who is doing it and no one did it. This was against very bad team, but good teams gonna take advantage of that. If a team just flash peeked apps almost any round this half you would lose 1 maybe even 2 people. Not a huge deal, just figure out whose job is it to molly it every single round like a top mid mirage smoke. ya just need it.
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