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Monday, 2rd Desc 2019

today is our last meeting, me and ahnyeon already decided that we will write some latter for each others. in the past while i do this with my first time global buddy, we did by i write in Korean and she will write it in English. i explain this to Ahyeon and she said let's do it!. so i was prepare some of good paper for we write in on it, but because i have morning class today, i was wake up late and forget to bring it. so we just write it on regular paper that we usually us it for our study report. at first i want to write my first impression while i meet her for first time, it's was so nice and i feel so thankful because i meet her and we become a Global Buddy partner, she is so charming and cleaver. she really open mind and humble, so from first time i thought we can be very great partner, also i know that she is more older than me. while we have many thing have done together i can't realize that today is our last meeting. still can remember how me and ahnyeon enjoying Halloween together, playing game, hear some music, telling some story also study together, i enjoying every moment i do with her. have one time we talking about, what we will do in the future after graduation. she said, she want to join a foreigner company in US like google company etc. i said to her, that was really a big dream, let me help her while she needs and also if i have chance i will come join together with her in that company. today is not last day, just the program will be over but not our friendships. i'm really happy for becoming her friend now. i hope in the future we still have good communication and relationship.!!
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