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##Blossom Tree
1rst mini-album

i. Love Cherry Motion (TITLE)
ii. Puzzle FT. ? (SUB-TITLE)
iii. Euphoria
iv. Blue Moon


Love Cherry Motion;
Love Cherry Motion talks about a girl who has fallen for their best friend,
the deep tension between the two girls grow stronger and Blossom asks
her sisters to help her pick an outfit for her best friends birthday party,
but she is so busy having fun that she forgets her birthday. But as she goes
inside her house she sees an birthday cake and an cherry, so she proceeds
to run up to her bed to eat the cherry but she collapses on her bed and
dreams about arriving to the party and makes her crush imagine how it
would be dating Blossom, and the two girls end up dating.. but it was a
dream. Blossom randomly wakes up in an strange room and when she
stands up she sees a woman with an mirror near by a forest. And curiosity
takes her whole body over so she walks to that forest, but that woman was gone.
But she ignored that, so kept walking and came into an dimension were everything
was purple and were there are 12 very big mirrors. But she attracts only one.

Puzzle ft ?:
Puzzle is about Blossom finding out where that woman was, it being an strange
and creepy experience. After 2 years of searching she finally finds out who the
woman was. It was ?, her crush. After that ? reveals that she is Alice
(Alice In Wonderland). As Blossom asks how and why this happened to her,
? says ''Your powers.'' and ? disappears. Leaving Blossom clueless which
made her re-make the puzzle.

Euphoria talks about how grateful Blossom is for her Cherries,
Blossom is singing that her Cherries are everything good.
As her Cherries bring her happiness and joy just like she expresses
with this beautiful song, dedicated to the people she loves.

Blue Moon:
Blue Moon is a very sexy and mature song compared to the other songs
in the '##Blossom Tree' album, she showed another side of her as she
also showed in a few parts of Love Cherry Motion.
The lyrics of 'Blue Moon' includes some English words/sentences like:
'Don't stop it' and 'It is only you tonight' which makes the song risky.

The concept overall is just very dark, mature and cute at the same time!
Also supporting the LGBTQ+ community with the song Love Cherry Motion
and Puzzle, since it talks about an lesbian relationship. She wants everyone to
be equal! And besides those points, it is mostly very very magical.
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