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Buying House

User Type:


Generally customers are buyer. Who are order or dealing with buying house company. Everyone can not be the customer. Who will be the buyer they have to registration first. For the registration they have to contact with the company.

Goal 1: User will able to check his profile.

1. After Successful login user will get a option named “Profile”.
2. Upon click on profile option user can able to see his own profile. Like: -
a) Name
b) Id
c) Address

Goal 2: User can order product

1. After Successful login user will get order option.
2. After click on the order option user get a menu-list. Like -
a) Pant
b) Shirt
c) T-Shirt
d) Polo Shirt
3. After select the option user will get a box where user can type cloth name. Like
Denim Cloth, cotton cloth etc.
4. Then user can find another classic option where user can type quantity.
5. User also can describe his address where he/she wants his/her product.
6. After doing all the task user can submit his/her product.

Goal 3: User able to live chat with merchandiser.

1. After Successful login user get chat option where he/she can chat with merchandiser.

Goal 4: User able to track/check process news of his/her order products.

1. After Successful login user will get check process option.
2. Click on the option and load the interface user can see the progress of her/his ordered product.

Goal 5: User can give review or rating to company with comments.

1. After Successful login user will get review/rating option.
2. Click on review/rating option load a page and user get a combo-box for rating number.
This comb-box contain rating numbers. (1 to 5)
3. User also can comment for review the company
4. After commenting user will get a save button.
5. After click on save button user’s comment and rating will save as data.


Goal 1: User will able to see employee profile.

1. After successful login user will get option to check employee profile.
2. Click on that button user will get a search box, where user can search employees by their id.
3. After searching user will see id which he/she searched. Click on the id user will enter in ID’s profile and can see employee’s (Name, id, rank, salary amount per month, address too).

Goal 2: User able to notifying every employee.
1. After successful login user will get notification option.
2. After click on notification option user will get a text box.
3. If user notify something or give news of any kind of thinks he/she will have to write in box and below the box user will find send option.
4. After click on send button it load the page and the text will save as data.
5. Then this data will send as news and notify all employee.

Goal 3: User will able to add/Remove employee.
1. After successful login user will get a option named “Add” and “Remove”.
2. Upon click on the add button user will get a box where user can type ID and Name.
3. After that beside of the box user get add option for add employee. (Off course employee have to sing up first for the software)
4. After adding the employee, user get a successful notification. Also new add employee get a mail on his/her E-mail.
5. As the same way user also get remove option to remove old employee.
6. After click on the remove option user get a search option to find employee. For user have to type employee id.
7. After searching user get the whole profile of employee. Beside the profile user can find remove option to remove employee.

Goal 3: User can able to see product report

1. After successful login user will get report option.
2. Click on the report button user will get a pie chart.
3. In this pie chart user can see the most made product ratio. Like pant, shirt etc. making ratio.

Goal 4: User can able to see partnership order ratio.
1. After successful login user will get order ratio option.
2. After click on the option user able to see chart. Where user can see the partnership order ration.

Goal 5: User able to check all notifications.
1. After successful login user will get notification option.
2. After click on the notification option user able to see all notification

Note: All report and ration will change per month by the order data base.


Goal 1: User can able to visit his/her own profile.

1. After successful login user will get profile option.
2. Click on the profile user can able to see name, ID, designation, salary amount.

Goal 2: User will have Chat Notification option.

1. After successful login user will get chat notification option.
2. When user will get notification from the chat he/she will can check chat.
3. Here user can live chat with buyer.

Goal 3: User can able to application for leaving emergency.

1. After successful login user will get application option. (For any emergency reason user can application to admin for leaving or holiday. but user have to wait for confirmation of admin.)
2. Click on the application option a new interface will load with a text box and send button.
3. After fill in the box with some requirement and by writing application user able to send the application to admin. After sending application user get successful notification.
4. Here also user get reply option.
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Regards; Team

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