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Pg. 13 Sons were prized. Daughters weren't. There was a double standard. Their role was nothing more?
Pg. 14 If Pashtun children grew up with the story of a Heroine, why do their people continue to look upon women as disgraceful when this one woman bestowed honor (nang) to the land? A woman is capable of everything a man is. Are they afraid of potential?
Was Malala pre-destined to become great? Has she risen as her father had once sang? He knew she was different from the start. If one has faith in another as Malala's father had faith in her, would the possibilities be endless?
With the faith and the will, could someone accomplish anything they set their minds to?
Pg.18 Femininity is a fundamental component in the make-up of society. Why does it seem like the greatest people are the ones that are always outspoken or silenced?
"We knew what it was like to be hungry, so my mother always cooked extra and gave food to the poor families"
Aren't these the kind of people we should surround ourselves with?
Kindness and tenderness. People who nurture and care for one another. These are the kinds of things that should be openly expressed...not hidden away behind a curtain.
Pg.20 hospitality-- I am so glad Malala's father was such a free spirit. With a mindset and conscience that was so different than the other men of Pashtun. I'm pretty sure he is a firm believe in Equality. Someone who--- to double standards. "Malala swung in that cradle," he said. "So can he."
Pg.20-21 "Never laying a hand on her, unlike many of our men." I find it rather shocking. I've come to the realization of how oblivious I am to different customs and cultures. How is that kind of behavior and treatment towards women even legal? It shouldn't happen to anyone. Male or female. If this is the norm, then they're gonna need to check themselves and their ideals/traditions. (As in the people that actually condone this behavior) That's abuse. Domestic abuse. In modern society, this is highly frowned upon. I'm not really surprised by it all. Though these kinds of acts are inevitably present in America, it isn't as bad as the extent to which it's executed in different countries. We're working on it. The whole equality ordeal. As Malala said. The Swat region is centuries behind--- this one. Referring to modern society. The statement itself is very vague and general. But as I advanced further into the novel, it is evident that it applies to both the advancements industrialism (hierarchy--tradition) socialism--as well as a variety of other components that make up society in each--- region.
Pg.21 When we are young we are very self conscious. I know now that someone out there will love me for who I am. For all of me. And that my intelligence means something. It's by far, the sexiest thing any person could have. Because even with the best looks, lack of intelligence or close-mindedness will all of a sudden turn all of that into shit.
Pg.22 I'm sure that the other men in Pashtun have their heads so far up their asses, that or they're probably not comfortable like Malala's father is with her mother. They had arranged marriages. It wasn't made out of true love. And because of that, they're not able to fully pour their hearts out to one another. Sharing one's everything and all is what makes a relationship beautiful. If anything, what Malala's father is doing is courageous and--- because he isn't abiding by the social norm. He's doing what he wants. And this makes him happy. That's what it all should be about. I grew up in a society whose culture was much different than that of the Pushtan people. "He even asks his wife!" They say as an insult. I always knew that "Momma knows best"
People ask more for lack of better judgement. For advice. Malala's father even said so himself "She's always right"
Males had freedom. A woman's obligation was to serve her brothers and father.
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