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[TL;DR: Something meaningful and accurate that has meaning, and hopefully surprises her a good lil' bit.]

ok time to go full ramble mode here so first off the key idea is to get her a gift that is meaningful and accurate while simultaneously sending the proper message, hopefully inducing a state of shock known colloquially defined as "dumbfounded."
So the first thing to come to mind is food bc it's kind of one of those things that has some meaning between us, and I have LITERALLY never given her food, so I kinda of need to get things right, but my ability to achieve that is going to be difficult, likely dependent on some minor assisstance from Sayto and Lillian in understanding good foods and choices to go with here. As far as my initial guesses go, I'm assuming a type of soft cookie, though my thought process does end there.
As far as other ideas go, I uh... I don't really have much. I just finished perusing the interwebs for like 25 minutes, but I'll give it another whirl later, and tomorrow on the bus.
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