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I'll try to explain it. The Guilty Remnants, which are the people in white, are like a sort of post apocalyptic Christan society. They believe everyone that disappeared are the ones that got raptured. They torment the other people by not letting them forget what happened because in their eyes they see everyone as guilty and unworthy and they don't like the fact that people are trying to get on with their lives and forget about what happened and get over it. They smoke because it hastens their death and the death of those around them, they also deprive themselves of other things like joy, eating (they eat gruel or something gross I think), speaking, love, etc. They believe that it's just another test from God and if they live the way their living right now they'll get "raptured." The priest is trying to counter their ideas by telling the people that most of those who "got raptured" or disappeared weren't exactly good people.

For example, one woman beat her children and he tried to expose her in episode 1, she disappeared but the Guilty Remnants don't care, they are pretty much a cult. People have been tolerating them as much as they possibly can but everyone hates the Guilty Remnants for obvious reasons, they're assholes that won't let people heal their wounds, they won't let people forget what happened.

Wayne on the other hand (the black guy) with visions and stuff has his own cult. They're the people that wear the bullseye on their heads. He's not like the Guilty Remnants, he has visions of what will come and he knows that soon chaos will erupt. The last episode which was called "BJ and the AC" leads me to believe that BJ stood for baby jesus and AC stoof for anti-christ. There was also a guy who attacked the asian girl that Wayne asked the young blonde guy to protect because she's carrying a baby. It's most likely Wayne's child and Wayne might be the devil because when the guy was attacking the asian girl he kept yelling "I know what's inside of you!!"

The young asian girl also has visions and one of her previous visions was all the people in white (the guilty remnants) getting killed and all their bodies dumped in a specific place and that vision occurred in the last episode. What's going to happen next is chaos, everyone is going to start going nuts and killing the Guilty Remnants and also society is going to crash because they won't let anyone forget about the events that occurred and they keep following people and stopping community events. Oh and I read somewhere that the dogs that aren't domesticated anymore means that when chaos happens it means everything is going to be dog eat dog. Every human will fight each other and it'll eventually become a hell on earth.
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