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[hr][/hr][size=110][b]FIREFIGHTER APPLICATION[/b][/center][/size][hr][/hr]
[size=85][divbox=black][color=white][b]I — APPLICANT INFORMATION[/b][/color][/divbox][/size]
A. [b]Full Name:[/b] Madelaine Wright.

B. [b]Date of Birth[/b]: 13/10/1997

C. [b]Gender[/b]: Female.

D. [b]Weight (lbs)[/b]: 125.25

E. [b]Height (ft' in'')[/b]: 5ft 4.96in

F. [b] E-mail Address:[/b] [email protected] [Discord ID: Maighdlin#9209]

G. [b] Domestic Address:[/b] 477 Deep Creek Avenue, Palomino Creek,

H. [b] Phone Number:[/b] 1776433

I. [b]Are you a citizen of the United States?[/b]: Yes.

J. [b]Do you possess a drivers license within the State of San Andreas?[/b]: Yes.

K. [b]Do you possess any form of a firearms license within the State of San Andreas?[/b]: No.

L. [b]Do you have any history of civil infractions (including traffic)?[/b]: Yes, just one.

M. [b]If you answered yes to the above, specify[/b]: Because I didn't see some intersection in Rodeo.

N. [b]Do you have any criminal convictions? If so, specify[/b]: No.

[size=85][divbox=black][color=white][b]II — APPLICANT BACKGROUND AND EDUCATION[/b][/color][/divbox][/size]
A. [b]Are you a High School Graduate, or do you possess a G.E.D? Where did you receive this education?[/b]: Answer

B. [b]Have you completed any form of education beyond the above? If so, specify[/b]: Answer

C. [b]Have you previously submitted an application for a position within the Los Santos Fire Department?[/b]: Answer

D. [b]Have you previously been employed by the Los Santos Fire Department?[/b]: Answer

E. [b]Have you previously been employed by any government agency? If so, specify[/b]: Answer

F. [b]List any previous employment[/b]:
[b]Nature of Employment:[/b] VICTIM CLUB.
[b]Name of Employer:[/b] Hank James.
[b]Duration of Employment[/b]: /MMM/YYYY - DD/MMM/YYYY[/list][/size][/list]
[size=85][divbox=black][color=white][b]III — APPLICANT STATEMENT[/b][/color][/divbox][/size]
A. [b]Fill in the following statement:[/b] I, Madelaine Wright, certify that the information provided in this application is factual at the time of submission. By submitting this application, I authorize the Los Santos Fire Department and any relevant employee authorized by them to conduct a thorough investigation on me, which may involve accessing relevant government records. I understand that should any information be deemed untruthful, I may face civil or criminal penalties. I also acknowledge that I have read all information provided to me and have put full effort into the submission and compilation of this application.
[size=85][divbox=black][color=white][b](( IV — OUT-OF-CHARACTER INFORMATION ))[/b][/color][/divbox][/size]
A. [b]Country[/b]: Chile.

B. [b]Timezone[/b]: UTC-3 / Latin America.

C. [b]Names of all LS-RP Forum Accounts[/b]: rosvgun

D. [b]Link to forum verification:[/b] [url=link]Verification[/url]

E. [b]Current character names and levels[/b]: [list]
[*] Madelaine Wright - Level 4.
[/list] F. [b]Past character names[/b]: [list]
[*] N/A
[/list] G. [b]Provide your unedited admin record for all characters[/b]: [list]
[*]Image Link 1
[/list] H. [b]Are you currently in an official faction? If yes, provide the name[/b]: N/A
I. [b]If you answered yes to the above, provide proof of Double Faction Permission[/b]: N/A
J. [b]List all official factions you have previously been in[/b]: [list]
[*] N/A
[/list] K. [b]Are you currently banned from any legal factions? If so, specify and explain:[/b]: No.
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Regards; Team

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