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“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, this is your MC speaking, Kwon Hoshi. I will serve as the MC of the night. I, on behalf of the newlyweds, would like to thank everyone, on this special February 27, who could make it to the wedding of our beloved sister and brother, our beloved friends, also our beloved fathers, Aditya and Nathnaia.”


“As you reach Thira 874 00, Greece, you may proceed with the souvenirs that is specially prepared by both Aditya and Nathania for their special day here!”


“To those of you who have take your souvenirs, please have a seat at your assigned seats because I will introduce the family members and closest friends of both side that helped me to make this ceremony be an extraordinary one!”


“First of all, let us all welcome the priest of the night also Nathania’s oldest brother, Mr. Dandi Dashkov!”


“Next, I would like to introduce Mr. Aidan, as part of Aditya’s family who will serve as Aditya's best man.”


“And Mr. Orion, one of the older brother of Nathania, who will serve as Nathania’s best man.”


“Next would be Mr. Nam Dohyon and Mr. Lee Hangyul as Aditya’s younger brother.”

@nnamdohyon @hagyoel

“Also the ball of sunshines, Kim Minju and Son Dongpyo as beloved sons of Aditya and Nathania.”

@dekminju @dgpyongie

“Last, the one who usually joking around, share the same happiness and grief labeled bestfriend of both side, Kim Yohan, Choi Byungchan and Lee Sejin.”

@kimryohan @biyunchan @petitseji


“As you wait for the ceremony to begin, please help yourselves with the delightful delicacies specifically ordered by Aditya and Nathania here!”


Let the ceremony begin.


“I shall welcome the priest of the night, Mr. Dandi, to walk to the altar first.”


He heading to the altar with a warm saluting smile upon the set of two, getting in between both with his book filled with vows in his arms. Stand there alone, waiting for the grooms.


“I shall welcome the man of the day, along with his best man, Mr. Aditya and Mr. Aidan to walk to the altar”


“I shall welcome the man of the day, along with his best man, Nathania and Mr. Orion to walk to the altar”

Orion stand up while grabing Nata’s arm and put his’s on his arm.

“Don’t be nervous, Nat, your hand trembling too much y’kno? Smile, smile!”


He nods multiple times before he takes a deep breathe while tightly tucked Rion’s arm, straightly walk to the altar along with @realdudanik by his side to approach where the priest and his soon to be husband’s standing.


He looking down to the book and the rings, smiling to both of them before he starts.

“Will you @seubngyoun @wooseoknya please, as an expression of your heart has joined together in love, hold each other hands and smiling while I stated the vows?”


“Today, we gathered in this blissful moment to celebrate @seubngyoun and @wooseoknya as they proclaim their love to one and another, to be a witness for their promise to always together through joy and sorrow of their life, and become one.”

“@seubngyoun, do you take @wooseoknya to be your wedded husband, to live forever in marriage, to promise to love him, comfort him, keep him for the better and the worse, in sickness and health, and be faithful only for him?”


“I, Aditya, taking Nathania as my wife, from this day forward, promise to love her, comfort her, keep her for the better and the worse, in sickness and health, until leave do us apart.”


“@wooseoknya do you take @seubngyoun to be your wedded husband, to live forever in marriage, to promise to love him, comfort him, and keep him for the better and the worse, in sickness and health, and be faithful only for him?”


“I, Nathania, taking Aditya as my husband, from this day forward, promise to love him, comfort him, keep him for the better and the worse, in sickness and health, until leave do us apart.”


“Now that we've heard them vowed to stay together with each other through their ups and downs, I hereby sealing their promises through their holy ring.”


He curves her lips back into a soft smile once he put the wedding ring to his finger as a sign of his promises in building a new life together. Then grabs his ring and puts it back before squishing his hand.


“May those rings will be blessed as the symbol of your union. Not only be reminded of this moment, but also the vows you two have made.”


“Congratulations! Now that the ring has been exchanged to one and another.”

“You may kiss each other.”


He just gives him a response by nodding her head multiple times yet feels beyond touched by his warmhearted words.
Returns his soft kiss while places his hand on his shoulder.

“That is the vows they have made to The God and being watched by all of their family and friend. I’m sure we all know it’s never easy to be in a relationship but, they made it. Congratulations!”
He continuous, “For the newlyweds you all may have a seat on the seat of honors”

He mentions to the best man to guide the newlyweds to their respective seat.


He looks at his card, “And now, we shall proceed to the speech part.”

“Please give your applause to Mr.Aidan as the spokesperson from Aditya!”



“Thank you Mr. Aidan for your wonderful speech! "The next should be loving speeches from Mr. Aditya and Nathania’s son and daughter. To the dearest Kim Minju and Son Dongpyo please come forward!”

@dekminju @dgpyongie

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. My name goes by Kim Minju, the oldest daughter of Ayah and Buna. Long story short, I’ve been knowing Ayah quite sooner than Buna, before both started knit a relationship. And that, made me witness ‘these and those’ stuffs occurred."

"So, Buna, you don’t have to worry about Ayah leaving your side for the second time because I know how much he loves you. Little bit Buna have to know, when you two no longer 'one' that time, Ayah be more coward than before by not having any courage to talk to you. You know what? Ayah being so alay and alayer, durjana and durjanaer, at group but act so cool at timeline ckckckckck malu maluin—"
Out of nowhere her voice become more serious this time.
"Mr. Aditya and Nathania. May both beautiful name represents the beautiful road that you both will be walking upon together. Keep holding onto each other to maintain whatever meant to went through, and have a jolly marriage life ahead! Last, be the cutest dumily and parents I ever have, please!”

Out of her embarrassment against the audiences’ light chuckles, she handed the mic to Ocan and look down to hold her laugh.


"Aw, so cute."

He grabs the mic then take a deep breath to release the nervousness that he currently feels.

“Hello, everyone! For those who don't know me, I am Son Dongpyo, or Ayah and Buna usually calls Ocan for short.”

“Ayah, Buna… time flies so fast, eh? This is the four months already for you two as a lover. If I wasn’t mistaken, Ayah and Buna have been faced hard days ever since tou two not officialy together, right? But, you guys made it till this day come. And starting from tonight, Ayah, you are no longer his boyfriend, but Buna’s husband, and Buna, you are also no longer his boyfriend, but Ayah's husband. I wish both of you could cherish each other presence way more better than the last 126 days before.”

“As a closing, happy wedding to my favorite people in the world! Me, Kak Esa, and Kak Ican love you! Anyway, please do NOT divide your love to o̶u̶r̶ ̶s̶o̶o̶n̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶b̶e̶ ̶l̶i̶t̶t̶l̶e̶ ̶s̶i̶s̶t̶e̶r̶ ̶o̶r̶ ̶b̶r̶o̶t̶h̶e̶r.”

“Hahahaha not that, love birds! Thank you for the heartfelt yet so cute speech, Ms.Minju and Mr. Dongpyo!”

He chuckles while looking the childs went down, “Pelan-pelan aja turunnya, adek adek, nanti jatuh” whispers to the beautiful one.

“Mereka gak sekecil itu. Hoshi”


"Okey, next. The last one come from Nathania’s best man, please come forward and lead the toast!"


He steps forward as his name was being called by the MC.

“ Good day, ladies and gentlemen. Firstly first, let me introduce myself for those who don’t know me yet. My name is Orion Febrian Devan, one of Nathania’s most handsome brother alive. Start from now on. Let’s just call him Nata."

"For me, no one was ever good enough for our precious, Nata. But then you came along, Mr. Aditya, since then, I know, a person who is good and fit for our Nata is actually exist. As Nata’s brother all I could tell is, through the years I have never seen Nata so happy as when she is with you."

"Last but not the least, If I did have one thing to ask, as you sit side by side through this roller coaster of life, remember to scream from the peaks, hold hands through the dips, laugh through the loop, and enjoy every twist and turn. Congratulations, Mr. Aditya and my little sister, Nathania Dashkov, on getting married. May God bless your marriage life with countless blessings and happiness!”

He smiles to the newlyweds and get his glass on hand, "Now, I’d like to ask everyone to stand and raise their glasses for a toast to the happiest couple! .. So here’s to love, laughter, and happily ever after.

He raised his glass to chest and radiated his eyes to all sides, smiled, and sipping the champagne.”


“Okay, since we have all of the spokesperson finished their speech already, we've finally come to the end of the ceremony. I am sure everyone's waiting for this: DINNER TIME! While the brides delivering the foods, @seubngyoun have something to say.”

“Just take as much as you want, If you need some tupperware(s) just take a look under your table” WKWKWKWKWKWKWK


“Thank you for everyone who has been patiently waiting until now, and I’m truly grateful for you for coming to Aditya and Nathania's wedding.”

“Sadly, this is the time where we say goodbye. Again, I’m so happy that we can spend February 27th together celebrating the wedding of @seubngyoun and @wooseoknya.”

“I wish the couple would be given everlasting happiness and love that never stops like a waterfall. Have a splendid night!”

“ Good day, ladies and gentlemen. Firstly first, let me introduce myself for those who don’t know me yet. My name is Orion Febrian Devan, one of the most handsome Nathania’s brother alive. Start from now on. Let’s just call him Nata. As Nata’s brother all I could say is Mr. Aditya don’t have to worry about Nata’s leaving your side for the second time because I know how much he loves you. You two have been faced hard days since day one together but, you guys made it till this day come. And starting from tonight, Mr. Aditya, you are no longer his boyfriend, but Nata's husband, and Nata, you are also no longer Mr. Aditya’s boyfriend, but Aditya's husband. I wish both of you could cherish each other presence way more better than the last 126 days before. Congratulations, Mr. Aditya and my little sister, Nathania Dashkov, on getting married. May God bless your m
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